Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by  Elephant's Child and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. machine 

2. telephone 

3. fiction 

4. delightfully 

5. trap 

6. skulduggery 


1. groaned 

2. umbrella 

3. fertile 

4. corner 

5. deft 

6. selection

Here is my story: 

“Scuse me Kate”. DI Kate Beaumont put down the fiction novel she’d been reading, ”What is it Dan?” “Don’t mean to interrupt your lunch break, but that CI of yours is hovering around the yard, in the corner by the dumpster.” “Thanks Dan, I’ll go out and buy him a coffee, see what he wants.” She put the book in her bag, cleared away her lunch detritus and headed out the back corridor to the yard.

Spotting Ray Smith hiding behind the dumspter on the gate side, she walked that way and looking at her watch said out loud “Just enough time for coffee at The Cakery.” No such place existed of course, it was a hole-in-the-wall coffee outlet and Kate ordered two coffees, then stepped into the shadows and sat at Ray’s favourite table. He joined her and without any asking said quietly, “Jimmy Two-Jumps is back in town. Methinks there must be some skulduggery afoot Milady.”

“Been reading those Pirate stories again Ray?” “Yeah,” he said, “they’re great, thanks for getting them for me.” “Let me know when you want more,” said Kate. “Now tell me about Jimmy, where did you hear or what have you seen?” “Seen and heard, he’s in the abandoned office at the old warehouse, meeting up with Scotty and Brad Davies.”
“Those two hopeless layabouts?” said Kate. “What could they be plotting I wonder?”

“Not them Kate, Scotty has been in with Kev Harrison lately, he’s in big trouble with the bookies and planning a heist, that’s why he needs Jimmy.” “Any more news on the heist, Ray?” “Nothin’ yet, but I’ll keep ya in the loop, right?” “Thanks Ray, you disappear now and I’ll head back to the station. Gotta tell the boys to keep their ears and eyes open. We’d really love to catch Jimmy this time.” She slid another book towards Ray and he stuffed it into his jacket pocket, knowing there would be a few tenners between the pages  for coffees and such.

Leaving the alley, Kate groaned at a sudden downpour drenching her, wishing she had thought to grab her umbrella, the blackened sky had warned her rain was on its way. Entering the station by the front door this time, she was greeted by Dan, laughing at her bedraggled hair. “You’re looking delightfully refreshed Kate, just had a quick shower?” Kate childishly poked out her tongue at him and headed into her office where she changed into a dry jacket and used the damp one to dry most of the wet from her hair.

Calling out to Dan, she asked him to call in a selection of Constables and Sergeants for a meeting. As soon as they were all settled, she let them know what her CI (confidential informant) had told her and one of the newer Constables asked, “why is he called Jimmy Two-Jumps?” “Because he is always two jumps ahead of us, so we haven’t been able to catch him in the ten years we’ve known him,” said Sergeant Mitchell. “I’d say Kev Harrison wants him in this because he’s so good with the locks and combinations on any damn thing.”

“He’s that good?” asked the young Constable. “You’re Steve Brander, right? John’s son? Well, Jimmy boy is so deft with the locks he makes most safe-crackers look like  a bunch of three fingered Muppets, that’s how good he is and he never leaves a single fingerprint," said the Sergeant. “We’re going to need a really good trap this time,” said Kate, “so get those fertile young imaginations to work and think of something. Leave messages anytime, day or night, my telephone has an answering machine and I’ll bring in the tape so we can discuss all the options you all come up with.” Sergeant Hackett said, “we don’t know yet when this is going down, or where, so we need ideas quickly so we can work something out. We want Jimmy Two-Jumps behind bars.”

After the men had been dismissed, Kate had a quiet word with the Sergeant. “Ray says there’s a rat in the henhouse, one of our own is tipping off Jimmy.”


  1. Ah ha, a good detective story brewing. Hope they can snag Jimmy Two-Jumps. This sounds like a good read.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm happy with how this turned out and hope I can add more.

  2. I do hope that the Sergeant isn't the rat in the henhouse...
    Looking forward (when and if the prompts allow it) to reading more.

    1. Elephant's Child; not the Sergeant and the rat eventually gets caught, as rats often do. I hope I can add more.

  3. Jimmy Two-Jumps - what a name, makes think of those old-time movies. I hope they catch him and maybe tell us his real name.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; that is a nick-name. His real name is Jimmy Brand and he is a criminal, always a couple of jumps ahead of the law so he doesn't get caught.

  4. I hope Ray gets more pirate stories
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; Ray gets plenty of Pirate stories and others too.

  5. Interesting tale there always.

  6. This could be the beginning of a novel ... Write on.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; I shall try, but I already have a couple of folders filled with beginnings that aren't going anywhere. One has 25 chapters, but I can't work out how to put parts one and two together and get part three.

  7. Lots of beginnings in your archives! Say are you my long lost twin sister? :=)
    I loved this story, after having read it a couple of times, as I kept forgetting who was who. Now a new day has dawned and I have no problems. I must have been more tired than I thought. I it a promising beginning, and I hope for justice to happen - prompts allowing.

    1. Charlotte; too many beginnings and not enough endings! but maybe one day..
      Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it and hope I can add to it soon.

  8. Looks like being a CI won't pay the rent, but it has its perks!

    1. Val; I have never worked out just how CIs live, in movies and TV shows they are always just hanging around, they get by by getting paid for information, but having an actual home doesn't seem to happen.

  9. Oh, i like this, i hope more is coming.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I like it too and hope I can add to it.

  10. I SO can imagine the poked tongue - I have a pic of my Mum doing just that right here on the wall! Just had to look up, thank you :-)
    Three fingered Muppets, hahaha :-)
    Great story!
    Hope the rats in our cellar are gone. There was a sign.... huhhh (actually rats are not only clever but cute, too, when tame, I think).


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