trouble in Paradise?

Today, Loonie Louie is making a racket upstairs, I think he's drunk and I think he's celebrating the fact Pat may not come home. I think he heard me saying to another neighbour P, that no one is sure when she is coming home or even if she is coming home.
He's been playing very loud music, which seems a little odd when he's continually said he doesn't like loud noises. Then there was some very loud door knocking and a bit of a fight in the upstairs hallway, yelling and scuffling. I got so scared I called the police and locked my doors. 
Still waiting for the police to show at this point. 4:50pm and things seem to have quietened down. but I'm so shaky inside I can barely type.

Yesterday Loonie was bashing his floor above my kitchen, because I'd made a bit of noise prepping and cooking dinner, then again when I washed and dried my dishes. An hour after that there was a lot of yelling, I think at nobody in particular, then he moved on to swearing, F*** you, over and over, then it seemed as if he turned on all his taps at once, there was lots of water running anyway.
Later in the night he was shouting again, something about "I will fight you" and other words I couldn't make out.

I'm really unhappy with this whole situation. I don't want to move, I don't want to have to move. But what will I do when he finally gets fed up with Lola galloping around in the early morning hours? That seems to be her preferred exercise time...
I don't know what to do.


  1. Why can't they get rid of him- this is not ok for you.

    1. Suzie; welcome to drifting. I've been told that he "may" be moved soon, he is on a probational lease, but that's all I know. Also he's had a lot of people running around getting things done that HE wants, he has a long list of complaints etc, but if he is getting moved, all I can say is those wheels are moving oh-so-slowly.

  2. Oh River. I am so sorry, and really, really hope you don't have to move.
    I hope by now the police have visited and things have calmed down.

    1. Elephant's Child; things quietened down about ten minutes after I phoned, but the police didn't arrive for quite a while. I had my doors locked and lights off pretending to be not home, but I saw him outside being spoken to and then one officer went upstairs and spoke to the neighbour Loonie had been fighting with. Things have been quiet since the police left, but I'm still uneasy. I know I'm going to feel this way for some time, just like after the last incident.

  3. You have my sympathy. But you like living where you are, yes? You need to become a nagger at the housing department and encourage other residents to do the same. And when you call them, lay it on thick about how distressed you are and can't cope with his behaviour. You generally have a peaceful place to live, but he is spoiling everyone's lives and making you ill with stress and worry. Yes, it is easy to write, but truly, isn't it the truth?

    1. Andrew and fishducky; it is excellent advice and others are complaining too, not just me, well they were when water and power was being switched off on purpose, but now there's just me and the other upstairs couple who are expecting a baby soon. I can go to the housing office and put in a formal complaint, adding that I've had to call the police, but until I've had to do that several times it's likely not much will be done. I had a friend in a similar situation a few years ago and instead of the troublemakers getting moved out, housing moved my friend. I don't want that to happen to me. I like it here, even though my place is small, I won't get any place as big anywhere else.
      There's also the chance that Loony has already been moved on several times and this is the only place left to put him. There are so many here with mental disturbances or drug/alcohol problems, it's like this is the place to put them.

  4. The squeaky wheel gets the grease as the old saying need to become a complaining pain in the butt if you want to get rid of him.

    1. only slightly confused; squeaky wheels do get the oil, but what if "they" decide I'm the one who should be moved? I don't want that, nowhere else owned by Housing SA is as nice as here.

  5. I would contact them and say either he moves or I move, which one works for you? I am not staying here in my home which is meant to be my safe place and my shelter when this person is behaving like this, it is upsetting and stressful. :(

    1. Snoskred; I can't move, I don't want to move. The only way I'm going is if I win the Lotto and can buy a house of my own. I don't get stressed easily, but Loony is managing to make me uneasy too often. Most of the time I can ignore him and just get on with my life, then when I think things are settling down, something like this happens. Having been spoken to by Police, he'll probably be quiet for a long while.

  6. I ache for you. Having a horrible neighbor is very painful. I believe he will be gone soon. Surely others are complaining as well. Bless you in this ordeal.

    1. Granny Annie; the housing officer who does weekly visits at the weekly barbecues has said in the past that Loony is getting moved soon. But how soon is soon? And then one day Jon told me he doesn't have any say in who gets moved out, all he can do is forward all our complaints.

  7. I agree with everyone else, you do not feel safe in your own home and it is strictly due to him, you should contact whomever is in charge, the person you pay your rent to, the groundskeeper, anyone who has anything to do with your building and tell them that he scares you and everyone else, document his outbursts and cursing, and call the police over and over if need be.

    We had a particularly loud neighbor once who seemed to stay up and keep us awake at night, Cindy got his landlords phone number and every time this neighbor woke us she would call him, he would tell her to call the police and she would say "You rented to this person and thought it Ok for him to live next to me, so if I'm up then you're up".

    You have to let the people who rented to him know how miserable of a neighbor he is, your safety is a concern here and they need to be constantly reminded and made to know how uncomfortable you are.

    1. Jimmy; I live in public housing, owned by Housing SA, so my landlord is the government, or whoever is in charge of the Department for Public Housing. This is a block of about 110 units, many of whom are very nice people, with a fair sized sprinkling of those with problems such as drugs, alcohol, mental health conditions. Until Police have been involved several times, not much seems to be able to be done.
      Being fair, as I try to be, this upstairs neighbour doesn't do this type of carry-on very often, but he's made it known that he doesn't like this or that and has also been heard to say he'll be happy when the two old biddies downstairs get moved out. That's me and Pat, who is currently in a nursing home for respite care, so of course he's happy that she isn't there. But he seems to be a "sour" person generally and it's getting hard to stay happy.

  8. So sorry that you have to live like this. Keep your door locked. The worst I've ever had was a noisy neighbor, and just that was miserable enough. The fear of violence is not okay. You shouldn't be a prisoner in you own home. I hope you can get rid of this guy as soon as possible.

    1. Val; I keep my doors locked when I'm home, but I'm not a prisoner. I refuse to be a prisoner. I come and go as I always did, but I've noticed I do try too hard to not make any noise and that's not right. So today I have my radio playing, not loud, but it is on.

  9. Yes, contact management. Have your neighbors contact management. Call the police. Visualize him gone. And, let Lola run after midnight. That's the best time to be rousing up management and security for an unruly tenant.

    1. Joanne; it's public housing, management closes its offices at 5pm and being government employees they don't work weekends either. For minor disturbances, I ignore what I can, but when he fights with a neighbour in the hallway, I call the police.
      I spoke to Lola last night and asked her if she could please keep her running around to a minimum, keep it quiet, and she did! She did a lot of running around before we even went to bed, then at 3am, she only galloped around a couple of times. And so far, Loony hasn't said or done anything about the noise she makes, so probably he is sound asleep at those hours.

  10. It is hard to imagine what a nightmare you are having to deal with. What a scary man he is. Jimmy has a good idea as do the others. You need to keep bugging who ever is in charge. Organizing the other neighbors also may hurry things along. I am so sorry you are going through this.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm thankful it isn't a daily nightmare, but wen he does have an episode, it's bad enough to unnerve me for quite a while. Many of the neighbours are far enough away they can't hear him, these blocks of flats have garden spaces between them, it's a pretty area, well thought out. I'm seeing the weekly visiting officer this morning to tell him about yesterday.

  11. This is awful, I am so sorry for you, unhinged people are very scary. My only thought is that you should record his rants to play for police but make sure they keep your complaint as anonymous.

    1. joeh; I have no means of recording anything, but I will call the police anytime I feel unsafe enough to do so, and they are very good about keeping things anonymous.

  12. Sorry to hear this. It sounds like you have a good understanding of when to report him and when to leave things alone to avoid having it come back on you. But I hope eventually it gets sorted out and you get a decent neighbour.

  13. jenny_o; if he keeps himself inside his flat and only makes a racket to annoy me, I can usually ignore it. But when he attacks a neighbour, physically, for no reason other than he is drunk and doesn't like the neighbour because he is an immigrant, then I feel a call to the police is necessary.


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