Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Elephant's Child and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. kiss 2. hope 3. grinned 4. dark 5. shock 


1. high 2. places 3. fiends 4. Friday 5. way

also including Charlotte's colour of the month: new start yellow

Here is my story:

His goodbye had been just a warm hug and a kiss, yet she dared to hope that things could be the way she thought. High on cloud nine, she grinned and walked back into the restaurant where her friends waited. “He wants me to stay, I’m sure of it,” she declared, then experienced a shock when her friends told her about his girlfriend. Tears fell onto the new start yellow tablecloth as she sobbed, “you fiends! I thought you were on my side!”

“We are,” they said, “we are trying to help you through this. You have to understand, he was doing his job as escort, taking you places, showing you the sights, just as he does every summer when tourists such as us come to the mountains. He was friendly and had no idea you thought it meant more.”

“But (gulp) but I was going to change my Friday flight and spend the weekend here to be with him.” They all sympathised but were firm in telling her that holiday crushes were normal, they’d all been through them at one time or another, but realized when they got home again that a crush was all it had been. “you’ll see once you are home again and there will be no need for dark thoughts, just happy memories.”


  1. How crushing for her! Holiday romances are the downfall of many a young person.

    1. jabblog; I'm imagining it was her first holiday and her first crush.

  2. Well told. I am so glad that she has good friends. And real friends.

    1. Elephant's Child; had to rescue you from spam. I'm glad she has good friends to guide her through this type of mistake, they are a little older and have learned for themselves.

  3. Change the fight anyway. Go for it!

    1. Mike; no, the girl is very young, having her first holiday away with friends from work instead of family. And the tourism escort does already have a serious girlfriend.

  4. You seldom fail to to surprise me, River.

  5. It's a hard lesson, best learned sooner than later.

    1. messymimi; definitely learned sooner and she has her friends to help with that.

  6. Nice story R. You always do a great job with the words provided.

    1. Margaret D; thank you. I rescued you from spam again.

  7. Lucky girl to have good friends - some have to learn the hard way.

    1. Charlotte; thank you. She is lucky to have workmates who are friends and will look out for her as she learns.

  8. Do I feel boring! I never had a holiday-crush!!!!

    1. Iris; I am boring too, I never had a holiday crush and never went on holidays either. If I had time off work I stayed home.

    2. You never went on holiday??? But you have so many wonderful destinations around you!

    3. We never could afford it. Hubby gambled away most of his money, so I was left with paying for everything we needed and four kids eat a lot.

    4. Hmpfgh... At least now you can travel a bit...

  9. Growing up is hard while on holiday. She will cherish these friends later, when she realizes the favor they did her in explaining the ways of the world.

    1. Val; yes she will and be glad they were there for her.


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