Sunday Selections #15

It's Sunday Selections time again.
The idea came from Kim at Frogpondsrock, who decided this was a great way to show off photos that had been stored and forgotten in her files.
Kim has invited us all to join her in this weekly meme.
All you need to do is dust off those old files, open them up and select a few random photos to post under the Sunday Selections title.
Once you've posted your photos, link back to Kim somewhere in your post, then go on over to frogpondsrock and add your name to the linky list.
Don't forget to have a look at what others have chosen for their Sunday Selections.

I usually do a theme, and this week I've chosen bugs.

The only ladybug seen in my yard for a full year.

A young praying mantis.

I like these cheeky little crickets.

This butterfly rested near my front door just long enough for me to take his picture.

I don't know what this bug is, but it has pretty markings.

Some type of bug eggs that I only noticed because they were sparkling in the sunlight.

Lastly; Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.


  1. Love them. Love your eye for detail, in this and many other posts. Thanks.

  2. I think I had that same unknown bug in my yard over the Summer and I was trying to photograph him and post a picture online to see if anyone could identify it. Unfortunately, my pictures didn't turn out as I am still struggling with the macro button. I envy your macro ability :)

  3. Thanks heaps River, you know I really like insects as well :) I wonder what those eggs are. I accidentally broke a spiders egg sac open when I was getting the wood in and the eggs were eight sided and hard and crystalline just like those little silicone beads that are in the sachets in vitamin bottles. I was sorry that I destroyed the egg sac :(

  4. Love the pics!
    You've reminded me I have photos to upload still in the camera, haven't seen ladybird bugs here for over 12 months, either.

  5. EC; thanks. I like trying for things that most people don't notice. (^_^)

    amandab; I see them every year, but I think they're seasonal because they're not around all the time.

    Kim; I knew you'd like this one. Sorry to hear about the egg sac. :(

    Jayne; I wonder where all the ladybirds are? Probably all down at Kim's. (^_^)

  6. You've chosen a great theme again. I'm particularly partial to creepy crawlies and a glimpse of their microscopic world. My favourite is the pretty ladybird. I bemoan the fact that there seems to be fewer ladybirds around. When I was a kid, our garden was full of them and I loved lying on my tummy and watching them on a summer's day. And now they are such a rarity and I miss them.

  7. I like your blog and have read a couple of posts today..thanks for popping in to mine. I am a follower now as well. Your header pic is it..liking your insect pics too!

  8. Marie; my favourite photo there is the tiny spider eating the fly. I spotted it while picking beans and hoped he'd stay there long enough for me to get the camera.

    Naturally Carol; I've had a peek at your blog today too. I like your work. The header pic is a googled image.

  9. Lady bird is so cute. I'm wondering if our ladybirds disappeared because of all the rain.

  10. Marita; I've no idea why ours disappeared, we've been in drought mode for several years and I thought that might be the reason.

  11. I love the theme. Very nicely done.

  12. Lovely bug mug shots River. I love the ladybird.
    I found a huge bug critter yesterday but I have no idea what it is.

  13. Timena; welcome to drifting, and thanks.

    Trish; I love how you write your name with the little hearts. Did you photograph the bug? You could post and and ask if anyone knows what it is.


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