Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. controlled
2. strolled
3. belongings
4. shook
5. leather
6. reminded


1. pedal
2. black
3. digs
4. sheepdog
5. sample
6. routine

here is my story: part three, (including the unused word from last week, moose but excluding this week's pedal which I just couldn't get in there.)

Laurence and Maxine arrived quite quickly after hearing the news and right behind them was a white Crime Scene van and another police vehicle.

Maxine came bustling into the kitchen, ”Oh Eleanor, you poor dear, how are you feeling? Is this an awful shock?” “I’m fine Maxine,” said Eleanor. “Just surprised and wondering who that is out there and of course what happened.” “The police will take care of everything dear, there’s probably nothing else for you to do but keep out of their way,” said Maxine. “And maybe make them all cups of tea in a little while.”

Laurence and Harry had followed the Crime Scene techs to the site and were watching the carefully controlled movements as the team began to dig and brush at the dirt surrounding something plastic that Harry had noticed sticking up from the bottom of the hole. Once it was brushed clean and bagged they could all see it was an entrance token for a place called The Merry Moose. No one in the yard had ever heard of such a place.

They strolled over to the side of the yard where a table had been set up for documenting all the evidence bags, and shook hands with a young technician, Jack, who appeared to be high school age, though he professed to being thirty five. He indicated several bags of dirt that had been directly under the skeleton and said they may contain traces of blood and bodily fluids, adding that all family members may also be asked to provide samples in case the victim was a relative and also to rule them out should there be any blood trace from whoever perpetrated the crime.

Laurence mentioned it appeared to be a hanging, so there shouldn’t be any blood, whereupon Jack reminded them not everything is as it appears and there may have been some sort of scuffle beforehand, perhaps a fight with broken skin on knuckles that would bleed. “You’re right of course,” said Harry. “I watch enough TV that I should have remembered that.” He picked up a larger bag that now held the partly rotted black leather shoe that had been on the skeleton. “Do you think they’ll find the other shoe?” he wondered. “It can’t be too far away surely.’

“What are all these other bits in bags?” asked Laurence, noticing Maxine and Eleanor watching from the window. Jack replied, ”They appear to be some of the victims belongings, things that would have fallen from his pockets as the fabric rotted. You can see there are several coins. We’re hoping to find some kind of identification, like a driver’s licence. I hope you don’t mind that we will be here for quite a while.”

“Not at all,” said Harry. “You do what you have to and take all the time you need. It’s actually quite exciting and the techs down there with their little brushes remind me of the archaeology digs I’ve visited in the past.”

“Thank you sir,” said Jack. “It’s all routine work for us, but if we don’t need to be hurrying, we’re more likely to uncover something useful. This Merry Moose tag, for example. It’s an unusual piece and finding someone who knows about The Merry Moose could lead to other clues. In the meantime, could I trouble you for a bucket of water for my dog? His name is Shadow,” Jack pointed to where a sheepdog was sitting near the white van, keeping out of the way as he had been trained to do.


  1. Good story, I'm going to wait for next installment with anticipation.

    1. Uglemor; thank you. I hope to have the next installment next week.

  2. When is the next chapter?

  3. Definitely intriguing. And the investigators will be glad that they can take their time and don't have to put pedal to the metal.

  4. Nicely done - maybe others many not agree but I find highlighting or capitalizing the words takes me out of the story. It may be just a personal quirk?
    I can hardly wait for next installment :)


    1. Wisewebwoman; I do agree, I just do it so that others can see which of the words I used. I think I'll change that now though.

  5. This sounds like there will be another chapter - Yes?

    1. Grace; I hope so, I'm working on it for next week.

  6. Your story is progressing brilliantly, River! Red would be proud of you! :)

    A great read; the use of the words is imaginative. I look forward to the next chapter, as I am sure others are, too!

    1. Lee; thank you. If Red decides to let me know, I'll be grateful. And happy.

  7. Hmm, did someone get a little too friendly at the Merry Moose and end up with his neck in a noose? Great story, i am anxious for the next chapter.

    1. messymimi; I haven't quite figured out how The Merry Moose fits into this yet.

  8. You have done a fine job writing this and it's interesting each week...thank you.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; thank you. next chapter next week. I hope.

  9. Whoever it was, probably had it coming in retaliation for a crime he or she had committed . the leather shoe indicates male and as messymimi said messed up at the merry moose and topped by a noose.

    1. Vest; I know who I want the victim to be, and I need to find out how to work things that way.

  10. I am intrigued by the Merry Moose. Was it a hangout for ne'er-do-wells? Did it every have anything to do with an actual moose? Was moose on the menu? Maybe a person nicknamed "Moose?" I'm sure you will work it out. Looking forward to the next installment!

  11. Val; not a hangout, more of a pub-restaurant, no moose on the menu though, it's set here in Australia in a fictional area.

  12. You're on a roll, girl! Another fine installment for your ongoing story. :)


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