alas, alack, woe is me

You may or may not recall, last year, at the end of October I think, I had a week of heavy nosebleeds. one or two per day. I got pretty tired very quickly. 

Saw my doctor, who sent me to an ENT specialist, who had a good look, prescribed a cream to help with healing, then a spray to ease any nasal congestion from hayfever. 
He said to come back if the nose begins the bleeding again.

Guess what?

The nose is once again doing its Niagara Falls imitations, so tomorrow I have an appointment with the ENT again and cauterisation will be discussed. 
I'm told by a reliable source that it might possibly be done right there in his consulting rooms and a person cannot blow his or her nose for two weeks afterwards. 

Well, I managed the not-blowing-the-nose part when I had to use the healing cream last year, so I know that's doable. 
Whether or not the cauterisation goes ahead, I'll let you all know tomorrow after I get home.


  1. My mother had those Niagra like bleeds and they first packed her nose with a hundred miles of gauze. When they pulled it out it started to gush again (how surprising). So they cauterized it and she had no more problems.
    Good luck.

    1. Elephant's Child; I squeeze my nose shut to try and stop the flow, but it takes twenty minutes of squeezing! Then I'll roll tiny strips of tissue and stuff one up the worst nostril, just so I can get up and do things. It does the trick as I seem to be able to clot still. So far, it hasn't been as bad as last year, but I don't want it to get that way, so I'm hoping for cauterisation. When this happens, I start to get afraid of going out in case it happens while I'm out, then I'll have to travel home on the buses with a stained shirt.

  2. Oh, go and shake hands with my hubby. I had to rush him in a taxi to hospital in Perth/Joondalup.
    I had a little tub with me for in case and - nervous as I was - told the taxi driver this is so we "don´t make a bloody mess". Weee. Taxis can speed!
    I hope it all ends as easy as in his case - good luck, get well soon!

    1. Iris Flavia; I think holding a tub so you don't make a mess probably had the taxi driver motivated to get you there super fast. I'm hoping it will get fixed tomorrow. I worry about going out now in case the nose starts to bleed while I'm walking or on the bus.

    2. You have to .. you just have to take the bright side of life, right? Don´t bleed the bus! And, wee... how about sharing more of your days back then?
      We both went to get ciggies for our parents, what else? Can you share? I had to wait ages and ages for the spoken grocery list. "Write it down!" - Mum did not, I had to wait. These days? WhatsAPP?

    3. Iris Flavia; there's not much to share, it was just dad and me after mum left us and took my siblings.

  3. Cauterisation sounds like a good idea. Your doctor may want to hand it over to a specialist, but I think you can insist he or she does it.

    1. Should insist rather than can insist.

    2. Andrew; it is the specialist I am going to see tomorrow, same one I saw last year.

  4. I understand your fears. Many years ago when I was working in a department store I had an absolute gusher of a nose bleed as I bent over a box of slips I was unpacking. They were all ruined and I was terrified that they would charge me for them. Fortunately they didn't.

    1. Elephant's Child; that would have been terrible at the time, probably not much less so in the remembering. Last year and now is the only nose bleeds I've ever had. I remember a boy in infant school who had them all the time and never had to join in the games.

  5. :-/ aaagh...I wonder what is causing it.

    I hope they can fix it!

    1. Sandi; causes are often unknown as there are so many things that it could be. one is thinning of the nasal tissues, another is the constant blowing that goes with hayfever and congestion and so on.

  6. I know a little of what you are going through since I have been on blood thinners. Usually pinching the veins in the bridge of my nose usually works. Yours sounds much more severe and hope the cauterization does the job. Let us know.

    1. Arkansas Patti; see my next post which I am about to write.

  7. As a child I had nosebleeds and had my nose cauterized. It worked. worked for years. Now I'm getting nosebleeds again. I'm putting it down to the dry air in the house and the car through the cold months. By the way the procedure is painless...just tickles a bit while it's being done.

    1. only slightly confused; I'm sorry to hear your childhood was a "bloody" misery, but glad the cauterisation worked as long as it did.

  8. I hope you get it done, but the thought horrifies me! I've never had nosebleeds. That would probably take away my fear, considering the alternative. I'm interested to hear the tale of your experience.

    1. Val; I'll be writing about it as soon as I reply to the rest of these comments.

  9. I had this problem when I was 9 years old. Woke up every morning with a blood soaked pillow. Turns out the issue was iron deficiency anemia. (I'm not a doctor, but I play one on Blogger) Iron pills, spinach and liver... couldn't hurt.

    1. joeh; I'm sorry for your mother having to wash/replace pillows so often. Sorry for you too, that can't have been an easy time. I'm not anemic, I hope, I should get checked, I eat meat and eggs, also take iron pills because I don't eat enough of the meat, it's expensive and cooking it can be messy if frying and time consuming if baking. I like liver and haven't had any in a long while.

  10. I believe I only had 2 or possible 3 nose bleed in my entire life. My mom got them because of allergies

    1. Dora; I believe the constant allergies are the cause of mine too.

  11. Oh lawdie that sounds rough on you. I do hope you get it sorted out. The cure when I was growing up was to throw one of those huge old housekeys down your back unexpectedly and the bleed stopped.Maybe it was the shock of the cold key. Never sure. Must google that cure.

    Cauterization sounds like the solution alright for such a heavy non-stop bleed.



    1. WWW. I've heard of that old house key trick, always thought it was a silly idea. I've been told to use something cold to pinch my nose closed to stop bleeding, like a bag of crushed ice or frozen peas. Sounds too cold to me and I'd rather eat the peas.

  12. Well look at this:


  13. I had one nostril cauterized. It worked.

    1. Joanne; I had the gusher done today, I'll write about that in a minute.

  14. Didn't know about your bleeds last year, was still away in October.
    However I'm so sorry to read it's off again, hopefully the Specialist will get it fixed this time.
    Good luck, will be thinking of you tomorrow..

  15. Just catching up, will read on and pray it all came out okay.

  16. Sorry...I missed this post, River...I've written a comment on your post above...take care.


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