Sunday Selections #554

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

more of the garden photos:

the paint job I did on the little tractor in my garden has weathered its first winter

wisteria is everywhere and covered in buzzing busy bees

a bright red geranium in R's garden

colourful pots on her porch

a happy little owl keeping an eye on things

and a very cheerful gnome, some of you may remember him from years ago

a virtual ocean of agapanthus, not yet flowering, these ones are purple, some call them blue.

I love the way these branches have shaped themselves

pretty, yes?

these are the flowers that grow from them, the canopy is quite wide

and the tree about ten/twelve feet tall, I can't be sure, all I know is it is taller then I am

I was very happy to see this flowering, in S's garden. 
Who remembers when I took photos from the front yard of a house along my street and did not know what they were called? Turns out they have many names and one of them is Star of Bethlehem. 

That house has recently been demolished (full of asbestos) and the yard turned over by trucks and diggers etc. The bulbs which were about to bloom got ripped up, and I snuck along there one day before the safety fence went up and rescued as many as I could that were close to the surface. I kept four for myself and gave the others away to a neighbour. 

Since they were destroyed during the growing/flowering season, I'm not sure they will grow again, but I am hopeful. I plan to keep them dry and plant around Easter next year. Then we wait and see.


  1. When ever I come here I have to think for a minute, Fall here, Spring there. Love your tractor and it seems to have survived winter unscathed.
    Love all the bright blossoms and that tree really got creative with its branching.
    Proud of you for rescuing those bulbs about to be destroyed. Good luck with them.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I do the same thing with the seasons, flowers here, snow there. I hope the bulbs survive and grow.

  2. Bulbs are often surprisingly tough. Good luck.
    And thank you for this window into your world.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm relying on the toughness of bulbs, but don't know if I should pot them now or wait for autumn. I may just pot them and cross my fingers.

  3. Crazy, wonderful tree -- and an owl. Thank you.

    1. Charlotte; I remembered you like owls, my oldest daughter does too.

  4. I hope your rescued plants do survive and bloom, River. The jacaranda trees are sharing their wondrous beauty with us mere mortals presently. I love their colourful display.

    Have a good week ahead...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola/ Tale care/ :)

    1. Lee; If they do survive and grow I will have many more in just a few years as they multiply each year. Our Jacarandas aren't blooming yet and I hope they hold off for a few weeks more, I'm enjoying a few days without pollen right now. Lola is back to normal now.

  5. The tractor is still looking good. I like the owl and the gnome. I don't think I've ever seen such a large mass of agapanthus. The tree trunk looks like a native but the leaves don't. Good luck with the bulbs.

    1. Andrew; I hope I don't have to repaint the tractor for quite some time as my tiny paint tins have dried up and I'll have to buy new. Agapanthus is one of those plants that multiply and spread, I imagine this was just a few plants to begin with and left to naturalise for years. The tree trunk shape reminds me of mallee, but it is something else.

  6. That tractor is so cute.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I like the tractor very much, got it years ago from our local "Cheap as Chips" store and it was just a plain pale colour.

  7. Star of Bethlehem is a weaving threading and treadling that produces a lovely cloth with tight little motifs.

    1. Joanne; that sounds lovely, I shall have to google for images.

  8. These are such beautiful colourful photos, just love wisteria.

    1. Margaret D; Wisteria is everywhere in Adelaide right now.

  9. Such a cute "Trecker"! And wow to your and R´s flowers.
    And that´s really an ocean there, amazing!
    Yes, very pretty!!
    Asbestos, oh, my g... oh! Ingo had headaches when attending his new school back then. Yips, that stuff.
    Glad you saved and shared those flowers, you´re a great person :-)
    Fingers crossed they´ll make it!!

    1. Iris Flavia; I planned first to plant something in the bucket of the tractor, but most things would grow too big so I left it empty and now the bottom has rusted out, but it still looks great. We have asbestos here in a couple of tiny rooms out back that used to be laundry rooms, they are locked now and not allowed to be used. We all have laundry facilities inside our individual units now instead. With Ingo having headaches, perhaps he breathed some in and maybe that's why he gets ill now?
      I really hope the bulbs survive and grow again. Probably next year I will know for sure and will take photos then.

    2. No, Ingo´s Mum and his Father´s Mum had problems with pancreas. That´s why he got it and is sick since 2008. We manage.
      The song btw is not about boxing.
      Herbert Grönemeyer lost his wife to cancer (as I did loose my parents to) - - you fight, and you loose.
      I don´t like boxing, my FIL does and frankly... the Klitschko-Brothers.. one a is the mayor of Kiev, the other an author and promoter now (old guys, heh?!, LOL) - cute boys, clever, both have the title Dr..
      Sports like American Football and boxing, too, can be compared to chess.
      You have to think what to do.
      Not one, but, as I learned EIGHT steps forward you have to well... look forward, assume what the other will do.
      Mind you.
      I played the boring chess game twice with Ingo. Lost twice...

  10. Beautiful tractor. And I like the pots ... and the owl. A great selection of photos. Thanx River.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you. I like the tractor more now than when I bought it, it was just a plain pale colour, made to look like it stood in fields for many years.

  11. It's all beautiful! Bless those bulbs, i do hope they will survive and thrive.

    1. messymimi; thank you. I do hope the bulbs survive, we'll know by next spring.

  12. I do like the branches. I can imagine young kids climbing on them, thinking they've really climbed a tree.

    1. Val; I love the branches, but they are fairly slim and I don't think anyone would try climbing them. A toddler might stand on one close to the base, but no higher as they might break.


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