Sunday Selections #557

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

I have three philodendrons in the blue pots now and lined them up all in a row, I've cleared space to put a concrete base with a large market umbrella for summer shade so things don't get as burnt as last summer. I hope.

most of the smaller sun-loving succulents have been moved to the front corner where they can have all the sun they want.

some of my black pelargoniums are showing much more red now and I've noticed just yesterday some lower blooms are pink, I think they got cross-pollinated with another plant. 

the yellow roses came out in force, but have since all died, there should be more in the autumn, other colours are now blooming

the new construction on the block next door is making slow, but sure progress, here you can see the deep trenches where concrete will be poured, the orange plastic is for damp-proofing

here you see one of the foundation slabs is already poured and curing

a nice new fence has been put in place around the boundaries

further down and across the road, these three townhouses are finally almost finished. Work cam to a halt during lockdowns so these are over two years old already. As I passed yesterday a small grader was smoothing out the driveway and drain covers have been put in place for the rainwater runoffs. Probably basic landscaping will happen soon. They have all been sold already.

new construction in the shopping centre carpark, the brick wall faces the footpath

here it is from the carpark side

plumbing  pipes in place, wonder what this will be?

back at home I found the girls rugged up in one of my favourite scarves and watching the next Harry Potter movie


  1. Replies
    1. Sarah; they sure do and they have learned how to get into my scarf drawer. They say they are sampling all the scarves to find which one they like best.

  2. Are you saying there has been some hanky panky in the pelargoniums with cross pollination? For shame:)
    Loved the shot of the girls all tucked in.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I blame the bees, but they are only doing their job. The girls are loving the Harry Potter movies and want to visit Hogwarts School of Wizardry.

  3. Construction is starting to go gang busters again here too.
    Loved your garden and smiled at the photo of the girls leading the good life.

    1. Elephant's Child; I love construction, watching things go up instead of, or after, things have been torn down. The girls live better than I do, mostly because they are too small to use the broom.

  4. It sure looks like a day for rugging up and watching movies. Theyt chose wisely. I love your selections as always.

    1. Charlotte; the days are warming up here now, they will no longer need the scarves. Right now they have bare feet and are all wearing shorts.

  5. The blowers are lovely...a joy to view in the morning, noon and night.

    Have a good week ahead,. River. Take care...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; Lola is being very cuddly lately, we got through her headache days without a visit to the vet and she is fine now, but always sitting close to me. The flowers are wilting in the heat, I should have been up at dawn to water, but I slept until almost 11am.

  6. Lots of building activity in your area. I think that base construction method is called waffle. Think of a waffle icecream.
    It seems early for the roses to die, but your seasons are different.

    1. Andrew; yes, a waffle, and apparently quite stable with our shifting clay soils. The early roses have died, but later bloomers are doing well. Roses are like fruit, there are early and late varieties.

  7. Such beautiful plants. Anyhow the girls look quite snuggle in bed.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; the girls sleep in the second TV chair. my plants need water, but will have to wait until the sun is beginning to set, since I slept too late this morning.

  8. Your plants are beautiful. Summer will be lovely. Looking forward to the umbrella for shade.

    1. Joanne; Summer will be a stinker again, the umbrella is mostly for the plants, I can't sit out there because of all the ants.

  9. Your Pelargoniums are beautiful no matter the color. The girls have good taste in movies.

    1. messymimi; I love the pelargoniums no matter what colour. I do miss the salmon pink plant I had that died when someone helped themselves to the flowering branch two days after I planted it. And I miss the white and red one that also died, but that one got crispified one summer.
      The girls love almost anything, they even watch "The Blacklist" with me, which really isn't for children, with a fair amount of criminal violence.

  10. The girls look good in the colors of your scarf. It sets off their hair.

    1. Val; I hadn't thought about that, maybe they did and that's why they chose that one.

  11. The girls are looking good tucked in bed.
    The plants are nice and it's intersting to see the development in your area R.

    1. Margaret D; I'll be watching to see what kind of housing goes up next door. The girls are tucked up under a different scarf now, watching Fool's Gold, one of my favourite movies.

  12. Beautiful flowers. You're a good gardener.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; I'm not really a good gardener. I plant lots of things and then learn from what dies and what lives. I just plant more of what lives.

  13. Fingers crossed the brolly does it´s job!
    Building is so quick in your place! Here it always takes ages.
    Cute girls :-)

    1. Iris Flavia; I hope the brolly helps, but have to get help to put it in place, the base is solid concrete and weighs 50kg. Building isn't really so quick here, things get done and then there are weeks in between where nothing gets done while the concrete sets and dries properly, then there is more waiting until frames can be delivered and so on. The work next door was started last year and is still only at the foundations stage.

    2. 50 kg! At least it will do like ours that took off three floors high!
      Oh. In Perth there are so many new buildings every time we visit and roadworks are done quickly.

  14. Interesting to see a construction from your place.

  15. Those girls have a great life with you. Love your flowers.



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