Sunday Selections #411

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mists of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

continuing from yesterday, more of the city's Christmas decorations:

in the City Cross arcade, which dissects the block both ways forming a +, these lights are my favourites, there are three of them hanging from the upper level and if I had $$ and space, I'd have one in my front entrance

here we are on the upper level looking across two of the lights/baubles fixtures

another tree within the David Jones building, also with a train around the base

and now we are in the historic Adelaide Arcade, my favourite Christmas area. These are two vintage style stuffed Santas, not in his usual red suit, the white one appears to be a nightshirt. They are up high and the heads appear to be missing, but they are there, just tilted back.

the swag hanging above the Santas is beautiful enough, but how about that ceiling! I love it. Maybe not everybody does, but that's okay.

a little further along the Adelaide Arcade, which runs from Rundle Mall through to Grenfell Street is this upper level, you can probably see the balcony surrounding it, and the raised ceiling with skylights. I think this is the best Arcade in South Australia. The white globe lights are there all year round, not just for Christmas.

In a display case we have Mickey Mouse,

The Queen of Hearts

the Cheshire Cat,

Minnie Mouse,

and these three men, sitting in front of what appears to be a bathtub.
 "Rub-a-Dub-Dub, Three-Men-In-a -Tub?"
 I'm guessing these are ornaments for sale in one of the stores and I know someone who would love to have them under the tree on Christmas morning.  They are all Disney characters.

another vintage style stuffed Santa

a set of "nesting Santas", a little blurry, sorry about that

a fabulous ceramic tree, this and the nesting Santas are part of the display in the Wig Shop windows

another nesting Santa, I believe these are the Mamushka style?

and one more with another pretty little tree

I forgot to get a close-up of this Santa in a glass case, the case is filled with a type of gel-liquid with glittery bubbles or similar floating in it.

here is a red one with an Elf, these may be musical boxes, I'm not sure

I love this black one surrounded by pretty pastel cakes, all ceramic or perhaps bisque?

here's a close-up of the Santa, he's wearing an apron, this box is quite large about 10-12 inches high.

another large one, not in a glass case this time, Santa handing a gift to a young boy

Who wouldn't love to buy these and fill their home with Christmas each December?

Fairy Houses, technically not "Christmas", but excellent Christmas gifts

back in Rundle Mall, my favourite busker is wearing a different outfit

the Telstra Shop, (our national phone company is Telstra) has chosen simplicity for its window display

some of the wreaths in the David Jones store

and finally, this tiny lit up tree, again from the Wig Shop window display

Now for an announcement: I may or may not do Sunday Selections until February, it will depend on whether or not I have time and photos.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!



  1. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; Merry Christmas to you too.

  2. Wow, wow and wow.
    Thank you (and Adelaide).

  3. So pretty! Thank you for sharing, Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!!

  5. Those hanging lights are spectacular. Don't know where I'd put them but I'd try.
    What wonderful decorations.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I love them, but there sure isn't room for anything like that here at home, although I might try a mini version next year.

  6. A lovely display of Christmas decorations, River.

    I have no decorations...and have no desire to put any up (and then have to take them down. It seems pointless just for me. I used to put them up...but gave up doing so a few years ago).

    It's been far too hot to even move a little finger! The heat has been horrendous, and it's really knocking me for a sixer. Sucking every ounce of energy out of me.

    Best wishes for your Christmas spent with your loved ones, River...enjoy...stay cool...relax. And special cuddles from me to the lovely Lady Lola...and special miaows to her from Remy and Shama. Take good care. :)

    1. Lee; I have very little decoration, a felt tree and two felt snowmen on the table by the front door and a couple of Christmas themed snowglobes. That's it. Usually I put a few things on the window sill, but Lola has claimed that space.

  7. Adelaide and especially the arcade has done you proud this year. The clock cases? with Christmas themes are very nice.

    1. Andrew; the clock cases are gorgeous. Adelaide Arcade often has the prettiest things apart from David Jones department store.

  8. Hi River,

    What a marvellous, magical display. Those photos have helped reinforce that I really should get off the computer and put up my Christmas decorations!

    Oh, by the way, a close friend of mine recently told me she has some relatives who live in Adelaide.

    A peaceful Christmas and a positive 2019 to you and your loved ones.


    1. klahanie; it is all marvellous, more so because it is only for a few weeks. I hope 2019 is a good year for you.

  9. Alice in wonderland brings the child out in me.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora) a lot of things bring out the child in me. I think more people need to let their inner child loose a bit more often. They'd be happier I think.

  10. All those pretty decorations are just wonderful.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family..

  11. Margaret-whiteangel; aren't they just beautiful? And I want to buy ALL of them. I can't of course...

  12. Everything looks so wonderful, lovely decorations.
    Merry Christmas Wishes

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; Merry Christmas to you too.

  13. Really beautiful decorations! I love others' decorations, especially if there are lights involved, but haven't done anything but a tree for years now. It's usually too cold in December and I have poor circulation in my fingers, so I don't like decorating outside. And then you have to take it all back down after Christmas, when it's usually even colder :)

    Thanks for sharing all these pictures with us. Wishing you a peaceful, joyous holiday, River!

  14. jenny_o; I love looking at other's decorations too, much easier than doing my own. Have a great holiday season.

  15. such magical decorations, thanks for posting all of them; no decorations for us; our new cat would make havoc of everything and anything at all.


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