this is the most adorable ad I've seen all year

I saw this first at jenny_o's blog, and have watched it several times since, even sending the link to family members who don't read blogs.

it's only a minute and a bit, but if it doesn't make your eyes teary and your heart happy, then you're probably dead. Or asleep at the keyboard.


  1. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    my heart swelled

    (I have to say I'm a teddy bear collector...have you noticed my one boy is named Taedy Baer?)

    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; I'm a teddy lover too, yet surprisingly I don't have one. All my 'stuffies' are baby chimpanzees or gorillas.
      I hadn't noticed the Taedy Baer name.

  2. It is a wonderful ad isn't it? One of the very few.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'll be watching this one off and on for a very long time.

  3. The proof is here...tangible proof! I'm neither dead nor am I asleep at the keyboard...or wheel....tears have filled my eyes.

    1. Lee; did they overflow and trickle down your cheeks like mine did? I bet they did :)

  4. Very sweet. I love the bear getting stuck into the Norgen Vaaz.

    1. Andrew; that's a good bit, but I love the end too, where the bear's arm comes around to hug the little girl.

  5. Ah, such a poignant commercial! The story without words and full of feeling is the best kind.

    The ice cream bit was heart-rending.

    1. Susan Kane; it is a very emotional video, I cry through most of it.

  6. Thanks River, tears are rolling. I called in to say the mince pies, are the best ever, were since there's not a crumb left. All crumbs went into vanilla ice-cream, one of my more brilliant ideas.

    1. Jah Teh; tears are falling here again, now that I've watched it again. I usually just lick up the crumbs with my finger, but ice cream is a nice idea. How are you coping? Has the dust settled enough to see through?

  7. Replies
    1. messymimi; some people are just so clever! I think more than a few people will remember this and teddy bear sales will go up next Christmas.

  8. That's a good one! When The Pony was six, he had a little bear he took everywhere. Even buckled it into the seat of the car when he got out at school, and told me to take it inside with me when I got to my building. It came off a big Valentine heart full of candy. The Pony had shyly offered, "I can take care of your bear for you, if you want." It turned out to be one of his most precious toys.

  9. Val; my oldest had a baby bunny that went everywhere with her from 6 months to about school age. She had a couple of teddies, but they just sat on her bed, while the bunny had the adventures. The Pony sounds like a very sweet six year old. Is he still?

  10. I keep watching this video, too, River. There is just something so sweet about it; the tears are good ones so it doesn't hurt to cry them again and again. The part that makes me smile, though, is seeing the bear reading and wearing the rainbow wig with unicorn horn :D

  11. jenny_o; the whole video makes me smile while the tears fall. Good tears, like you said. It makes my heart happy.

  12. That was just too sweet. Loved that teddy bear paw at the end.


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