it's a good day for soup

 Last Wednesday I was clattering about in the kitchen, so the girls came in to see what was going on.

Meg: I see empty cans, tomato soup and four bean mix

Riley: the beans are already strained and rinsed

Gillian: over here is a carrot and a quarter cabbage

Jordan: and Gracula!

Gillian: we love Gracula, we think he's the cutest garlic chopper

Meg: the onions, garlic and carrots have softened and now the beans are in the pot, I have to stand well back because the steam is hot and might frazzle my hair.

Riley: I want to help stir but I can't reach the spoon

Riley: the tomato soup and water mix goes in next

we are watching the chopping of the cabbage, the knife is too big for us to help

now the cabbage is in and simmering, it is time to wash up the dishes. We love this part because we get to play with the suds

Gillian: I got suds in my hair!

Jordan: I have suds on my face 😀

Back at the front door, "the rain is really pelting down!"

"It's a good day for soup"

They all climbed back up to the windowsill to catch the last of the sun when the rain stopped

and stayed there until the setting sun lit up the agapanthus bush, then decided it was too cold up there and snuggled together on the chair to watch Harry Potter while I added small pasta shells to the soup.


  1. cute story! Making soup is wonderful always, but when made by 4 adorable girls gives it great.

    1. Susan Kane; soup is always welcome on rainy days and the girls were great at supervising.

  2. What a fun way to fix a meal. Love all the helpers and Gracula is really kind of cute.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the girls love helping. Gracula is one of my favourite gadgets.

  3. Big smiles. The kitchen is always a fun (and delicious) place. I like gracula too.

    1. Elephant's Child; my kitchen isn't always a delicious place, like when I clean out cupboards and the fridge, but usually when something is cooking I love having a small place because I can smell the aromas from every room.

  4. Replies
    1. Joanne; they are the cutest, most cheerful helpers anyone could want.

  5. That's a SOUPer story! I'm glad the girls are so safety-conscious with the heat and utensils, even though a bit careless with the suds.

    1. Val; thank you. I don't mind them getting a few suds on themselves, it's a bit like a bubblebath. (just not in a triangle tub)

  6. Soup is something I really enjoy.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I like soup, it's easy to make a big pot and eat for days without having to cook anything else.

  7. Thank you for this simple, nice and heartwarming sotry from a rainy day. Gracula is wonderful.

    1. Charlotte; we did all wonder if the rain would stop, but it did a couple of times. The day was quite cold so the soup was a welcome dinner.

  8. Replies
    1. Victor SE Moubarak; tomato, vegetable, bean, and pasta soup, very filling and very good for you.

  9. Love Gracula!! And the hairdo, awww, you all had fun, yummy fun!
    And rain, awwww!!!
    Hmmm, soup-weather here, too, but reckon Ingo made sauerkraut. Good for cold days, too.
    You made me show a card on the blog btw :-)

    1. Iris Flavia; Gracula is a garlic crusher/chopper. I think kit is soup weather everywhere right now. Your autumn is cool and so is our spring. I don't like sauerkraut, but my youngest son loves it.

    2. I was also thinking. Hm, ask me first. Sauerkraut?! But reckon it´s at least kinda healthy.
      All he added was potatoes. Booooring. Not even cheese was in.

  10. What fun, making soup on a cold, rainy day.

    1. messymimi; cold rainy days and soup just seem to go together.

  11. My mouth is watering at the description of that soup. I can no longer eat tomatoes due to the acidity but how I wish I could. Enjoy the results of your labours!

    1. jenny_o; I'm told you can cut the acidity of tomatoes by adding a smidge of sugar, but I think canned tomato soup already has that. But don't take chances if you will be ill from it. I had one serve that night and there are five more in the freezer.


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