Sunday Selections # 409

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mists of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Today we're continuing with my back porch gnomes:

here we see another small gnome house in front of a "tree trunk" section, again on fake grass.

the doors are stuck on with "Blu-Tac" I'm pretty sure you all know what that is, fairly strongly adhesive, yet easily removed used widely throughout Australia for putting up posters in kids rooms etc
The slide is bought separately and I thought it would be great if the gnomes could step out and slide down instead of using steps.

door number two and slide

door number three, which is on a different tree trunk. All of these doors were only $2 each, with the slides being $1.50

a tiny mushroom house, I need to find a tiny fairy for this one.

further around the porch on top of my old kitchen cabinet is this mini "Tiki Hut" set, which came complete with:

a tiny gnome in a swinging chair, (which doesn't swing very well but that's okay) and the tiny table with an umbrella and a drink on it

to the left of the Tiki Hut is an arch (sold separately to use wherever you wish) and this mill wheel in a pond surrounded by rocks. There's no actual water of course, but the base of the pond is blue.

on top of yet another cupboard is a larger tree with a bluebird and set to one side two rabbits, although only one is visible.

here is a panoramic view of all the gnomes on the Tiki Hut cabinet.
We'll take a closer look at the meerkats amongst them next week.


  1. It's Gnome World at your house!!

    1. fishducky; gnome heaven. I may have gone overboard a bit, Lola seems to be avoiding the back porch now.

  2. Love your creativity. I am sure there are some stories to be told in those scenes...

    1. Elephant's Child; I hadn't thought about stories.

  3. You have a big collection and it all looks great.
    I have one of those doors in my garden but it was 4 time the price and broke on the way home but I repaired it and repainted.
    The slide are fun for the gnomes to leave home but hard work going going in the front door when they arrive home, but all good fun.

    1. Merle; there are even more gnomes inside. I think I'll have to stop buying, there is no more room. These tiny doors came well packaged in styrofoam and cardboard.

  4. A fantasy, fanciful area to brighten your every day. :)

    I hope you have a good week ahead, River...cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. Keep cool. :)

    1. Lee; this area does bring a smile to my face, but Lola doesn't seem to like it. She won't go out there anymore.

  5. Ladybug sighting! Oh, gosh, now I want a gnome slide. I never even knew they existed.

    1. Val; there are ladybugs on almost everything. I stuck on some extras, but they have fallen off and are now creeping across the fake grass instead. The slides are actually called fairy slides, that's what it said on the boxes anyway.

  6. Your collection is wonderful. When we moved, my husband insisted we leave the gnomes to fend on their own.

    But, now I have two: Star Trek Capt. Picard and Worf. Maybe my daughter would give me more.

    1. Susan Kane; that's so sad to leave the gnomes behind. I hope their new family is kind to them. I've never seen Star Trek gnomes, but a hardware store near me has Star Wars gnomes. I want the Yoda but he's big and pricey.

  7. Wonderful gnome homes! Although since, unlike fairies, they have no wings, i see how they get out of the house down the slide, but how do they get up? One of the secrets of the gnome realm, no doubt.

    1. messymimi; I hadn't thought about how the gnomes get up to their doors, perhaps I should call them fairy doors, they are tiny enough.

  8. Many doors, many slides, no gnome waiting. Love the Ladybug on the toadstool.

    1. Andrew; I love the ladybugs on everything. I thought about putting a tiny gnome at the top of a slide, but there isn't enough room, the ledge is very narrow.

  9. I can see that as a fairy town. I even thought of doing up a snow man town.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); a snowman town would be wonderful :)

  10. Those homes are so cool that it is easy to think when you are not looking, real gnomes move in, pull off their shoes and throw their feet up on a foot stool.

    1. Arkansas Patti; maybe they do, when we're sleeping.


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