Wednesday's Words on a Friday

On Wednesdays, Delores, from Under The Porch Light, has a meme which she calls

“Words for Wednesday”.

She puts up a selection of six words which we then use in a short story, or a poem.

I’m hopeless at poetry so I always do a story.

It’s a fun challenge…why not join in?

This week's words are:

1. gracious
2. meander
3. glossy
4. avenge
5. stardust
6. marauder

(or we can write a poem and tell what we would like to be if we had no restrictions. 
We all know I don't do poetry) 

Here is my story:

Hand in hand they meandered along the path bordering the babbling brook. Wizard Brenton's glossy black hair shone in the moonlight as he leaned closer to hear her quiet words.
Ever the gracious lady, Witch Naomi walked ramrod straight, never once bowing under the pressure that drove her.

"We shall avenge her Brenton", Naomi was saying, "Karin deserves nothing less. That evil marauder, that Black Wizard Eric,  who crossed into this realm by following the ghosts through the gap in the Nevernever clouds, has made a mistake, finally. He unknowingly allowed himself to be seen as he stole her soul. Now I know his name and face, I can build the spell that will send him back."

"What is it you need from me?", asked Brenton.

"Ten grams of stardust," replied Naomi, "but it must be from a black star, to be mixed with the five grams of gunpowder I got from Wizard Chee. This mixture shall be dissolved in Holy water, then added to the glass of scotch and soda he likes to drink every night."

"Ah, I see," said Brenton, "the Holy water will release Karin's soul as the gunpowder explodes Eric's physical form and the stardust will fly him back to the Hell he came from. I like it."


  1. I can't believe this is the first time I've ever read one of your Wednesday stories. You had me at the first word and I'm not easily "grabbed".

  2. I can't believe this is the first time I've ever read one of your Wednesday stories. You had me at the first word and I'm not easily "grabbed".

  3. Sounds like the perfect spell to me will it make the Scotch taste?

  4. Love it. I have a big weakness for magic, and really like that spell.

  5. I've just poured my scotch and sida drown the drain! Now I'll have to have a rum and coke instead!! ;)

    Happy Friday to you and Angel, River. :)

  6. Should be served in our government every now and again just to keep them honest.

  7. lotta joy; scroll back through my Fridays and read some more. Or not, your choice. Let me know what you think.

    Delores; the ingredients will be magicked to have no taste.

    Elephant's Child; I'd like to know where this came from so I could write more.

    Lee; you wasted some perfectly good scotch then, I haven't sent any magic your way. Not to your scotch bottle anyway...

    Merle; that's a great idea!

  8. Brenton isn't the only one who likes it... I do, too! Great job. The magical aspect to this story is a little different from the things you've written in the past, but you really did a terrific job with it. As always, a wonderful use of the words.

  9. Susan; thank you. I just wish I knew which section of my brain sent it to me, so I could tap in and write more.


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