Sunday Selections #605

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

I bought some Pirates for the Pirate ship and hoped they wouldn't be too small:

they are about three inches tall, with moveable arms

Captain Jack takes the wheel

Beefeater Bob defends the midship

Hookless Pegleg mans the Crow's Nest

 the green Fairy Door attached to a fake tree trunk in my back porch has a miniature squirrel on the corner

the blue one Welcomes you

the third Fairy door

each has a slide exit for quick getaways in case of trouble from goblins

my "black" pelargoniums are blooming again, so many blossoms this time! All the rain has probably helped as well as the cutting back I did last autumn

the carrot seedlings are easier to see now

the beans are getting tall and should start bushing out soon

across the middle of this pot is dill, because it will bring bees to the garden and because I love the smell from the flowers, there are a few tiny tomato seedlings beginning to show near the edges, a different type in each half of the pot

the front garden has very few roses this season, but those few are pretty spectacular

I left this orange one to open a bit more

and cut it the next day. Gillian says they are all perfect

twin one having a giggle

twin two also having a giggle

both girls together which is just how they like it 💖💖


  1. The pirates seem to be handling the ship quite well and I love your fairy housing development. Love the twin giggles. Twin one seem to have LOL moments while twin two seems to be more of a chuckler. Both beyond adorable.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I was pleased to find Pirates that weren't too tiny, a little larger would have been good, but I'm happy enough with these. The girls do a lot of laughing now they have learned how.

  2. The pirates are just the right size to take over the ship.

  3. Another delightful selection. All of it. Thank you.

  4. The beautiful bubs are growing more beautiful by the day...and boy, they certainly are growing, the dear, sweet little girls.

    Take good care, River...I hope you have lots of fun during the coming week. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; the girls sure are growing fast and I can't tell them apart now unless they are together, because then G is always on the left and A is always on the right.

  5. I really like the fairy doors. Shiver me timbers, those pirates look threatening. Oh dear, the twins are not growing their own individual looks but more alike. Can you tell them apart?

    1. Andrew; the fairy doors are the oldest things out in the porch, the pirates do look a little threatening, but they are so small you could easily vanquish them. The girls are identical twins, so it's expected they will look more alike as A catches up to G in size. I can only tell them apart when they are together as G is always on the left and A is always on the right.

  6. You had me smiling from start to finish!

  7. Lovely photos.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. I love the pirates with their moveable muscular arms, and I love the fairy doors more, but most of all, I love those happy little twins!

  9. Like your pirates plus the doors. That rose is looking like a Just Joey it's very pretty.

    1. Margaret D; I don't know the names of any roses and these were all in the garden when I moved here.

  10. Hahaha, Ingo just went in and went, seeing your blog, "ohhhh! Where is this?!!!"
    Me: "Where our pirate bear went!"
    - "Adelaide? He is in good hands!"

    Cute babies, too, to a great Sunday!

    1. Iris; I found this in spam, so now your next comment makes more sense to me.

    2. Blogger!!!! At least you have such a spam-thingy. I really do not!

  11. Seesh. Let´s hope he does not run off and buys these, too!!!! I´ll blame you in case! ;-)

    1. Iris; who might run off and buy what? Ingo and the pirates? I got them on ebay.

    2. Ingo... more pirates!!! He fastly runs off and buys such things ;-)

  12. Does blogger have the hiccups again?! Ingo loved your post, I was just saying, came back to add and boom it was gone....
    So much for saving one comment and then...
    I also in some blogs - like yours, too, have to sign in with google. Gets crazier by the day...

  13. Your delightful posts always make me want to come and live with you and all your fun characters.

    1. Granny Annie; thank you, but it would be very crowded, I have only one bedroom and one small bed....


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