Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Granny Annie and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. arbitrary
2. diminution
3. plausible
4. immense
5. temporize
6. pandemonium


1. garble
2. elan
3. perfunctory
4. bifurcate
5. vermicular
6. toothsome

Here is my story:

 The cloud of gloom hanging over me is immense, no bifurcation to allow even a single sunbeam to touch down and light so much as a glimmer of the happiness I used to carry so lightly. 
This diminution of my previously perceived stature is great and my loss weighs heavily. 
The cloud roils above, sinks lower as tears threaten. 
I blink them back furiously. 
I will not cry. 
My thoughts garble as pandemonium reigns supreme in my mind, but temporarily, as arbitrary numbness takes over. 
My actions now are perfunctory as with fake, yet plausible elan, I continue through the days. 
Nights are harder as the vermicular tunnel of despair opens in front of me. 
A whisper from nowhere encourages me to take that first step inside. 
"Give in" it says. "Sink with me." 
But I dare not. 
This sea of impending doom can not take me. I shall not temporize. I will not allow it. 
Another whisper, softer, "tears can heal". 
My head hurts as my heart breaks and finally, in the darkness of my room, I allow the tears to fall. 
I cry until I sleep.


  1. That is very good! Very dark though, and the emotion of it comes through.

    1. Sharon; thank you. I don't know where it came from, the words just drew it out of me.

  2. Fight the darkness......always fight the darkness.

    1. only slightly confused; I never used to have any darkness to fight, but now I'm constantly aware of its shadow.

  3. I could feel that pain, and those tears...

    1. Elephant's Child; I felt it as I wrote it and cried then too.

  4. I can relate to this...I imagine many can.

    Written with much emotion, River...well done.

    1. Lee; thank you, I imagine this is how depression must feel and I'm so sorry for those that have it all the time.

  5. Wow, I could actually feel the emotion in this one, well done River.

    1. Jimmy; I don't usually write emotion as deep as this, but those words dragged it out.

  6. Oooh, nice. These words held more promise than the toughies from last week, and you definitely delivered with them. Nice job!

    1. Susan; thank you. I wasn't sure what I was writing when I started, I'm pleased it turned out okay.

  7. I definitely felt the sadness and tears. You have such a way of expressing emotion in your writing. Great job on the last of the September words.

    1. Granny Annie; thank you for the challenges. I'm not used to working so hard to write something...but this one just poured itself onto the page.

  8. Wow, lots of emotion and pain in this well crafted one. Hope the sun is once again shining.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the sun comes and goes as it always has, but I did feel better getting that off my chest. I hadn't realised this weight was in me.


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