Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by me and can be found right here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. hypnotic 2. case 3. promise 4. wild 5. ceiling fan 6. burgers and shakes 7. canvas 8. garlic

use them all, or just a few, just have fun

My story will be posted on Friday, as always.


  1. Memory is a trickster and its canvas cannot be relied on. Imprisoned in a nursing home and watching the ceiling fan turn slowly in the hypnotic heat of a Brisbane summer Rosie was mesmerized, and transported back to the past.
    Oh the memories of her wild and misspent youth. The days when burgers and shakes were a very rare treat, and the promise of endless summers stretched forever... The days when garlic was something to dispel vampires and was never, ever added to food – or not in any of the families she knew…
    Those days had gone. Long gone. Rosie was now a ‘geriatric’ case. She spent much more time remembering than she did in the present. And those who loved her were grateful for that blessing.

    1. Elephant's Child; this is excellent and these days, time spent in past memories is often more pleasant than what is out there in reality.

    2. EC, well done, this is a lovely story. I agree with River, memories are sometime more pleasant the present.

    3. Beautiful story. Yes, living in the memories are often more merciful than the present.

  2. River, thank you for posting the words this month, i'm going to get to work on it.

  3. As I made my way to the back of the house, where people had gathered on the covered deck, the rhythmic music and lights was hypnotic and the sound of the cicadas added to the atmosphere. I spied a case of assorted quality wine. True to her promise, there were no wild guest hanging from the ceiling fan. There was large table filled with all kind of amazing dishes and I couldn't wait to sample them. There were no burgers or shakes like I had envisioned on the canvas of my imagination but the scent of garlic was definitely in the air. I was glad I accepted her invitation.

    1. Julia: This sounds like a wonderful party. I am glad you accepted the invitation too - and tempted us with your words.

    2. Garlic has a hypnotic effect, Julia, eh?
      Enjoyed this.

    3. This will be a good party and you'll be glad you went.

    4. Julia; welcome to drifting. I love your story, sounds like a wonderful party.

    5. Sean Jeating, you just had to be there. The atmosphere was very special.The food was to die for, lots of wine and good conversation. The perfect party. ( on the canvas of my imagination...) lol...

    6. This sounds like a nice party. Well written.

  4. A hypnotic view: On the canvas as the artist had promised – Nothing but a ceiling fan, burgers and shakes and three bulbs of wild garlic.

    1. Sean Jeating: A still life I would like to see.

    2. It will make an interesting canvas, indeed.

    3. Sean Jeating; thank you for joining us, I'd like to see such a painting.

    4. Well I would not protest if the ceiling fan was substituted by something more in the line of still life paintings, but still ... sounds interesting ;)

  5. I´m looking forward to Friday! And I fear I cannot contribute, by brain is blank even after reading the words twice. Gosh I am so uncreative it´s a pain!
    Though.... that ceiling fan is a trigger! (from real life again, of course...)

    1. Iris; perhaps a bit more thought on the ceiling fan might trigger a story. You don't have to use all the words. Just one will do.

    2. Too late, I used them all :-) Just hope I didn´t use the story before, too!

  6. Sean Jeating, Like EC, I would like to see this still life painting.

  7. Thanks for the words. I have been continuing the story of Aunt Jemima's Garden.

    1. Charlotte; I will come and read right away.

  8. I'm drawing a blank right now.

  9. I will try to post my story on Saturday.

    1. Granny Annie; I look forward to reading it.


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