Sunday Selections # 344

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

EC is going to be a little late with her post today, but she has a good reason. 

Let's begin mine with a little story: I went to visit a neighbour, knocked on her door, then stepped backwards to give her room to push open the screen door. I hadn't noticed that her tiny porch isn't very wide, so when I stepped back, I stepped onto air...and crash landed in her potplants. Three burly neighbours all rushed out to help me up. 
I collected a couple of bruises>>>

upper thigh where the leg meets the bum, a trusted friend took this for me. I don't drop my trackie daks for just anyone (*~*) The dark centre has a wide shadow, you can just make it out spreading down the thigh.

Bruise number two, on the shin, below the knee, just off centre. Less spectacularly coloured, but more painful being closer to the bone. But only hurts when I touch it.

Here we have Lola,

doing what she does best. Sleep, wake up and move,

and go right back to sleep.
Last Wednesday, I stretched out on the couch under the sunny window and had a nap. Lola stretched out on my belly and had a nap. We were so warm and cosy, it was lovely.

this is Mitchell, the budgie I am looking after for neighbour Pat. This is the only clear photo I could get, he wasn't at all happy with a camera hiding my face. He bobbed and weaved and spun around until I put it down.

a pretty cloud in the sky across town,

more clouds to the east, looking a bit black right over the hills there.

I spotted a stand of lilies where I'm pretty sure there were none the last time I walked that way.

not my favourite flower, but they are elegant,

with a bright colour contrast.

here is a younger bloom only just a bit open,

with the stamen not so bright yet.

and to finish>>

another one of those lovely purple flowers.


  1. Holy cow, River! Are you sure nothing is chipped? You could have broken your hip! Those bruises are going to get really pretty. How bad do they hurt?

    Lovely lilies! The purple flowers aren't too shabby either.

    How is your neighbor? Any chance she will be going home? Are you still going over to take care of Mitchell, or have you brought him to your house? He must have been lonely.

    Please, take care of yourself!

    1. Sharon; absolutely nothing is broken, and the bruises don't hurt anymore. I think they're as pretty as they're going to get, they're already beginning to fade.
      Neighbour is in good spirits, I don't go to see her every day; Mitchell is in his own home, I don't have space for him here and I don't want birdseed and feathers all over either. He is missing Pat, but he has a small radio going all day long so he hears music and talking. I think he's better off in familiar surroundings.

  2. I quite dislike lilies, but Laura doesn't, so we have one. It's lovely to have a cat.

    1. Joanne; I don't like lilies either, luckily I'm not allergic to this kind. Cats are good company and Lola and I are getting to know each other.

  3. Boy, River. You must have gotten a hell of a shock falling like that! In a split second and wham. You've got some bruising there. You were very lucky you didn't break anything.

    Perhaps Mitchell was wishing you had a movie camera, and was doing a bit of break dancing for you! :)

    Lola certainly looks happy in her new home; she's a lucky girl.

    Have yourself a great week...and no more falling into pot plants!!! Cuddles to the lovely Lola. :)

    1. I meant to add...the lilies are beautiful. :)

    2. Lee; it was a bit of a shock being upright and then flailing with my bum stuck in a pot of cyclamen, feet in the air.
      I don't think Mitchel knows what a camera is, he seemed a bit frightened not being able to see my face.
      Cuddles right back to your two furbabies.

  4. Oh, poor you. Are you yet of the age where you 'take a fall'? It is weird how some animals and birds just don't like having their photos taken.

    1. Andrew; not yet of that age I don't think, is there such an age? I think people who fall are more prone to doing so at any age, and those of us who are more stable just don't. Unless they step backwards off a porch they expected to be wider.

  5. ouch!!!!!!!!

    And you didn't even get any frequent flyer miles for that. Jeez

    1. Author R.Mac Wheeler; I think I'd have to fall further to get frequent flyer points. This was just a couple of feet, the porch itself isn't very high and neither am I.

  6. Those bruises are spectacular. I am glad that you didn't break anything.
    Love Lola, and the garden magic. And the clouds.

    1. Elephant's Child; I seem to be unbreakable. I rarely fall, but when I do I'm always okay, most of the time don't even get bruised. the clouds were pretty that day and I would have taken more photos but the bus arrived.

  7. Wow River, I am glad you are ok. :)

  8. The bruises are impressive! Then, in contrast, we have peaceful Lola and vibrant Mitchell, the ominous clouds then elegant lilies. I like the order you've arranged your photos.

    1. Val; the photo placement worked out nicely didn't it? the bruises are a little less impressive now, beginning to fade already, with yellow and purple where the black was.

  9. Replies
    1. peppylady (Dora) they were ouchie for a day or two, but I can't feel them now.

  10. Ouch - falling is no fun at all; aside from the bruises and scrapes we can get, a person can get quite shook up emotionally. Get some extra rest while you are healing.

    Love the pictures of Lola and Mitchell, and those lilies are so crisp and perfect. Lilies aren't one of my favourite plants either, but that is a beautiful specimen.

    Take care.

    1. jenny_o; falling isn't so bad, it's the landing that does the damage. I think if I rested more I'd be dead, I resemble a sloth already, and that's before I fell.
      I'm glad I got the lilies while they were fresh, a good bout of rain followed by sun usually has them turning brown pretty quickly.
      I'd take more pictures of Lola, but she doesn't seem to like it, maybe when she is more used to me and my camera.

  11. That first bruise is like nothing I have ever seen before. Yikes! Glad you had neighbors to rush to your aid. My neighbors are all too far from me to see anything going wrong.

    1. Granny Annie; it's a crosshatch pattern, I think I must have landed, bounced and landed again on the edges of a square pot.

  12. Falling bad, upright better!!

  13. Lola is lovely she is just like my Leeroy who likes to sleep on hips. tummy and lap trouble is she digs the claw in if you move a inch that is ti remind you she has't finished her nap.
    Poor you falls are nasty and you always suffer for a week or two.

    1. Merle; Lola hasn't yet dug in her claws, usually she's happy enough to get up when I do. Oddly enough, my neck hurt more than the bruises, I think because I held it rigid so my head wouldn't bounce off the column behind the pots.

  14. I'm so sorry but my first thought was that your butt looks like a hashtag. #ouch


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