Oh No! I've forgotten something

I have a sidebar link to my Words for Wednesday chapters, the Lost and Found (aka Tom's Memories) story,  but I have forgotten how to add more chapters.

Can anyone help me out here?


  1. Replies
    1. And, at the moment, when I click on your pages I go nowhere. Which might well be me being clueless again.

    2. Elephant's Child; the pages should open for reading, although I don't know about comments, probably not and I hope not, it isn't meant for comments.

    3. It doesn't even open for reading for me. I see pages, but when I click on it nothing happens.

  2. See if one of Val's super smart sons can help.

    1. joeh; why didn't I think of that? I have a super smart daughter right here in town. Next time she has a day off work I'll take the laptop to her.

  3. Blogger is free and sometimes hence not easy. Sorry, I have no clue.
    Did you give a special Label? That might work! Works in mine (if I was... "correct").

    1. Iris Flavia; the stories are labelled Words for Wednesday stories, but I can only read what is there and not add anymore. I'm hoping the link will open the stories for others to read, that was the whole point of changing from my original blog style which didn't allow an extra sidebar.

  4. I do not know. Sorry.

    In Settings there is a Help Q&A list.

    1. Sandi; I find Help Q&A more confusing than anything. I'll see if my daughter can help me out next time she has a day off work. I have printed copies in a folder on my shelf, but that's no help either.

  5. Sorry, no help here. Hope someone can give you the answer though.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'll get help somewhere eventually, otherwise the story stays in limbo land

  6. Do you need to go to your pages, and edit that page?

    1. messymimi; aha! I think you may be onto something. I'll give that a try when I have time.


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