Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This weeks prompts are:

1. pizza 
2. vase 
3. racing 
4. chainsaw 
5. derelict 
6. buttery 

and this:

 "hand over the ham!" 

Here is my story:

Racing through the city on his pizza delivery run, Joel was enjoying the feel of his brand new Ducati, the sweet machine sounding like a well-oiled chainsaw. Imagining touring across the country on the weekend, he almost didn't see the derelict old man sitting on the kerb as he rounded the corner. Swerving just in time, he was soon out of sight as the old man gazed up through bleary eyes while licking crumbs of buttery croissant from his gnarled old fingers.
He'd lost his glasses earlier in the evening, at the men's shelter in a brawl with stinky Trevor, so called because the man hated to wash, neither himself or his clothes seeing a bar of soap for months at a time. They'd been fighting over the Christmas hamper, breaking a vase as they tumbled across the floor, fighting for possession of the treasured ham until Florence strode in clapping her hands with a firm command to "stop this nonsense right now!" and an even firmer command to "Hand over the ham!" 
Shaking her head reprovingly she said "Shame on you both, you know this hamper is to be shared between twenty people. I'll take this ham to be sliced and all of you will get a share." Storming off to the kitchen, she didn't notice Barney stuffing the pack of croissants into his jacket pocket to be enjoyed later as a sweet treat just for himself. 


  1. Well done again. Would love if you put the prompt words in italics.
    "Hand over the ham?" You don't make it easy!

    1. joeh; I used to make the prompt words bold, but I stopped that a couple of years ago, I found if people focus on the prompt words the story doesn't read as well, to me anyway.

  2. And it seems Barney DID enjoy that treat. Which made me smile. Love your clever use of the prompts (and that the Ducatti didn't go down).

    1. Elephant's Child; I was wanting some buttery croissants myself when I wrote that bit. I wouldn't make a bike rider crash unnecessarily.

  3. What happened to all the stories and comments already written? They seem to have disappeared.

    1. They are still there. If you put Words for Wednesday in the Search bar at the top you will find them. Sadly I cannot find a 'previous post' button which would be quicker.

    2. Seems a tad odd to me. You have to find the right date as well.

    3. Jo; I put the prompts up on Wednesdays, but I always write my stories and schedule them for Fridays. When I set up this newer format blog page I didn't realise I would lose the "previous" or "older" post link. I'm thinking of switching back to a basic format, but it's a hassle changing things.

  4. Replies
    1. Jo; Barney is almost 80 and lives in homeless shelters, I think we can forgive him.

  5. So glad the old man and the Ducatti didn't actually meet. The fight was a great diversion for Barney. Rather slick move.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Thank you. I'd never have a biker run over and old man. Barney does have quick fingers when it comes to pocket sized foods.

  6. When you have lived a life like this, it can be difficult to share, i am sure. Excellent use of the words.

    1. messymimi; and you always look out for foods to stash for later.

  7. Well done! That seemed to be an effortless blending of the weekly words. I was wondering how you'd work in the "Hand over the ham!"

    1. Val; I didn't know what would get written until I started, the story wrote itself.

  8. Pizza with a Ducati! LOL.
    Mind you, I know it all.
    I was working for a small company and was sent to Volkswagen as a very tiny external (16 years, too!).
    They say bad things about VW-employees, and some are true, but most people were nice.
    One wrote me e-mails like "need a cuppa? Come over, I made coffee!"
    He owned a Ducati and later bought our Harley. He sent me pictures and lille movies of her.
    Two bikes! (I was the only external when he retired and most VW-guys thought it was cool. But the secretary, to her I was... not worth it!)

    Hmmm, croissants, I love them, too (the hearty ones).

    1. Iris Flavia; I have never been a secretary, I just can't picture myself doing that kind of work.
      I'm envious that you had a Harley, I love them. One of the tenants where I live has one and I watch every time he comes and goes. I love croissants, but don't eat them very often.

    2. Well, I couldn´t imagine working as a secretary, either, but ours (at our small company) was really nice!
      Hehe, watch? Listen! Our Harley was LOUD. Ingo´s Granma hated that. We always announced Ingo´ll start the "terrible thing" ;-)
      Croissants... yum and so dangerous. Can´t remember when I had my last one (I´m "good", right?)...

  9. Lovely story R. The old man sure was enjoying his 'buttery croissant'..

    1. Margaret D; I enjoy a buttery croissant myself now and again.

  10. When you described the Ducati as sounding like a well-oiled chain saw, it cracked me up. My hubby has had many Harleys over the years, so we're more attuned to their deep throbbing sound and made fun of some of the other bikes, which I've always said sound like annoying whiny chainsaws. :)

    Nice job! (As always.)

    1. Susan; I love Harleys myself. I worked with a young man who loved Ducati's and always wanted to race them, but his girlfriend was against it. I remember hearing them out on the road and to me they sound like a swarm of angry mosquitos, loud and whiny.

  11. Every story paints a picture...and you certainly painted a picture here, River. Well done. :)

    1. Lee; thank you. You paint with colours, I paint with words :)

  12. Well done River, very good depiction of the shelter and the fighting. And I like the contrast with the life of the young man.


    1. WWW; thank you. This is one that wrote itself as I had no idea apart from the old man licking his fingers.

  13. "Racing through the city on his pizza delivery run, Joel was enjoying the feel of his brand new Ducati..."

    The pizza delivery man can afford a Ducati?? 😂

    1. Sandi; He's paying it off same as most people do with a car.


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