Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here

This weeks prompts are:

1. suitable 
2. rapturous 
3. smeared 
4. snuffle 
5. bookmark 
6. scoop 

1. snick 
2. funny 
3. twilight 
4. espionage 
5. synchronicity 
6. feisty

Story #1:

The rapturous look on Elena's little face told me we had finally found the perfect suitable substitute for the fairy costume that no longer fitted her. With a final snuffle, she swiped a hand across her tear-smeared face and bent to scoop up her things from the floor. 

It had been a stroke of genius when Brad suggested trying 'The Dance House' costume shop after finding nothing in the many costume racks of the town's three toy stores. They catered for the theatrical people in the nearby city and had fittings for all ages and sizes, but looking there for a costume for a suddenly taller not quite five year old simply hadn't crossed my mind. 

"You are brilliant!" I told him, as he placed a bookmark to hold his page. He'd been so patient the whole time we trudged from shop to shop to get "just the right one" for Elena's Halloween Birthday party. 

Producing a damp cloth from a ziplock baggie, Brad gently wiped away the tear stains, saying, "See? I told you if we tried just one more shop we would find something. You cried all those tears for nothing, but I do understand you were getting disappointed and a bit frustrated. How about next year we come here right away and forget all those toy shops."

Story #2:

With surprising synchronicity, Andrea and Dr Bruce Jones both sat down, in separate chairs, each wondering what would happen next. Andrea thinking that this man who now frightened her so much wasn't the one she had married and what had he gotten them into? Bruce carefully thinking out his next moves to keep Andrea from finding out the lies he had been living. She didn't know even half of what he'd been up to, had no idea the pills he'd fed Stephanie for years were illegally obtained at greater and greater cost on the black market. 

She didn't know that her brother Barry Weezall and his mate Lindsay Bingham had become friends with Stephanie all those years ago because he had paid them to do just that. He had needed to know everything they could find out about The Retreat in order to plan a downfall for the owners and caretakers. The Retreat, high up on a bluff overlooking the ocean, sat on top of a seam of copper coloured granite. 

Bruce himself wasn't interested in the granite, but the people who were wanted that land at any cost and had paid Bruce handsomely to somehow make sure The Retreat would fail and be put up for sale, when they would swoop in and raze it to the ground and mine the granite. They had promised him a percentage of the profits, but things hadn't worked to plan at all. Stephanie hadn't died at the kiln explosion, but instead inherited The Retreat from her parents who had perished at the scene. 

Then a few years later, Barry and Lindsay had bungled things up by mistakenly thinking the visitors at The Retreat were to be "got rid of" and had killed them at The Cove Hotel one night, leaving Bruce with a now orphaned sleeping four year old. What was he supposed to do with a child?? He'd told them to take the boy to the city and just leave him on a street corner. "Kid's cute, someone will pick him up. He probably won't remember a thing, he's just a baby."

 While Andrea and Bruce were sifting through their separate thoughts, up at The Retreat,Tom and Stephanie sat in the deepening twilight, talking about how they were both remembering so much more now. "Funny that I couldn't remember any of this for so long," said Stephanie. "I always had a funny feeling that there should be more to me than the fuzzy blankness." "This whole thing has the feel of one of those old style espionage movies," said Tom. 
Turning at the snick of the door behind them, they stood as Inspector Stanley Grace approached them. 

He motioned them to sit again and thought a moment before saying, "after Bernice gets here, I think we should make arrangements to go back to the city. There might be more to find out if we can look through older case files. I'd like you both to come, we can set you up in a safe house, but I'll need you to convince Bernice to come along. She's a feisty one and might not want to leave her mountain."
"I've got a feeling there's more to all this than we know so far, and I don't feel right leaving the Saunders here alone." said Tom.


  1. No, probably isn't safe to leave them. Exciting story River.

    1. Jo; thank you. This is just one more chapter in a long running story.

  2. A twofer!!!
    Both are excellent to read in the moments before dawn, and I love the way the second is progressing. Some time (soon) I will sit down and read all of it in a sitting.

    1. Elephant's Child; Thank you. Not all of Tom's story is in the sidebar and there are still pieces needed to fill in between some of the others. It's a long way from being finished.

  3. Love Brad but Bruce is really despicable. I do hope there is some sort of karma waiting for him.
    Had to look up snick though I got the general idea from your usage.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Brad is a modern man, a hands on Dad and family man.
      Bruce on the other hand is a sneaky, selfish, bound for damnation, crook, masquerading as a Doctor. Yes, snick is that soft sound made when a door closes quietly.

  4. I loved the tenderness of your first story and the lesson for the wee girl. I will read your second in conjunction with other chapters as I find I don't retain story lines well in serial writings.


    1. WWW; thank you, Elena is in good hands with those two as parents. The other story...well, some of the chapters are in a side bar, but more haven't been put there and even more aren't written yet. If it ever becomes a published book I will send you a copy.

  5. Cute #1 story!
    I ended up at K-Mart Joondalup (Perth) for my wedding dress. AUD 9,99, bought it in blue also :-) Last minute, it was, too!
    But I didn´t cry (I was frustrated, though, about myself being so late!).

    #2 is like really scary. I do believe I can trust my hubby. I hope... ? ;-)
    I do.

    1. Iris Flavia; thank you. Story #1 is a hunt for a special Halloween/birthday dress so it had to be just the right one, birthdays are very important when one is about to turn five and become a big girl instead of a baby.
      Story #2 is a further chapter in a long running story I started about three years ago. I'm hoping it will eventually be a book.

    2. A book, BIG WOW!
      So... I wait or how can I read "backwards"?
      (Btw... my "sauce" is just a souvenier, I will never eat that. I thought (!) it´s a clever system, and thinking, it must´ve eventuelly have been 2013 even!)

    3. Iris; there should be a sidebar, if you click on the three horizontal lines at the top left of my page, then scroll down to the bottom, there should be a Words for Wednesday page where you can read all the chapters I've put there so far. There are other chapters that I didn't add yet, because too much typing is hurting my hands.

    4. Iris; not quite all the way to the bottom, the link is just above the pictures of my Followers.

  6. Your first story is adorable. Brad sounds like a real keeper. Your ongoing tale is coming along nicely with your second story. Well done times two!

    1. Susan; thank you. Brad is definitely a keeper, I based him on two young men I know who are both wonderful fathers and husbands. Story #2 needs more work, it's basically catch-up references to what has been happening and now I need to tie it in with current happenings and find solutions.

  7. Loved the first story it reminded me of stories with my girls when they were growing up.
    The second story left me wanting more. Mystery writers are most interesting in their thoughts. Well done. Hugs B

    1. Buttons alias Grace; welcome to drifting and thank you. There will be more to the second story, but I don't know when. It is part of a longer story which I began three years ago and isn't anywhere near finished yet.

  8. Fun idea to use set words in a story. I love your little girl looking for a costume. There are many people doing a word-themed post on Wednesday — I guess pushback for Wordless Wednesday. I call mine Wordy Wednesday, and Bermuda Onion’s blog has a different theme.

    best... mae at

    1. Mae Travels; welcome to drifting and thank you. I know there are plenty of word challenges out there, but I don't have time or energy to do more than one, also I am a slow reader and reading all the others would leave me no time at all. I'll have a look at yours in a minute or two.

  9. I'm happy that you are continuing your story. I'm really looking forward to reaching the end - not that it's boring or bad, but I'm wondering how all this is going to end and end well - I hope.

    1. Charlotte; It will definitely end well for some of the characters, I do like happy endings, but that will be a long time coming.

  10. Again...I enjoyed your stories, River. :)

  11. The other night I had rapturous dreams of flying with a dragon and being part of his life. I felt I was a suitable partner for this glorious creature because I have long been an ambitious partner of a dragon. It’s funny, but in the twilight we swooped and swirled with such synchronicity I could have been born for this life. Then I woke up and began to cry and snuffle because I was no longer with my glorious partner. I scooped up my latest dragon story and looked for the bookmark on the place where I had stopped reading and started doing so again. However, I heard heavy breathing and turned my head with smeared eye make up from crying and what did I see but a glorious golden dragon with wonderful swirling eyes of so many colours it would have taken an espionage agent to determine them all. I leapt out of bed to hug my feisty dragon and off we rode into the night to soar above the world which I felt had been so cruel to me of late. Somehow I didn’t feel the cold as we soared among the stars. It was bliss.. I found I was snickering with glee. How wonderful this was.

    1. Jo: This is a dream I would LOVE to have. And an awakening. Flying with a dragon sounds pretty close to perfection to me.

    2. Jo; this is fabulous, I would also love to fly with a dragon, being a dragon myself I think I would fit right in. I was born in the year of the dragon, so hubby used to call me dragon lady. I have never dreamed of flying, I know many do, but I'm imagining it now, me and my dragon up amongst the stars.

    3. Thanks River. I too am a Dragon, not in Chinese mythology but do you remember Father Dragon? I became his adopted grandmother and so amongst a few friends became known as Grandma Dragon. I have a sweat shirt and earrings to prove it too LOL. I hope you soar among the stars tonight.

    4. Jo; I have no idea who Father Dragon is.

    5. You do surprise me, it was a very popular blog at one time, on hiatus right now, but Father Dragon is intending to start writing it again in the very near future. Father Dragon started a small support group of 10 all together, of which I am one which is how I became Grandmother Dragon. Our group is very much alive even if the blog hasn't been published for a while. The Fellowship of the Dragon. - By the way, in Chinese mythology I am a Tiger. I am presently proofing a dragon book for Susan Gourley Kelley, you should read it when it is finally published, good story.

  12. The first is a precious story, and the second i also want to read as a book, once you get it all written.

    1. messymimi; getting it all written will take a while. I need to find a way to unite parts one and two in a part three then find solutions and resolutions and not get mixed up in the process. I've never written a whole book before and even now it might never get finished.


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