all over and (not quite) done with

So there I was, pretending to read on my kindle while I waited for the specialist to be ready and just as I got caught up in the story, he called me in. He's a very nice Indian man, young and rather nice to look at, with a very gentle manner. 

We discussed what has been happening since he last saw me, and decided that cauterisation was to be done. only on the one nostril, he had a look and decided the other one was okay and it hadn't been bleeding anyway. 

He then squirted some anaesthetic spray up my nose and told me to give that a good sniff to get it right up where it needs to be, aaahh, OMG, that stuff tastes awful! someone really needs to invent one that tastes like vanilla ice cream instead. But my nose was numb almost immediately, also the back of my throat and the back section of the roof of my mouth. 

Then came the cauterisation bit, not nearly as painful as I'd been fearing. It was a long silver wand with some sort of chemical that seals the area. And here I'd been imagining a micro sized, red hot, branding iron accompanied by the smell of searing flesh. Instead there was just a bit of discomfort and by the time I said "ow" it was over. 

He placed a small dressing on the area, telling me it would fall out in a week, but if it falls out earlier, not to worry. I'm to resist touching, scratching, and not carry heavy things that could cause straining and heavy breathing. I'm also not to blow my nose if I can possibly avoid it.

Now for the worst part. I'm not allowed boiling hot drinks, (No Coffee! I'm gonna die!)

No hot showers and to wash my face gently with cooler water. 

Now, I've always drank my coffee boiling hot, I can't drink it cooler because then I can taste the milk, and I don't like that, also I can't drink the coffee without milk. 

So I came home, had a nice long nap then made a cup of herbal tea. I can let those cool and drink them, even drink them cold sometimes, so that's my beverage for the next few weeks. Along with water and other cold things like pepsi, milkshakes, fruit smoothies. 
So I won't die of thirst. I will just miss my coffee. 

Don't even think about suggesting iced coffee. I hate that stuff. 

My nose now feels uncomfortably heavy on the cauterised side, like it's about to spurt a gusher, and I was told there may be some oozing for about a week. It does feel oozy, but there's no discharge so far. I'm usually a good healer so things should be much more comfortable in a day or so. 


  1. Glad to hear that the process wasn't as bad as you feared, and hope you DO heal very quickly.

    1. Elephant's Child; healing well and reasonably quickly is my specialty.

  2. Really pleased the job was done and you are ok. Your doctor had large dreamy brown eyes, no doubt.

    1. Andrew; definitely brown but I can't say if they were dreamy or not, I was more focused on the instruments going up my nose.

  3. Huhhh, and bingo, you nearly had me on the floor looking up "cauterisation" - that´s what they did to hubby and I had to go cause....
    As you can guess, I do not really read along!
    My Father´s Mum (I cannot remember her, hence I cannot say "Grandma" fell when someone said "blood", "burning" it is with me...

    Hope all is well?

    1. P.S. ... still some questions around payday, can you check back and explain further, please?

    2. Iris Flavia; all is well with the nose, the healing will take some time. I'll check back and answer your questions as well as I can.

  4. Ok, but... coffee ice cream?

    Get well soon! 🎈

    1. Sandi; that's a great idea, thanks. Although it isn't the coffee flavour I miss so much as the bliss of the first few mouthfuls of hot coffee after being out all day.

  5. I would have expected a small hot poker also. Seems the difficult part is going to be the recovery period. Boy I would miss my coffee also. Hope it goes easy and quickly.

    1. joeh; I'm managing quite well, it's similar to when I first discovered my blood pressure and cholesterol levels were sky high and I had to do without ice cream and chocolate for a whole year until I caved and bought some chocolate. Hard in the beginning, but got used to it.

  6. I too was expecting sizzling flesh and glad that didn't happen. It really sounds uncomfortable for a couple of weeks and not blowing would drive me crazy. I must do that 15 times a day. Good luck and recover quickly.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I used to blow a lot because of the hayfever, always felt like my nose was running even when it wasn't, same as now with the dressing in place and the oozing I'd been told about feels like I need to blow, so there's a lot of sniffing and dabbing going on. The cauterisation is chemical these days, so no sizzling flesh is involved.

  7. While i'm glad it's over, i am hurting with you over the lack of coffee. My headache from the lack would be enormous.

    1. messymimi; I have the headache and the pills I could take for it are prescription only. Luckily I have a couple left from a tooth infection several years ago, so I can take that with lunch and then sleep off the headache.

  8. You;ll be glad when this is all over, River. An uncomfortable time, but the end result will be worth the present discomfort, one would hope.

    Some days I don't have a cup of coffee...a mug, in my case...and I don't miss not having it. I squeeze oranges every morning for fresh juice and I drink lots of water throughout the day. I would miss them much more than I do coffee. Lately, it's been far too humid to drink or eat anything hot.

    And I've a habit that I can't break...I always purchase a small plastic bottle of Iced Coffee when I visit the supermarket...and I drink it as I'm driving home! Some habits are hard to break! :)

    Take good care...I hope this clears up quickly for you.

    1. Lee; I know the discomfort will be worth the result and who knows? By the end maybe I won't be wanting the coffee anymore. I always drink lots of water and I have a few cold Pepsis in the fridge. The healing should go well, I don't usually have any trouble with that.

  9. I'm relieved as much as you there there was no red-hot branding iron! I'm also empathizing with your coffee-denial. I know how I'd miss my Diet Coke if I couldn't have it. I hope this time goes by quickly for you, so you can get back into your routine.

  10. I'm so glad you could have this procedure to deal with the nosebleeds and that it didn't hurt TOO much. My husband would have a hard time giving up coffee. He gets headaches if he doesn't have it. My fingers were just itching to type "what about iced coffee" but then I got to your second last paragraph! lol

    Over the years I've had to give up a lot of things I liked, due to heartburn (even with medication). Recently I had to stop eating anything containing sugar alcohols (xylitol, sorbitol, glycerol, etc) and it's been hard at times. But the alternative is worse, right?


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