Sunday Selections # 553

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

Today we are wandering around in P's garden, he doesn't mind as long as we don't damage anything. P gave me the first cuttings for my "black" pelargonium about 6 years ago.

this hawthorn hedge is on the way to P's garden and covers the front edge of about 6 units, I could hear several hundred bees buzzing in the blossoms

through a gap in the hedge I saw a small stand of pink snapdragons

with a mixed cottage garden of prettiness to the left of it.

here we are in P's garden looking at his many varieties of daisies in purple,

really pretty salmon pink

and more purple. I love these "spoon" petalled ones

and P has a whole full bush of them! easily three feet wide

I know this as twinkle phlox, they come in several colours but I really like the variegated ones

as I was loading the photos I remembered the name of these, but now it's gone again.

johnny-jumpups also known as heartsease I think. I tried growing these in a different home in a different state, but wasn't successful. 

a yellow banksia rose, these also come in white, I like both, but think the yellow is prettier

finally, a happy little gnome (he's new)  peeping out from his home next to the children who seem to have lost their feet.

More next week.


  1. Ohhhhh, so much beauty (well.. the missing feet, though?)

    1. Iris Flavia; the statues are old, perhaps the children were standing on something and fell off.

    2. Glad you keep them none the less :-)

    3. Iris Flavia; they are not mine, they are in P's garden.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing P's garden which looks lovely. I haven't grown snapdragons in years. They are lovely but thirsty and water is generally in short supply here. Not this year.

    1. Elephant's Child; P's garden has something different every couple of years or so. I didn't know snapdragons were thirsty, good thing I haven't tried to grow any. Plenty of water here too, it's raining right now.

  3. What a lovely garden. I have never seen those spoon petaled plants. Fascinating.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I will have to find out the name of the spoon petalled ones. I'll take the photo to the nursery next time I go.

  4. A lovely colourful welcome to spring. A most pleasant wander through the garden.

    Take care, River...have a good week...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I'm glad I took the photos when I did, it's been raining almost every day since.
      Lola is needing lots of cuddles, I think she has a headache again and I only had her at the vet ten days ago!

    2. Oh...that's sad about Lola...we hate seeing our beloved pets suffer. Extra cuddles from me go Lola's way.

  5. There is plenty to see in P's garden. The spoon petalled daisy is very interesting.

    1. Andrew; P's garden is a section of the grounds surrounding the original home, which has now been divided into five or six flats. He takes care of the parts near him and S takes care of the section close to her. Her plants are mostly herbs.

  6. Replies
    1. Joanne; it is and I shall tell P how much you have all enjoyed seeing it.

  7. I like prim roses.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I haven't seen any primroses for a long time, there are none here.

  8. I haven't seen a snapdragon since I was a kid, and I don't remember where I saw it then. Yes, the spoon petals are cool. First time to see them. No wonder the concrete kids are leaning. I didn't notice their lack of feet until you pointed it out.

    1. Val; I remember snapdragons from long ago, usually in the gardens of my school friend's grandmothers. I didn't notice the lack of feet right away either, only saw that when I was loading the photos.

  9. Very pretty are those flowers. Love Banksia Roses, we used to have two over the archway in the front of the house - one white and one yellow. All gone now.

    1. Margaret D; I had a yellow banksia rose across a corner of the fence in my previous home, it didn't do as well as I hoped, turns out a certain someone was sabotaging it because he thought it was getting too big. I don't know if it is still there.

  10. Wonderful flowers and amazing photography. Thanx.

    God bless.

  11. It is so sunny and colourful there! Our hawthorns have their berries now!

    1. Sarah; it was sunny for that one day and raining ever since. We are having a very wet spring.

  12. What a lovely garden P has, i am so glad you are allowed to walk in it and show it to us. Happy Spring!

    1. messymimi; the grounds here are communal, so everyone can walk, but we do respect those who plant "their" own garden areas.

  13. That gnome coming up from the ground, as if from a job well done, he's a cutie.

    1. Charlotte; he does have a happy face, as if he has finished work for the day.

  14. The yellow rose is named after an ancestor. Good to see it is still grown!

    1. Cro Magnon; Banksia roses grow all over Australia, they are a favourite in every city.

  15. Lovely flower pictures - but keep an eye on that gnome ...




    1. Plasman; thank you. The gnome is not mine, P will have to keep his eye on him.


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