a request for all manufacturers of pre-packaged coleslaw mixes

How about shredding the stuff a little more finely? or a lot. 

I'm tired of picking out huge chunks of cabbage leaf or stem, celery thick enough to be car tyres, and having to slice them myself. 
I wouldn't mind if there were less stems and more leaf either.

And while I'm complaining, why do so many shreds have to be several inches long?  I have a normal, human mouth. I am not part horse.

And where are the smaller sized packs for elderly women living alone?


  1. You know the answer. Sharpen your knife and start making your own. Actually, the economics of it are interesting. If you bought all the ingredients for coleslaw, you might end up throwing quite a bit of unused out, but I still think it would be cheaper than the premade product.

    1. Andrew; I used to make my own when all the kids were still at home, so the solution of course is to make it again and deliver to the kids.But without dressing so they can add their own choice.

  2. Same problem with most anything processed now days, there is very little human touch or pride in our products, it's all about the bottom line and not about what they are putting out. I guarantee you that the people who are selling these products do not eat them.

    1. Jimmy; I think you are right. If they had to eat it I'm sure the stuff would be better prepared than it is now.

  3. I know it's more work but yeah....it's best to make your own. I know you'll throw some of the ingredients out but it will still cost less and be fresh and just to your liking. I rarely buy anything premade at the grocery store. I may not like cooking but it still beats whats on offer out there.

    1. only slightly confused; making my own again is definitely the answer. Salads are just about the only thing I buy pre-made and I get the packets without dressing so I can add my own favourite brand.

  4. I'd rather make my own. There is always some of the cabbage left over to put in soup or to fry.

    1. Sharon; so we're all agreed I should stop being such a slacker and make my own coleslaw. And left over cabbage can be frozen if I'm only going to add it to soups. Unless I eat coleslaw every day for a fortnight...

  5. You nailed it with needing smaller packs of everything for those living alone. I gripe every time I have to buy a large can of beets when most every other veggie comes in small cans also. Shall we organize?

    1. Arkansas Patti; is organising going to make much difference? Will "they" listen?
      I'll have to go back to making my own, at least it will be fresher.

  6. I hear you. And agree. I mostly make my own for just those reasons.

    1. Elephant's Child; yes, and that's what I'm going to have to do, just like I used to. Before I got so lazy.

  7. All excellent points! Not everything is cheaper to make from scratch but cabbage lasts a long time if you wrap it loosely so it can breathe in the crisper. I hate shredding it or slicing it finely SO much I just buy pre-made now - dressing and all. I waste less and spend less.

    1. jenny_o; I've never bought salad already dressed, that stuff is just awful. i have bought packets of leaves with packet of dressing included and I throw away the dressing packets and use my favourite brand, but over the last year, I've noticed the coleslaw is just not cut finely enough. it's barely cut at all, huge chunks of stems seems to be the main ingredient in some brands.


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