today I have my first appointment

 on the journey towards cataract surgery.

The clinic is reasonably close to home, so yesterday I walked there to find out how long it would take and exactly where the clinic was in the building. 

Thirty minutes at an easy pace and when I walked in through the huge glass doors the clinic was right there on my left. 

The appointment is at 2pm, and I am told it will last an hour and a half, so I will leave home at 1pm, giving plenty of time to get there, cool off and fill out paperwork. 

After, I'll just wander on home again.😎


  1. Good luck - everybody I know who underwent this were sop happy with the results.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I'm not very nervous.

  2. I'm very glad I did it,too. They told me my first appointment was an hour and a half, too. It started with the first intake person at 9:00 am, and level after level up to the actual surgeon, after 1pm.
    However, he did a good job and I've benefited ever since.

    1. Boud; thank you. I've read good things from people who have had this done.

  3. Try not to walk through the big glass doors as broken glass can be injurious and bloody.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; the big glass doors slide open as you near them so there's nothing to worry about there.

  4. I suspect that they will not be happy at you walking home. That said, I have never heard of anyone who has had this surgery and not been very happy with the results.

    1. Elephan't Child; I have no other way to get home, but I will take it slow and careful.

  5. Replies
    1. hels; yes, I can't have both at once when living alone with a cat to care for.

  6. Replies
    1. jabblog; thank you. I rescued you from spam.

  7. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Hick had no problems with his cataract surgery. Just needed some storebought glasses (not a prescription) to read with for a couple months, and to remember to put in his eye drops on schedule.

    1. Val; I hope so too. I've been told I will still need reading glasses and I'm okay with that, but the eye drops worry me, I never seem to be able to do them without half the solution running down my face. In the critical first few days I will have a district nurse come and do them for me.

  8. You will not regret this. Best wishes.

    1. Joanne; thank you. It's been decided that I should have the eyelid surgery first, so that is booked for the end of the month. Cataract surgery will follow once the swelling and bruising is gone.

  9. Oh, you´re done already - hope all went well!
    I´m like you, I check places before, considering the time needed and the exact where....

    1. Iris; all did go well, eye drops that stung worse than onions to enlarge the pupils so she could see the back of the eyes. Many flashing lights and photos later, I was allowed to leave after paying of course. That part hurt the most. It's hard to see so many $$$ disappear so fast.

  10. Good luck and you will just love to be able to see much better.

    1. Margaret D; I am looking forward to seeing better.

  11. I'm glad you are on the road to get it done. It is hard to pay for it when we pay so much for insurance, too, it seems to cover less and less.


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