I may not be here on Wednesday

 On Wednesday the 19th, my Words for Wednesday will be here, but I may not be.

In the morning I'm having an eye test where they put drops in your eyes to expand the pupils and see how the cataracts are developing. I'm told that I may not be able to see well for a few hours after that, which means no computer. Possibly.

We'll see how that goes. 

I've never had this before and hope I can see well enough to get off the bus at the right stop when coming home. 


  1. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; I don't think the cataracts are very advanced, I can still see well, but after the eye drops I hope I can see well enough to get home.

  2. Hope all goes well, and the light might be a problem for a little while too after having those drops...take care.

    1. Margaret D; I'll be wearing sunglasses Like I always do outside.

  3. Take sunglasses, if it's a sunny day! I had my cataracts removed in July 2021.

    1. Jenn Jilks; I always wear sunglasses outside anyway, even some cloudy days can be too bright here. I don't think my cataracts are ready to be removed yet.

  4. Hope the exam goes well with no further development. Just rest your eyes. Everything else can wait.

    1. Arkansas Patti; between computer, reading and TV, my eyes don't get a lot of rest, until I sleep that is. And I sleep well.

  5. Best of luck with the procedure River. Perhaps you should consider taking a taxi home - just this once. Good advice from Jenn Jilks.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; Taxi prices here are ridiculous. I'll take the bus and let the driver lnow which stop I want to get off at. I'll be fine.

  6. Best of luck! I'm sure everything will go just fine.

    1. Steve Reed; thank you, I'm sure I'll be fine and at least I will know how or if they are progressing.

  7. Just wear sunglasses! It will be fine- you may have a head ache after so take something with you for that.

    1. Linda Sue; thanks for the warning. I shall take a bottle of water and some headache pills and a little something to eat. And of course the sunglasses which I always wear outside anyway.

  8. Phew, I thought this was a Goodbye. Those drops are a nuissance, but having cataracs fixed is just so good. You will be able to find your way home, but reading and using a computer, not so much. The best of luck.

    1. Charlotte; when it's time to say goodbye, it will be in big letters so no one can miss seeing it. This is just for one day. I'm not looking forward to not being able to read for a day, but it has to be done.

  9. Bring sunglasses, they help. Last time i had my eyes dilated i was able to see to drive myself to work after, but the sunglasses were a plus.

    1. messymimi; I always wear sunglasses outside and I don't drive, so I'll be fine on the bus. I will tell the driver I need to get off at stop #7, in case I can't see the stop numbers whizzing by.

  10. Hick only has one eye, and still drives himself home after a visit where his pupil is dilated. Of course, considering his driving skills, that might explain a lot. I would not have tried to drive after such a visit, but I could see well enough to walk around. Just a lot of blurriness for trying to read or watch TV. Watch your step getting off the bus, and in case of uneven sidewalks!

    1. Val; I got off the bus slowly and walked home slowly, the footpaths around here are very uneven, with lifted pavers and unexpected gravel, not to mention dodging all the possum poops. I read a few blogs while I had a cup of tea, then a nice three hour nap.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Oh. I should´ve seen my eye-doc in April.
    I had such drops (at age... 12?) - it was not nice! Yes, it took hours and light did hurt.
    Please take sunnies and a big hat! Flat shoes.
    See, now that it´s dark so early and when I have to get groceries from Ingo´s car I get a feeling on how it must be like being blind.
    I had a friend, she was near to blind yet managed to pour us iced tea from a huge bowl!
    She simply put one finger in the glass eh voilá! Knew when it´s enough. And I stagger around like a dumb one.

    Good luck, don´t walk too fast.

    1. Iris Flavia; I never had this test before and was surprised at the sting from the eye drops. That really hurt!
      I always have sunnies and a hat, and always wear flat shoes. I got home safely and read a few blogs very slowly as my eyes were still dilated and blurry, then I went to bed and slept for three hours.

  13. Dear River, hope it all went well. I loved your get well card and can now use the computer for only 30 minutes a day. The doctors in charge thought I was headed for earlyonset Dementia but it was a nasty UTI that went into the blood and affected my brain. I'm home now and getting stronger every day so I look forward to catching up with you.

    1. JahTeh! I'm so happy to hear from you. I know I'm bad at keeping in touch, but I was getting worried. Damn those UTIs! They're sneaky. I'm glad to hear you are on the mend. My eye test went well, the eyes are healthy apart from beginning cataracts. Next on the list- the dentist! Ugh, lots of work to be done there.


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