Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. hair
2. dissolve
3. concertina
4. candlesticks
5. ribbons
6. causeway


1. wizard
2. bonfire
3. unload
4. beams
5. discarded
6. chocolate

bonus phrase (copied from a book I was reading):

"as much character as a cereal box"

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

let the creativity begin!


  1. Replies
    1. messymimi; it was very peaceful. I'll pop over tomorrow.

  2. Happy Holidays to you & your kitty!!

    1. fishducky; happy holidays to you and your family too.

  3. Thanks, River, this was just what I needed after Christmas celebrations with our big family. Here's my next installment
    Merry Christmass to you all.

    1. Uglemor; I'll be right over as soon as I finish reading the comments here.

  4. 'Hit the Road, Jack and don't you come back...'

    Jack's New Year resolution was honesty, and he was making the most of the opportunity to unload some of the things he had always thought.

    'Your mother says that she is a very stable genius. She has more hair than wit.'
    'And you are NOT a cooking wizard. There is a reason most of your food is discarded. Your 'special' dinner has about as much character as a cereal box. I suspect the box has more flavour and nutrients as well. A simple meal (even just a few squares of chocolate), outdoors basking in the sun beams and listening to bird song would be much more to my taste.'
    'And, while I am at it, decorating the table with a snowy white tablecloth, brightly coloured ribbons and silver candlesticks changes nothing.
    You can dissolve into tears all you like. THAT won't improve the flavour of your cooking either. I suspect an organ-grinder's monkey playing the concertina could do better.'

    Jack knew that he had set a bonfire to his relationship, but he simply didn't care. Whistling he headed out the door. The road (and a myriad causeways) beckoned him on...

    1. Oh, what a story. Did you have too many bland Christmas dinners?

    2. Uglemor: It is all fiction. Though a friend of the family when I was growing up claimed to be a gourmet cook and I DID find her meals boring.

    3. Good story, EC.

      That meal sounds like it would cause anyone go go his/her own way! :)

    4. I think Jack overdid it a bit dumping all that at once. But if he really wants out of that relationship then probably better to get it all over with in a hurry. I do feel a bit sorry for her though.

    5. Sound like Jack need to set some lines in the sand.
      Coffee is on

    6. Jack may regret burning all of his bridges someday.

    7. Wow, what an exit from Jack! Great story!


  5. I hope everyone is enjoying a relaxed, happy Christmas.

    "The gale-force winds the previous day caused the old barbed fence that had, for many years blocked off the CAUSEWAY, collapse more like a CONCERTINA than dominoes.

    Fortunately, the calmer, cooler weather predicted for the holiday had arrived as if on cue. The RIBBONS strung from the verandah BEAMS were barely moving.

    “Come on, you lot! It’s time to help me UNLOAD the firewood for the BONFIFE! Get off your butts! Put down that CHOCOLATE! Leave some for later!“ Fred shouted good-humouredly to his two sons and daughter.

    “And tie your HAIR back off your face, Katie!”

    “Okay, Dad! No need to get your nappy in a knot! You know I’m a WIZARD at building fires!” Patrick replied, as he DISCARDED a chocolate wrapper into the nearby bin.

    In his exuberance, he knocked the CANDLESTICKS off the table. His unbridled enthusiasm caused his sibling to DISSOLVE into laughter.

    Nothing ever changes – Patrick had always been clumsy!"

    1. Cooler weather? Jealous thoughts.
      As a truly clumsy person I feel for Patrick. And my siblings always laugh at me too.

    2. Lee; leave some chocolate for later? Unheard of around here. I hope the candlesticks didn't hold lit candles. Sounds like a typical happy Aussie family.

    3. One big, happy family. could have been us, every family holds at least one clumsy sibling ;)

    4. Ah, family. So much fun to be together at the holidays.

    5. I like the thought of the ribbons strung along the veranda. Good family story.


  6. Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day..

  7. My story is posted over at my blog...https://peppylady.blogspot.com/2018/12/wednesday-number-twenty-four.html

  8. My story is at my blog. I needed to get out of my head so I very much enjoyed this wonderful distraction.



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