Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. eyes on the road! eyes on the road! 
2. uh-oh 
3. tiffany lamp 
4. me? why me? 
5. boogie 
6. teapots

use the list or parts thereof,  just have fun.


  1. "Eyes on the road!" River screamed.

    "Uh no," I said before changing that to an uh-oh.

    She'd handed me this Tiffany lamp while I was driving! What was I supposed to do, boogie on down the road without looking at it? It would match my Tiffany teapots perfectly, if there were such a thing. I really wasn't sure.

    But the real mystery was why she had given me a Tiffany lamp. Me? Why me?

    1. I love this Sandi. And for a price, there ARE tiffany styled teapots...

    2. That sounds like you had a bad dream, and you wrote it out very well!

    3. I had a lovely Tiffany lamp in my little greengrocery-healthfood shop in Noosa back in the 80s! I still love Tiffany lamps. :)

      Welld done, Sandi! :)

    4. Sandi; I like that you included me (River) in your story, but I'm a bit concerned that I'm giving away Tiffany Lamps to someone who collects teapots. I got a giggle from this story, thank you.

    5. I love the image you created! And yes I am sure there are matching teapots.


  2. Uh-oh is NOT what you want to hear when your specialist scans the results of your latest test.
    The doctor tapped his fat bratwurst fingers on the desk as he told her what the tests showed. Nothing good. Her time was very finite now, months not years.
    Me? why me? Madison thought. I exercise, I don't smoke, I barely drink. Why not? was her next thought. Her last few months were going to be jam packed with all the things she had put off till later.
    Eyes on the road Madison! Eyes on the road! She was damned if she was going to be killed in a messy car crash as she boogied on down towards the very first taste of luxury she had ever allowed herself.. Tiffany lamps and antique teapots here she comes...

    1. It's time to enjoy some things she'd denied herself, since she won't have to save for the long years ahead. What a bittersweet thing!

    2. I can see into Madison's future....Good news lies ahead during her next medical visit. Regardless, I hope she treats herself to the tiffany lamps and teapots, anyway! :)

    3. Elephant's Child; I'm wondering if Dr Bratwurst-fingers is reading his own test results instead, by mistake. I like the way Madison thinks, enjoy the time you have while you have it, don't put off the good things.

    4. Yes, you actually should live your life more often like this. Not every day, maybe ;-)
      Bratwurst! Come summer Hubby will buy some!

    5. We should all wear our best underwear all the time. Seize the day indeed.


    6. Funny I wouldn't be spending my last pennies on things I couldn't take with me.

  3. Replies
    1. messymimi; I'll be reading as soon as it posts my time.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. The mood I’d started the evening off in I’d wanted to boogie the night away, and throw in a heap of woogie, too. How did it all end up so badly?

    “Me! Why me?” I wailed. “Why do I always mess things up?”

    “Eyes on the road! Eyes on the road, Katie! You’ll get us both killed!” Robin warned. “It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be! The tiffany lamp can be replaced. And so can the teapots! Did you see how many teapots they had in that display cabinet? There were enough there to host a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party!” Robin continued, before adding: “I’m not sure about the painting, though. Time will tell. We’ll face that hurdle tomorrow. Let’s just get home in one piece, and not end up like the lamp and teapots! Uh-oh! That looks like the cops up ahead...slow down! Slow down!”

    1. Smiling. As a chronic klutz I feel for Katie.

    2. Lee; another great story. While I feel a bit sorry for Katie I also hope the owner of the teapots and lamp has them insured.

    3. Some wild boogying indeed to destroy the contents of the cabinet! Great imagery.



  6. It was January, a Friday. We still had a weekend-relationship and I was on my way to back-then boyfriend, now hubby.
    January. Warm! Still winter tyres on (ice and snow usually comes in Feb, and you are forced by law to wear these tyres in Germany, other you wear all year round ones.)

    A truck. S.l.o.w.
    Look in the rear mirrow - clear. I get on the left lane to overtake.
    Eyes on the road! eyes on the road!
    What is that? A huge bird, hit by a car, darn it, I didn´t care about the anyways dying bird, it was a reflex, I tried to .. I lost control. Managed to not touch the truck. Car on it´s own.
    In German cars are male - he protected me. He was crashed and I was safe.

    Uh-oh. The car was crashed!
    I managed to get to the safe side, others called the police and tryed to help me (I was a nerve-wreck).
    Police took my data.
    Wrote it down. Said nothing.
    It was my birthday.
    Me? Why me?

    If it had happened on another day I could celebrate my birthday twice a year!
    Not that I celebrate anyways.
    But it hurt a bit they ignored even that!

    Instead I should´ve danced a Boogie-Woogie. Nothing´d happened to me.

    Whom did I call? Now-Hubby?
    No. Mum. Called my Mum, said I had a car accident, won´t come home hence (no car) but I´m OK.

    Yes, that happened.

    1. That is sad. I am glad you weren't hurt and hope that every birthday from now on is much, much better.

    2. Iris Flavia; I am so glad you weren't hurt. Good stories are often the true ones.

    3. I think it saved my life. I got respect and drove sooo carefully. Never took passengers no more. Now I´ve stopped driving (in Germany) altogether.

    4. Oh boy that was a very scary time for you. PTSD can be very real after such a horrible accident.


  7. Good words, my mind is not working tonight.

    1. Margaret D; my mind often takes time off too.

  8. "Boogie on down here Annabel. I need your help this morning. Left Over Antiques needs to deliver Mrs Hellmans Tiffany lamp and vintage Wedgewood teapots. I need you to drive the van and make the delivery."
    "Me? Why me? I only just got my licence last week. I'm not ready to drive the van and certainly not with something as precious as a Tiffany lamp on board."
    "Not to worry. Isaac will go with you. He'll take the items to the house for you."
    "Uh oh! Isaac! Delightful, dimpled, delicious Isaac. I'll really have to concentrate on keeping my eyes on the road and off Isaac. Eyes on the road Annabel....eyes on the road.

    1. osc: What a fun take on the prompts. And your description of Isaac IS delicious.

    2. only slightly confused; this is great, I hope Annabel makes the drive safely, a van can be scary at first and having Isaac as a distraction won't help, but I think she'll do okay.

    3. Ah ha. Isaac and Annabel sounds like a good start!!


  9. My mind is roaming right now. I'll try this soon.

  10. Here goes:
    Keep your eyes on the road…eyes on the road…Jim, he torn outta town when Mama seen he broke that damn Tiffany lamp. Uh-oh he had whispered but Mama knew, she heard. The car and keys in his hands sent him runnin’. Mama was screamin’ somethin’ about those dammed teapots he broke when he was just barely walkin’. In his mind, Jim asked himself Why me? Why me? Mama’s voice followed him down the road. He turned the radio up loud, and sang along with Andrew Sisters, Boogie Woogie bugle boy in company B. Good stuff, as he bobbed his head along.

    1. Susan Kane; poor Jim, teapots when he was a toddler, now a tiffany lamp. Maybe his mum should put things in safer places? I hope he calms down enough to go home, running away never helps. Great story.

  11. Poor Jim indeed. Some crimes last a lifetime and are brought up way too often.

    1. Poor Jim still haunted, sometimes we can punish ourselfves.


  12. Here's mine:

    I was stuck in the car with Henry again. Why me, dear lord, why me? This time we were heading off in Aunt Betsy’s funeral cortege. I wasn’t fast enough on my feet to land with a more competent driver in the carpool outside the church after the service – but the others were. My lucky four sisters and their hubbies among them.

    He was so close to the car ahead, oh-oh, that was a near miss there Henry. I couldn’t speak my terror aloud. I desperately wanted to shout “eyes on the road, eyes on the road” as Henry fiddled with his pipe and then his cold coffee and then snorfled into a kleenex with his hands off the wheel.

    “Me and Betsy”, he shared, leaking a few more tears, “we would boogie up a storm together way back.”

    “Now Henry”, I said, distracting myself, as he careened into the graveyard, narrowly missing the funeral hearse, “Why on earth did she leave you that Tiffany lamp and her collection of teapots?”

    “Harumph,” coughed Henry, “That story is not fit for young ears. I’ll carry that secret to my own grave!”

    1. Oh I hope not. Some stories are definitely worth sharing. I hope this one can be winkled out of Henry.

  13. Mine has been published here, whilst I was ubering

  14. So many great stories here, I enjoyed all of them. Meanwhile I've been continuing Susan's story without using as much as one single of the Words for Wednesday.


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