Sunday Selections # 411 on a Saturday

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mists of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

this week we are looking at some of the city's Christmas decorations:

In Victoria Square, this is the city tree, which looks a bit dull, but much better when the lights are on at night. I no longer go out after dark, so I don't have a photo of the lights.

the base of the tree has a train running around it, I took a closer shot but it came out too blurry because of course the train is moving.

there are giant candy canes

painted elves singing

and dancing with Santa

in between the painted panels is this elf who doesn't look at all happy about being squished in there
the tree has giant red bows

and shiny baubles, the criss-crossed webbing holds the tiny lights and everything else into place

the star at the top of the tree

across the side road, the petunia bed has gifts and a snowman

here's a closer look at that jolly fellow, lucky for us, he isn't real snow, he'd melt in no time at all in our summer .

a bit further down the road, the Town Hall has Christmas "trees" made from pots of petunias

moving on to the busy Rundle Mall area:

at the entrances to the mall and repeated along its length are these tree displays. To my eyes and the eyes of several people I've spoken too, these are quite uninspiring, until they are lit at night. To most of us, the entire mall seems to be lacking in Christmas glitz.

thank heavens for Christmas lights

Santa is everywhere

in various poses

but this vintage Santa in the Adelaide Arcade, reading his naughty and nice list, will always be my favourite.

the David Jones department store always has very nice Christmas decorations. This is our 'up-market' store and has really wonderful Christmas ornaments that I didn't go to see this year, because I always want to buy all of them and where would I put them? 

soldiers are everywhere, this one is in the historic Adelaide Arcade and let me tell you, if you want to see gorgeous things at Christmas, this is the place to go. Forget the main Rundle Mall but remember this is only my opinion.

this white coated soldier is about ten feet tall

and this trio is much smaller, the big one being about my height, but equally nice to look at. 

I'm not sure if these Heralders are new, I don't recall seeing them before. These two are on the Rundle Mall side of this building which goes through the block to the Grenfell Street side where there are two more Heralders.

one lonely reindeer

within the Mall, the Peter Alexander store (mostly sleepwear) has a lovely window display with the models wearing Mickey Mouse Christmas clothing

and Elf slippers! I love these and will find out how much they are next time I go to the city because I'd love to have a pair.

Tune in tomorrow for another Sunday Selections Christmas show.


  1. Some people and towns just go nuts decorating at Christmas, not me...but I'm glad that others it!

    1. joeh; some people do go overboard. My city had a competition for the best lights display and it was won b a family in the southern suburbs who had his entire house and yard lit u very decoratively. I think the prize will just about cover his electricity bill for all those lights.

  2. Wow. This post puts my city (and my Sunday Selections) to shame.

    1. Elephant's Child; Canberra doesn't decorate? I have part two tomorrow....

  3. Replies
    1. Susan Kane; I have seen this at night but several years ago, I'm too old and can't run away fast enough, to be out alone after dark these days. The big tree does look pretty once the sun has gone down.

  4. What a great selection of photos. We are rather disadvantaged with our Christmas displays compared to the darkness of the northern hemisphere. I agree with you, vintage santa is great. Melbourne could really do with some more classy decoration. Some of it is looking very old, tired and faded.

    1. Andrew; some of our things are quite old, the Santas in particular are the same ones I've been seeing since we moved back here. Many of the Rundle Mall shops have done much more than a token. Remember the animated department store windows from when we were children? None of that happening now. but it does all still look Christmassy enough, just bland compared to the northern hemisphere. More to come tomorrow.

  5. It's such a happy time when all the decorations are up.

    1. messymimi; they do put smiles on people's faces that's for sure. I remember years ago when more houses decorated their yards, now there's just a few red bows on driveway gates. Possibly there's more out in the 'burbs. More to see here tomorrow.

  6. Ooh! I like the moving train. And the white-coated soldier. The elf slippers are the best, though! I hope you get some, but don't trip while admiring them as you walk!

    1. Val; I'm not likely to do much walking in elf slippers, I'll be admiring them while cranked back in my version of the OPC. I haven't even been back to the city to find out how much the slippers cost.

  7. Goodness Christmas for you is like all those I spent in Florida. We have to use our imaginations that it is cold and snowy.
    Now if I can just forget about that poor sad elf.

    1. Arkansas Patti; come back tomorrow for more photos, they will take your mind off that sad elf.

  8. Christmas definitely is around the corner! I attended a Christmas party last night...and it was thoroughly enjoyable.

    It will be the only one I'll be attending. The rest of the time I will be spending it just me and my two furry best mates. :)

    It's been far too hot here these past few days to get overly-enthusiastic about much; but hopefully, if the predictions prove will be cooler on Christmas Day...around 28C.

    1. Lee; remember when you were 4-5-6 and Christmas took forever to arrive? Now it seems to be just around the corner all the time. I'm having lunch with a niece and her family tomorrow, then lunch with my children the next day and that's it for me. Christmas day here is supposed to get to 35C and on Thursday we're looking at 41C. Yikes!

  9. Thanks for the tour. I REALLY enjoyed it!!

  10. What a wonderful selection of Christmas photographs.

    All the best Jan


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