Sunday Selections #607

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Starting today with the price of meat in Australia these days:

see the faint red circle around that price? $65 per kilo (just over 2 pounds) for fillet steak. This pack held two tiny steaks each small enough to fit in the palm of my small hand. Beef mince is cheaper, a 500gram (just a fraction over a pound)  pack is $9.50 (it used to be $7) I bought two packs of the beef mince and now have 20 burger patties in my freezer.

to sweeten the meal I made two pineapple meringue pies with a can of crushed pineapple I found in the back of the pantry. One for me, one for a neighour.

I was very surprised on Friday to see two Galahs cleaning up the seed tray after the cockatoos had finished. They don't usually hang around here and I hope they don't bring the rest of the family next time. I can't afford to feed that many birds!

Cookie Bear keeps an eye on the new Pirates, making sure they know what they are doing, keeping things properly shipshape.

and look who came to visit Harvey Banana! it's Paddington Bear!

This bare stem is all that is left of the Caribbean Lily flower now

my bean seedlings have been eaten by something, I'll wait a while before I plant more, the "eaters" should move on soon

They've been at the tomato and dill seedlings too, not much left in that pot, I'll plant more of these too.

the carrots are doing well and will need thinning soon.

mesembryanthemums are flowering again, I've had no more trouble with mealy bug since I put it down in the garden, the open air and breezes keep them away

the frilly pink pelargoniums are flowering again

and the "black" one is so prolific, it's like a jungle in there. A direct result of cutting back and a very wet winter I think.

most of my garden has grown so well I can't see where the pots are under all the plants, I have to guess where to aim the hose

this is the other garden, the lawn you see is the one right in front of my unit and this is the garden across that small path, this is where the rose bushes are, the erigerons (seaside daisies) the rosemary, lemon scented geranium and assorted trees.

This last one is a video and I really hope it plays:

this is the twins getting their first taste of spoon feeding


  1. Replies
    1. Steve Reed; these two were on the small side, I think they are young ones and the next day they brought two more along, but I haven't seen any more since then. People used to keep them as pets, and the cockatoos also, but that's illegal now. As pets, they can learn to talk.

  2. exotic bird world! The babies did not play on my machine but I am sure it is overload cuteness!

    1. Linda Sue; they don't seem exotic to us, we are used to them. I'm sorry the video did not play.

  3. Yikes on the price of beef. That could turn a person vegan. I've had a ton of lemon meringue pies but never a pineapple one. Sounds yummy.
    The twins are doing so well with the spoon feeding. Not a bit of fussing.

    1. Arkansas Patti; no chance of me turning vegan, but I certainly don't buy the "good" steak as often now. I'll buy minced beef for patties and meatballs, and chuck steak for beef casseroles. Pineapple meringue isn't common, I only made these two to use up the can I found at the back of the pantry, past it's use by date, but only by one year, so it was still good.
      I think the twins were ready for more than milk, babies take to spoon feeding easier when they are ready and if they are anything like their dad, they will LOVE food.

  4. The video did play. Total cuties. I wonder just how many people are buying fillet steak now. Not many I suspect.
    Loving your garden. A very wet (and somewhat warmer) winter has put ours in over drive too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm glad the video played for you. They did well with their first spoon experience. I haven't bought fillet steak in years and only this week because I'd been feeling blah a bit too long and needed the meat. We are having another very wet day today, it began raining before I got up and hasn't stopped yet at 10.41am

  5. I sure won't be buying beef fillet at that price! I've not noticed it being that expensive up this way. I don't eat much meat these days, anyway. About the only meat I purchase is for Remy and Shama. I chop up meat for them every afternoon...usually I buy hunks of blade, topside etc. for them. They also have prepared "wet" packet foods, too.

    The girls are doing well with their introduction to being spoon fed. Not as messy as I am!! :)

    Take good care, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...have a pleasant week ahead.

    1. Lee; I don't eat steak very often now, it's too pricey for my budget, most often I buy chuck steak and make a big casserole, at least I get several meals from that. Lola doesn't eat raw beef, she will lick at it, but then leaves it so I don't give her any now. Angel loved raw beef. Lola prefers the dry kibble. She will lick the sauce or gravy off the packaged wet food, buy mostly leaves the "meat" chunks and eats the dry kibble.
      The girls did very well with their first spoon feeding, I think it was apple.

  6. At $30 a pound, it costs less here to go out and eat.

    1. Mike; it might cost less to eat out, but I prefer to eat at home where I know exactly what is in my food. I rarely buy the expensive cuts of beef anyway, always the cheaper chuck steak for casseroles where I get more than one meal from the purchase.

  7. It's certainly not easy to buy food these days.

    Your garden is beautiful, i do hope you don't get overrun with so many birds you have to stop feeding them.

    The adventures around your house are always fun to see.

    Those are two precious babies!

    1. messymimi; thank you. I am going to have to phase out feeding the birds, it's getting too expensive. I started today, putting out a smaller amount of seed. The babies are very precious.

  8. Your pies look delicious! At first glance I thought the Galahs were wearing red sweaters. The twins look like they're going to accept the spoon-food. Even if it might take a few tries, putting it back in. They'll get the hang of it. Such good girls, no fussing at trying something new!

    1. Val; the pies were delicious :) The galahs are pretty to look at, but they tend to hang around in huge flocks and I don't want to encourage more of them here, so today I began putting out less seed and will phase out the feeding. It's getting too expensive for me anyway. The babies are good with new things and I know they will be good, non-fussy eaters just like their dad.

  9. The black pelargonium is spectacular. We are heaving rump steak for dinner, a bit more reasonable at $26 kg. Can you put pellets in the pots to deter pests? Maybe there are pets around and being open, you can't. The twins did not need any encouragement for their first spoon feeding.

    1. Andrew; I looked at the rump steak, but they are so huge and there weren't any single steak packs left. I would have to cut each one into thirds. I can put pellets around the pots to attract snails and slugs, but I don't know what to put if the eaters are earwigs and tiny caterpillars. One neighbour objects to any pellets because the local blue-tongue lizard population eats them and they die, which is probably what happened to the one that lived in my garden. I love the pelargoniums. I think the twins were ready to try the spoons. They're almost five months old now.

    2. I'm afraid the steaks weren't very good. And they were huge. One would have done between us. There are left overs in the 'fridge.

  10. Photos are good and certainly a selection. I buy most of meat at the abattoir's butches shop in Longford here. yes it's expensive but always good meat.
    love your sweets there and the video works and it's good to see :)

    1. Margaret D; it's great you have access to an abattoir. I worked in the one at Murray Bridge for about two weeks before I quit. Having to boil the white overalls every day in the old woodburning copper got to be too much.

  11. BOY! Ingo was always astonished how cheap meal in your country was.
    Nice you share the pie with your neighbor!
    Once I get a holiday I will cook and bake and share with our W.

    The Galahs are adorable.
    LOL, yes, the two squirrels are expensive, too, just got another bag of nuts for some whopping €6!
    But they are worth it :-)

    Poor Cookie, LOL!! I really shoud´ve let you know how big he is.... Sweet pic!
    Paddington Bear must be a British "thing" - not popular here, as far as I know!
    Oh, I had a jacket with buttons like that as a kid! It was also blue. Hm, now I´m not sure.
    Sad your seeds get eaten despite you feed everyone.

    You really have such names in Australia, you drive me nuts! In 1995 I wrote many such endless names down!
    Sometimes I think ... well. Some laugh about that.

    Very sad we do not remember the first spoon of food.
    It must´ve been overwhelming, no?
    All those firsts. Imagine you see everybody walking and suddenly you can at least crawl and get where you want! Then you take it for granted and at some point it goes the other way round... The circle of life...

    1. Iris; I remember when meals were cheap here, but at the same time, wages weren't much either. Also then, things like electricity and gas were much cheaper until the government sold out to private companies. Since then, everything has got way too expensive.
      The Galahs are adorable, but altogether now I have too many birds coming, so I am going to put less food each day. I wanted only to feed the sick ones who can't fly off and find food somewhere else, but birds don't understand that and just look out for themselves.
      Cookie is very happy, he is the same size as my monkey Hugo and they sit on the bed and talk while Lola sleeps.
      The babies are learning to roll over now. J puts them on their tummies and they lift up on their arms, wriggle and wobble and suddenly they roll onto their back!

    2. I think blogger was hungry again - I think I did let you know my Dad´s Father´s name was Hugo! :-)
      Also, thank you for pushing my mind!
      I looked it up. Simmo, was his name, the huge Saltie from Perth Zoo passed 2018, now we at least know his name, see here.
      I saw him last 2017....

  12. Your pineapple meringue pies are beauteous creations and thanks for sharing the video of the two little girls - it worked fine on a dark and rainy Sunday morning in Yorkshire, England.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; Meringue is something I'm good at and the pies were delicious. I'm glad the video played for you.

  13. My Dad´s Father was named Hugo, LOL.
    Yes, animals take what they can get! And many a human as well...
    Thank you also for mentioning there were no subtitles available with the Klitschko-video! I often get subtitles in English ones per se!
    I added a bit about what he says. Darn, I have no idea how to find out from a German supplier if subtitles for non-Germans are available?

    1. Iris Flavia; subtitles aren't so important, he looked like he was talking about peace, his face was calm and happy, that's good enough for me.

  14. Video won't play for me - surely something copyrigth or data protection issues. I was hoping to see, as I never spoonfed my babies this young. The flowers are a wonder to see, and your beef ois still cheaper than mine ;)

    1. Charlotte; I'm sorry the video doesn't play for you. The twins are almost five months old, I began with a spoon feeding when my own babies were four months old, they just weren't satisfied with only milk, they were ready to eat. They got used to a wide range of flavours and textures and I didn't have any fussy eaters like some toddlers are at around two years old.

    2. All my six had only milk until at earliest 10 monhts. I tried because the 'health lady' told me to, but they did not want anything else, and I became tired of preparing meals, that ended on the outside of the babv only ;) Plus it should protect the babies from allergies. Some turned out picky, some not - and it changed over time; some fuzzy oines now eat (or at least try with curiosty) anything, some most definitely not.


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