lesson number eleventy-twelve

 Last week on the TV news there was a story about a professional person, I don't remember the profession, (doctor? lawyer? whatever), who got his thrills in his spare time by FILMING women undressing. 

Through their windows.

What's the lesson?

Pull down the blinds. 

Close the drapes. 

Close the shutters if you have them. 

Do NOT get undressed where you can be seen from the outside!

and lock your doors!



  1. Sigh. I agree, but it worries me. Yet again it is considered at least partly the woman's fault that someone else (usually a man) gets his kicks...
    I hope the authorities throw the book at him.

    1. Elephant's Child; I have since learned that he was a developer of children's apps, similar to Tik Tok I guess. and while I agree he was very wrong to do this, I di still think that no one, men and children included, should be getting undressed where they may be seen by anyone either passing by or actually snooping. Some women do similar bad things, they are stalkers and peeping toms too.

  2. A rather juvenile thing to do. Some teenage boys never grow up.

    1. Andrew; this may not be a case of not growing up, probably more of a twisted mind thing and he needs therapy to learn that what he does is wrong, and how to stop.

  3. It seems he has been apprehended. That is good.

  4. A police officer once told me that we get so comfortable in our homes that we often don't pay that much attention and realize we can be seen from the outside. After all, we might think, it's just a short dash across the room from the bathroom to my closet, but that short dash is all someone needs who is watching.

    This is true not just for peeping Toms, but for those who might want to break into the house. They try to follow where you are in the house, especially by watching which lights are turned on or off.

    We can't be too careful these days.

    1. messymimi; I watch a lot of crime shows, so I'm well aware of what sort of people might be watching, unknown to me, so I keep my screen doors locked at all times and near sunset I lock the front and back doors and pull down the blinds. I never dash naked from the bathroom even though I can't be see. I take my clothes in there before I shower and dress before leaving the bathroom.

  5. There plenty of crazies in world. But I like to bring up anther angle. I live area of a few branches of the Amish and or mennonites and some don't have window covering.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; they need some window covering, at least in rooms where people change clothes. Ideally in all windows so potential thieves can't see in.

  6. Heard about that, poor soul..good advice R.

    1. Margaret D; he filmed more than one woman and I hope he gets jail time then therapy.

  7. Once my lights go on, the shades get closed! We sometimes leave the TV on for sound effects if we'll be gone several hours after dark. The dogs are a good warning system, although they warn us for nonexistent trouble most often!

    1. Val; me too1 Lights on, blinds down and drapes drawn across as an extra measure, then I lock the doors. The screen doors are already locked anyway. I sometimes leave the radio playing softly for Lola when I go out, but not always. I know people who leave their TV on so burglars might think there is someone home, but that's not always effective. The burglars might be watching and see them leave.

  8. I do the lights on blinds down also. Always have. I should feel safe with a fenced yard and a dog but you never know. Thanks for the reminder.

  9. We should be able to be naked and not fear being photographed.


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