Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. miasma
2. powerhouse
3. shiver
4. foolish
5. plumber
6. twenties


1. foyer
2. palms
3. intricately
4. monastic
5. courtyard
6. sprawled

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

let the creativity begin!


  1. His business card read: "Pete the Plumber: Professional, affordable and we always leave the seat down”.

    Still in his twenties, the powerhouse that was Pete had intricately laid out plans for his future. Today (and for a few years to come) he dealt with nasty miasmas from backed up cisterns, and shivered in early morning starts to 'repair what your husband fixed'.

    Polite friends told him he was foolish leading a monastic lifestyle 'in the prime of your life'. Less polite friends said much the same - but more forcefully.

    He ignored them all.
    He could see it now. An avenue of palms leading to a palatial mansion on the hill. A marble foyer would give glimpses of the sunny courtyard out the back. The sunny courtyard that a semi-retired Pete would be sprawled in - directing his underlings to do the same hard and smelly work he did now. And he wouldn't be at all surprised if some of tomorrow's underlings were today's critical friends.

    1. Terrific, EC....I love it...and it brought a smile to my face.

      It looks like we both knew the same plumber! lol

      Honestly...I'd not read your tale before I wrote my own about Pete, the plumber! lol

      Great minds.... :)

    2. Elephant's Child; what a great story and I can see it happening not too far in his future with the prices plumbers charge these days.

    3. EC, I loved your story!!

    4. Oh, yes. They laugh now, but he who laughs last laughs loudest.

    5. What a great story EC, wonderfully done!


    6. I would guess plumber do ok there. They do ok here.
      No age plumber was mention in my story I forgot the word twenty

    7. He sounds like a foreseeing guy that plumber. Good story.

  2. Hi River,

    Wow and what an awesome response by our dear friend, Sue. Wish I had the energy to do this.

    Anyway, I have taken the liberty of sharing your post on one of those social um, "notworking" sites aka Twitter.



    1. klahanie; on twitter? I don't suppose I'll get many responses here from there and I don't have a twitter account, but thank you anyway.

  3. My Thinking Cap was placed on my head...and this is what it helped me create...

    "The imposing white mansion, surrounded by seemingly out of place PALMS,still SPRAWLED selfishly over the once well-manicured grounds. Its appearance sent a SHIVER down her spine.

    Many years before, when she was in her early TWENTIES, she left the stifling, noxious atmosphere that permeated the place like a thick MIASMA of putrid decomposing matter, promising she would never return to the place and the MONASTIC regimented lifestyle in which she’d been raised.

    But return she had.

    Standing in the INTRICATELY designed mosaic-tiled FOYER she glanced to her left. The indoor COURTYARD and swimming pool remained. It was obvious both had been neglected for many years.

    It was there, when she was a little girl, she’d befriended Pete, the young PLUMBER hired by her parents to assist in the maintenance of the large property. Pete, unlike her family didn’t treat her as if she were a FOOLISH ignorant child - like she was nothing. He treated her with respect and kindness. He was always generous with his smiles.

    Pete had told her myriad stories of the world outside the inhibiting, oppressive walls of the cold, passionless mansion – of wonders she never knew existed. Pete was a POWERHOUSE of knowledge and energy. His stories had a cognitive impact upon her inquisitive, imaginative young mind.

    They motivated her to dream, to plan, to be positive...to be free."

    1. Lee: It seems that all plumbers are called Pete. I hope that her freedom continues. A sad AND a hopeful tale. Great use of the prompts.

    2. Lee; another great story. I'd like to hear more about what she did while away and why she has now returned.

    3. I have no idea what she got up to while she was a way, River...or why she returned. My Thinking Cap blew off in the wind! :)

    4. Let's hope she made a great life for herself. She seems like the type.

    5. Well done, my plumber is nameless, LOL


    6. I should of had my thinking cap on much tighter.
      I forgot twenties

    7. I hope next weeks Words will make you pull your thinking cap all the way down to your ears, so that you can find the middle and an end to this story inside it :)

  4. What a great idea! I love prompts.

    1. Lisa; welcome to drifting. Do you think you might join us in a little story writing?

    2. Lisa I hope you take a chance I join us on this prompt and even if I forgot one of words

    3. peppylady (Dora) forgetting words is okay, it's not necessary to use all of them if your story doesn't need them.

  5. I liked both of these flash fictions takes...

    1. Lisa; they are great efforts aren't they? my own story will appear on this blog on Friday.

  6. Good words, Saw the word shiver at it reminded me of my husband a few days ago - he's got the flue and has been in bed for a couple of days, now week as a kitten :)

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; so sorry to hear he has the flu, hope you don't catch it. Being weak as a kitten is no fun especially this close to Christmas.

  7. My take is on my blog. Another series of great (and challenging this week!) words.


    1. Wisewebwoman; I'll check in after I read all the comments here.

  8. I did get a story written...https://personality-insights-demo.ng.bluemix.net/

    1. peppylady (Dora); I'll pop in to read it shortly

  9. I know it's not Wednesday any more, a deadline came in my way. I'll be returning shortly (after a Christmas shopong spree) to read all your stories as a well earned relaxation. Mine also contain a plumber, but only as a passer-by .

    1. Uglemor; the stories don't have to be written on the Wednesdays, whenever you have time is fine.

  10. Hello River and all... I have done only one of these before but as the sleep fairy is not visiting I found your list and had a go. Loved both Lee's and EC's story - nicely told ladies... here's mine.

    Ella felt herself SHIVER with excited anticipation when she drew up to the mansion being advertised as a house! How could this be, that she.. a mere girl in her TWENTIES could afford to buy such a dwelling that SPRAWLED across the block of land from one side to the other – it was huge!

    She stepped from her car, walked past the PALMS that heralded the COURTYARD entry and rang the doorbell. The real estate agent – a POWERHOUSE of a woman called Ms. Ackers answered the door… she look perplexed “Ella you’re early” Ella blushed feeling a bit FOOLISH at her eagerness to view the home, anxious to see more as the FOYER indicated a Bali theme with the INTRICATELY defined carvings on the doors – nothing that screamed MONASTIC though… it was beautifully rendered. “Unfortunately I cannot show you through the house” Mrs Ackers continued .. Ella felt her stomach do a dive ‘Oh nooo she thought, someone has already put in an offer’ “The house is in a bit of a state – the whole back section of the house is flooded! The hot water system burst a pipe overnight and the PLUMBER is knee deep in a MIASMA of soggy plaster trying to find where the actual leak is as the water has been running for hours. With no one living here it was only discovered when I came for our inspection. I am afraid I will have to withdraw the house from the market as this will be a major insurance claim with all the damage and repairs required”

    Not wanting to look either too relieved or too eager, Ella composed herself “Mrs Ackers, as long as the repairs are carried out I am still interested in the property. Will you give me first option when it is back on the market?” “Of course Ella, you will have the first viewing once the house is reinstated to sound condition, I will inform you when the repairs are to take place and we will go from there”

    Ella hadn’t seen much more than the FOYER but her instincts told her she had found her future home, she quickly took some happy snaps of the exterior as she left her head full of plans for the future.

    1. Ellie B: Thank you. I really enjoyed your take on the prompts and hope that Ella will be happy in her new home. And that the repairs are swift.

    2. Elle B; welcome to drifting and thank you for your wonderful story. I hope the plumber manages to find the leak and repairs aren't too extensive.

  11. A strange way of buying a house, but many a good decision was made this way. I hope Ella will be happy in her future home.


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