Wednesday's Words on a Friday

 The original Words for Wednesday meme was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Granny Annie and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. onerous
2. meme
3. steadfast
4. yawp
5. copacetic
6. savant


1. akimbo
2. wreak
3. haphazard
4. advise
5. tare
6. vindicate

Here is my story:
Somewhat unwillingly, I have taken on the onerous responsibility of helping out my neighbour, Pat.
Unwillingly, because responsibility really isn't my favourite thing. I don't mind helping out occasionally, but long term, day to day, is wreaking havoc with the slothfulness I've become accustomed to.

My days, once run by tight routines, are now haphazard, napping in the afternoons, staying up too late, sleeping in each morning.
The tare of being responsible, being needed, is no longer comfortable upon my shoulders, as it was when I had small children depending on me.

But there is no one else, apart from the nursing home staff, so I shall remain steadfast with my word, I will not let her down. Once the staff advise me that definitely she may come home, or not, I will revise my options, at the moment things are a bit up in the air. 

Some days she'll phone me and say "they've said I can come home as soon as a new shower is installed". Other days, she tells me there is sad news, she isn't going to be allowed to come home, which has me stomping about, arms akimbo, wondering out loud "how much longer am I going to have to trot across the yard, twice a day and feed that budgie." With a yawp or two thrown in for good measure, a combination of gulp at the thought of more responsibility and yawn because I'm tired of it all.

I'm no savant when it comes to animal care, this is why I have a cat, who is largely independent, needing only food and water laid out. A bird needs a bit more. He likes to toss his seed husks around, and of course he poops all day, so the cage needs cleaning, paper on the bottom tray must be changed. Mitchell, the budgie, is a happy little bird, whistling and chirping, but he isn't quite used to me yet, my voice is not the same as his Mum's and of course I don't sit there all day to keep him company. He has a little radio, tuned to a music station, so he isn't too lonely, Pat always turned it on for him if she was going to be away from home during the day, so now I do that for him.  

Curtailing my freedom is vindicated, knowing Pat can concentrate on getting as well as possible without having to worry about her beloved Mitchell. Being mentally challenged, (although Pat herself says the word retarded),  she isn't really capable of caring for herself anymore. But with a home care team and Meals on Wheels, perhaps she will manage. 

Or perhaps they will decide she needs to stay in the home. 
All in all, things are pretty copacetic around here. 
So far.


  1. A great story...all true I know....and a terrific use of the words. I do hope your neighbour can come home soon. She has no family I take it. Poor soul. Thank goodness she has you.

    1. only slightly confused; she has one sister, the only one of four girls that isn't retarded, but she lives in Darwin and has a job, so can't get down here very often. Today I heard Pat is likely to be in the nursing home for a couple of months instead of just two weeks. I have a suspicion they're going to just keep dragging things out until she gets used to the idea of staying there. But I could be wrong. She seems to be happy enough, joining in with daily activities.

  2. Who likes to be Responsible...I guess we all have sometime.

    1. peppylady(Dora); I didn't mind when I was younger with children and then when I was working, but now I'm retired and I've got used to being lazy.

  3. You're a good neighbor, River!!

    1. fishducky; thank you. I've helped a few others once in a while too.

  4. Well written!

    I'm getting too old for that kind of responsibility myself. If she can't come back, what will she have you do with Mitchell?

    1. Sharon; I don't know about Mitchell, I can't have him here, there just isn't anywhere to put a cage and I certainly don't want seeds and feathers all over. I have heard that one other lady a while ago, was allowed to have her pet bird, so I'll wait a few days/weeks and then ask the nursing staff about it.

  5. Your caring will come back ten fold. Great use of tough words.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm hoping my caring will come back to me when I'm in need of care.

  6. River, I want you to know that I am really impressed with your tale of your actual daily activities since you began taking care of Pats place and Mitchell, your use of the words is great, and I am happy to know a person like you who will step in and help someone in need like you are doing.

    1. Jimmy; thank you. Wait until you hear what else I do during the week. Two of my kids who live clear across town, get helped twice a week as well. Two buses there, two buses home, twice a week. I need a nap.

  7. This is lovely - and speaks volumes for who you are. You have taken on more than you wanted to, and remain steadfast. Thank you for being yourself.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. Remaining steadfast is a must, I saw promises broken too many times when I was growing up and again with my children's father.

  8. The words served you well this week, River. It's good to let out your feelings...rather than bottle them up inside.

    Is it possible for you to bring Mitchell to your place in the interim? If that is possible, it would make that part a bit easier for you.

    It's a big responsibility you've taken on, and I empathise. Your routines have been set asunder...and let's be you have been here...we all have our own routines, and when they get put of whack it is difficult, and somewhat annoying. Frustrations do set in...understandably.

    At the moment my landlords have gone over to the UK once again...and once again, I'm looking after their chickens and cat. I'm never asked to do it...they take it for granted that I will....and that annoys the whatsits out of me!! :)

    You're good neighbour and good person, River.

    I let out a loud "yawp" after I left the farmyard animals this I was driving along the road on my way to the supermarket! I won't go into the reasons why...but it had to do with what I've written above! :)

    Have a good weekend... :)

    1. Lee; when it comes to bottling things up, I'm a champion, but probably not the gold medallist. There is absolutely no room here for Mitchel. If there was and I knew it was temporary, I would bring him over. And hope that Lola didn't sample him for breakfast.
      On your behalf, I'm annoyed at your landlords, assuming instead of asking you to care for their chickens is a little rude. Do you at least get to eat the eggs?

  9. Caring for others is a wonderful thing! Bravo on using all the words in such a good tale! I put one together too on my blog.

    1. Karen S; thank you, I'll pop over and see what you've read. Caring for others may be a wonderful thing, but it's also tiring and boy do I need a nap right now.

  10. The true measure of a person's character is not in doing the things she wants to do, but in doing the things she believes to be right, whether she wants to do them or not. Bless you for helping your neighbor. I hope your neighbor is allowed to have her bird with her there at the home.

    Great use of the words, too! It was a kinda tough list, but you made them work for you.

    1. Susan; thank you. If it is decided Pat should remain in the home, I also hope she can have her bird. She's had him for quite some time and will miss him if he has to go to someone else.

  11. I hope when I am "Pat" I will be blessed to have a "River" nearby to help me. It may be burdensome for you but you know what goes around comes around and you will be rewarded. Great use of this week's words:-)

    1. Granny Annie; I hope you have a river" when you need on too. It's more or less burdensome depending on what mood I wake up in, some days everything is easy and just flows along, other days it's grumble, grumble, grumble, all day long.


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