Sunday Selections # 188

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in.
There are a couple of other participants too:
Jackie K at Working Through It
Gillie at The View from Here

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm continuing with some photos of my garden. 

my anemones were the first of the bulbs to start flowering.

I managed to capture the drops after watering.

opening up...

the first to fully open.

I was hoping this one would be a different colour.

the bluebells are looking strong, but no sign of flowers yet.

out in the garden the coprosmas have settled in well and begun to grow.

my very first daffodil.

the very first grape hyacinth has since been joined by at least a dozen more.

same with the starflowers, this pot now has plenty of stars in it. 
the newer photos must be still in the camera.

out in the garden again, a tiny grevillea flower, no more than an inch long.

and the tiny bush has many more buds waiting to open.

I thought I'd left it too late to plant hollyhock seeds, but they have all come up and will eventually be as tall as me.

the stocks have come up too, which really surprised me.

and the marigolds which were no surprise at all, these things will grow anywhere anytime.

the kangaroo paws have settled in well and started to bush up nicely.

and there are some new additions>>>

meet Roscoe the dog,

Rosie the cat,

and Harry and Henry, the roosters. They were going to be Harriet and Henrietta, but they're roosters not hens, so Harry and Henry it is. 

the frogs have found new homes up on the porch,

in the shade from the potplants.


  1. Beautiful! I can't even grow weeds, thankfully there are others like yourself who have the green thumb thing.

    Actually I think that green thumb thing is research, knowledge and patience. It is the last one that stops me.

  2. Lovin' the kitten and the puppy.

  3. Loving it. It is going so well - and your new additions are gorgeous too.

  4. Surprising how fast those arty little friends find their way into a happy garden. I remember how I cheered for the anemone after that awful winter last year; so hooray for yours, too.

  5. Garden going well everything coming up, it's so exciting.
    Roscoe the dog and Rosie the cat are so sweet and the hens are just wonderful.

  6. joeh; I'm a bit short on patience myself. Long on laziness though.

    Delores; they are so cute aren't they? Just about knee high.

    Elephant's Child; there's even more now, I bought something yesterday and placed it.

    Joanne; I was happy to see the anemone, finally some colour after months of green. I was hoping more would bloom at the same time, hoping for masses of colour but it seems that won't happen.

    Merle; I love the roosters too, I'll have to keep my eyes open for hens in a similar size.

  7. These are wonderful! I so love to see new growth in spring, and enjoy sharing in the joys of peoples' gardens in blogland. Does the heart good.

    Also love your new complement of fabulous garden friends.

  8. Vicki; I'm getting impatient to start planting more, but I need to wait and see how much space I'll have after these grow through the spring and summer.

  9. You're plants are coming along very well, River. I love your new additions not of the plant kind, also. They're great.

    Have a good week...cuddles to Angel. :)

  10. I've not had much to do with anemones and what a beautiful flower it is. I love the tin animals.

  11. Lee; I'm pleased that none have died on me, I must be doing something right!

    Andrew; I've planted anemones before, years ago in Glenfield, Sydney I think, they didn't grow. The animals add a little whimsy.

  12. You've done such a good job - it looks great. Love those little star flowers. I like the statues too, and the happy little frogs!

  13. Jackie K; I've had the happy frogs for years. I think next season the bulbs will go in the ground instead of in pots, they'll do better. The statues were a lucky find, at Woolies.


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