totally unexpected Sunday Selections

Carried now by Elephant's Child, this meme is several years old and anyone at all is welcome to join in, just don't post anything rude or vulgar.

we shall begin today with Lola:

this cat has decided she is a person and insists on eating at the table. Sometimes. Other times I place the plate right under her nose while she is on the windowsill (and hope she doesn't knock it over the side) because for some reason known only to her, the kitchen is no longer an acceptable place to eat.

after two and a half years of refusing, she finally decides the cubby on the middle sized scratching tower is a good place to nap in. The bright green edge you see there is the porch table.

here she is settling down.

photo number one..

and photo number two, of the day when my street became a river in under ten minutes and lasted for about an hour. This was the cloudburst desperately needed in another state to help put out some fires.

while it was raining I thought I might as well get busy stocking the freezer with home made chicken schnitzels

and I even made some mini ones. My version of chicken nuggets. A bit fiddlier to make, but they'll be just as yummy with a plate of salad or chips.

Once the schnitzels were in the freezer, I pulled out a frozen pizza, added a few extra toppings and baked it for my dinner. You can see it's a little overdone around the back edges there.

after dinner that night, I tried my hand at a jigsaw. I haven't done one in years, probably decades, so I started with one for ages 6-7, big pieces, and I'll work my way up to the grown-up ones with 1500-2000 pieces.


  1. That puzzle, I love the picture! A good end to an industrious day , I hope. I would be satisfied were I you.

    1. Charlotte; that was an excellent day, one where everything planned happened just right.

  2. Glad you got some rain! You know what I noticed here? You are all the way around on the other side of the planet from me, but...same trashcan. Weird.

    1. Sandi; we call them wheelie bins and others call them dumpsters, but they are the same as in many places, just with different colours. The blue lid in my area signifies household rubbish while in my daughter's suburb they have a red lid. Bigger bins with yellow lids are for recycling items.

    2. Wheelie bins! I like that. 😊

      Ours are just blue.

  3. It is lovely to see you join us again.
    Love the whole box and dice. I wish I knew what made a cat decide that some places (and some food) is poison, but decide they do. Lola is a beauty.
    The fire nearest me is still smouldering. Some more rain would be very, very nice.

    1. Elephant's Child; Lola is happy to eat in several places but these days refuses to go into the kitchen and doesn't go to her food, I have to take it to her. I've become a maid to my cat. she is beautiful and so shiny. I'll do some more rain dancing, but can't promise anything, we have clear blue skies and 30C today with 32C tomorrow, so there's no rain in sight.
      A pity a water bomber can't do a drop over the smouldering areas.

    2. We still see/hear the water bombers most days.

  4. My goodness! Has Lola been in your life...been your beloved pet for two and a half years already?? Wow! Time does fly past so very quickly.

    Remy and Shama's food bowls are always on the floor in front of the stove. Ever since they were kittens that is where their bowls have been...but...their drinking mug...the glass I've mentioned previously sits on "our" bedside table, and that is where they drink their other place! :)

    I hope the coming week treats you well, River. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. And, she is can tell her that for me, if you like! :)

    1. Lee; yes, two and a half years, where did that time go? Lola's food plates have always been on the floor next to the fridge, exactly where they were for Angel, but her water bowl is in the shower recess, that's where she likes to drink. Possibly the water stays cooler in there. one of my neighbours has a cat that drinks from a glass only, she has one on the kitchen bench and one in her bedroom on the bedside table for him. I'll pass on the message to Lola :)

    2. Hahahahahaha! Cats! They are special creatures, of that there is no doubt! :)

  5. Wise to make up schnitzels in a job lot. With limited experience of supermarket pizzas, why are they always deficient in toppings? I like jigsaws but the last one defeated me as it was huge and taking up most of the table and a pretty hard one to do. It was so good to receive a good downpour last week. I hope all the fires are now out.

    1. Andrew; I always make job lots of anything when stocking the freezer. With my limited kitchen prep space it's a wiser mover than having to do all the fussy bits more often. Supermarket pizzas are designed for the masses, some of whom might be sensitive or allergic to many common toppings, so they err on the side of caution, nobody wants a lawsuit. My brother does bigger jigsaws, he prefers the 2000 pieces size with plenty of challenge. He has a spare room in his huge house with a very large old dining table and that's where he does them. My table is not much larger than a café one and I have a cat who would probably tip jigsaw pieces everywhere if I tried to leave an unfinished one for the next day. I have one of those mats to roll up unfinished jigsaws, but that's too much trouble to set up.

  6. I enjoyed your pictures so much. Lola looks so much like our Lulu, except slimmer. Our girl is on a diet. Sort of. When she gets too demanding I am afraid she will bite me, and I've experienced that before and am not a fan. I've never had chicken schnitzel - looks good. I agree with Andrew, why are frozen pizzas so mean with their toppings? I've done the same as you, adding more to make it heartier. Great set of photos of everyday goings-on - my favourite to read about.

    1. jenny_o; Lola is a slim girl, she is picky about her food and has IBS, so I restrict what she eats and she controls the amount by leaving much of her food on the plate. At her last weighing she was just 4kg, which is a good weight for a medium size cat. When I first got her, aged 8 and a half, she was just under 3kg, so she has made great progress. The vet did say, to not let her get heavier, so I've cut back a little on the treats I mix into the regular dry kibble. And I never feed her from my plate, although I do spoon a little tuna from the can for her if I'm making a sandwich. I learned to make schnitzel from my mum, who used pork instead of chicken and I know a lot of people use veal, but chicken is my favourite. The making is the fiddly time consuming part, but if you give it a try you won't be sorry. Read my reply to Andrew re the toppings on pizza.

  7. That rain probably was appreciated, desperately needed or no.

    1. Joanne; very much appreciated although I did wish it was nationwide not just local.

  8. I love that picture of Lola peeping out of the cubby! I've never had schnitzel of any kind, but yours looks quite tasty.

  9. Those wheelie bins have become ubiquitous, have't they. How i wish our recycle bins were bigger than the ones for rubbish here.

    Hope the areas that need rain get it soon.

    1. messymimi; recycling things can often be crushed or otherwise broken down to fit more into the bin, which is what I do, but my recycle bin is shared with three other flats and they don't do the right thing, often putting in entire giant cardboard boxes AND general household/kitchen rubbish. I gave up fighting that losing battle long ago, they don't care.

  10. It been ages since done a puzzle. The generation before me, seem to be big into puzzle

    1. Dora; people these days are too busy on Facebook etc to bother with jigsaw puzzles.

  11. Ohhh, you are killing me!!!!
    Cat content and Schnitzel???!! LOL.
    It´s raining here, too, please... send cats and Schnitzels!
    And jigsaws, do you know this one? I love that!

  12. Had to laugh at Lola and the tower. My cat Minnie took forever also. They do it in their own time.
    The schnitzels look great and the pizza ( I am not usually a pizza person) really looked good.


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