Sunday Selections # 110

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing, but she may be absent for a week or two.

today we look at the meerkats amongst the gnomes on top of the old kitchen cabinet and in other areas:

this is that panorama of gnomes and meerkats, in case you forgot

meerkat number one, a surfer is standing on Lola's scratching post

number two is a golfer, on top of the tree trunk section which has two of the fairy doors

number three is a boxer, clearly new to the sport since he doesn't yet have cauliflower ears

number four amongst the gnomes on the cabinet is a pilot

and number five, hiding at the back, dressed as a gnome.
Moving inside now:

I have my witch house back up on the dvd cabinets, along with the skull and the "Day of the Dead" statues I bought from Aldi when they were on sale. 

you'll notice the skull, which I have named Raymond Reddington, has lost his hat. It's still packed away somewhere with many other bits and pieces that were on the old cabinet, but won't fit here, it's too narrow.

the Witch House is missing a few witches, they are only stuck in place with Blu-Tac and easily fall off when knocked

here they are lying around in a drawer, waiting for me to purchase a hot-glue gun and fix them all on properly.


  1. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; you have and they do. I love them.

  2. I love your collections!!

  3. Echoing fishducky. And I have never seen meerkat ornaments before.

    1. Elephant's Child; the meerkats are almost new. They were on sale in Woolies about three months ago.

  4. Have you read the glue gun warning? "You only think this gun does everything!"

    1. Joanne; no I haven't read that. I'll be sure to read the instructions carefully when I get one.

  5. Meerkats are interesting creatures, i like your collection a lot.

    1. messymimi; I like meerkats, our zoo here has baby ones that are just beginning to come out of the burrows and follow the parents around. I'm impressed by their guardian system, one meerkat that stands up high and keeps watch in all directions for hours at a time until another takes over in a different high spot.

  6. Cute ornaments...happy little chappies.

    I'm looking forward to Red's return in 2019. He's been gone too long! :)

    Have yourself a wonderful week, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...when she wakes, of course! :)

    1. Lee; they are all happy chappies, I can't seem to find any grumpy gnomes. I agree Red has been gone far too long and I'm wondering what Liz has in store for him. You remember how season 5 ended?

    2. Yes, I certainly do, River. Season 6 promises to be very interesting, indeed...if what was revealed at Season 5's ending is anything to go by. :)

  7. Hi River,

    Oh my, marvellous meerkats! They use puppet meerkats in an ad campaign over here in the UK. Nice photos, River.

    Have a lovely week ahead, my kind friend.


    1. Klahanie; so lovely to see you here :)
      We've had meerkats in ads here too, but I don't know if they were puppets or just trained real animals. They advertised insurance. You have a lovely week too.

  8. Replies
    1. Margaret-whiteangel; thank you, I like them a lot.

  9. Really good photos and the boxer appeals to me. A skull called Raymond.......hmmm.

    1. Andrew; Raymond Reddington, from the tv series The Blacklist.

  10. Replies
    1. Val; they'll be fine. As soon as all the Christmas-New Year hullabaloo is over I'll get them properly glued on.

  11. I really like your gnomes, but I LOVE the meerkats! They are sooooo adorable. You have a wonderful sense of whimsy. :)

    1. Susan; I have a soft spot for adorable things.

  12. If you lived closer I'd glue gun everything for you in two shakes of a lamb's tail, River :)

    Love the meerkats! Such fun.

  13. Love the little orange punching gloves.

  14. I've never seen meerkats like these! How adorable, and sometimes creepy, but cute especially among the gnomes... I think I'll try a Sunday Selections post!

  15. I've finished my post and it will go live on Sunday! Merry Holidays!


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