Whimsical Wednesday # 177

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.

I do like a nice hot bath......


  1. It looks something different. I too like to have a hot bath...

  2. Weekend-Windup; welcome to drifting. there's nothing like a hot bath...

  3. Eeeeuw. Not chicks I would be happy to share my bath (or bath water) with.
    Funny though.

  4. I think chicken stir fry is on the menu tonight. I will order a change as it suddenly does not appeal to me now.

  5. No noodles in that chicken soup! :)

  6. Elephant's Child; I've been wondering how many more comments I might have got if I'd titled this 'naked chicks in a hot tub' instead of Whimsical Wednesday. Yes, Angel. Usually I give him food and go right back to bed, but I was wide awake for some reason so stayed up.

    Andrew; pizza here. No chicken of any kind.

    Lee; no anything, just chicks. Or should I say chooks.

    1. Do you know I never use the word "chook/s" other than here in explaining my lack of using the word.
      As children we weren't allowed to use it; and I've never used the word since.

      "Dunny" is another word we were banned from using...and I never use it, either. Mum and Nana both thought the two words were "coarse", that was the reason why...and old habits (or lessons) die hard. :)

  7. Lee; I'm not as cultured as some (*~*)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There's nothing cultured about it, River. I'm not "cultured"...it was just one of those things we were taught as kids.

      We weren't "flash". I came from a very basic household...raised by two hard-working woman; with little money to spare. We four - Mum, Nana, my brother Graham and I - lived in a two-bedroom rented flat. So, no...there was nothing fancy about us...or about me. There still isn't. :)

  8. Well it's not looking like chicken today. ;-)


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