Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by me and can be found right here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. study 2. exercise 3. gnome 4. cagier 5. fountain 6. super 7. enigma 8. sludge

and this image:

have fun.


  1. Definitely some tricky words this in this week’s W4W exercise, so I am being cagier than usual in using them.
    I find the photo a bit of an enigma. Study it I did, but I am not certain what the line across the beautiful bay is used for? A pier? I hope so, because that is what I have decided to run with.
    It was a clear day. A beautiful day. A simply super day.
    Josh and his gnome headed out to the furthest reaches of the pier and sat, soaking up the sun with a fishing rod dangling into the clear waters below. He knew he should be at school, but he had decided to take the day off. His mother described such days as ‘mental health days’ which made sense to him.
    His mind turned to sludge when he sat in the classroom. Teachers spewing a fountain of useless facts at him did nothing for him. Out here in the fresh air, with the sun gently warming his back and his best friend beside him was much better for him he decided. He knew he would be punished for it, and simply didn’t care. Today was his.

    1. Elephant's Child; it's definitely a pier. It's one of the many jetties from our Adelaide beaches. I don't remember exactly which one, possibly Tennyson.
      I love what you did with the words, everyone needs a mental health day now and again.

    2. Loved the story. My children had a few "mental health days".

    3. Everyone needs such days at times. I knew a lady years ago whose father told her and her siblings, back in the 60's, that since teachers in their district could take up to 5 personal days off each year, he would allow his children to do the same. It only seems fair.

    4. messymimi; mental health days were unheard of when I was young, for children anyway. We only missed school if we were sick with something contagious.

    5. A perfect day, worht the punishment. Well written, and I think everybody is entitled to mental health days!

  2. Blogger has the hiccups big today again.
    This is a tough one. I think I must pass and look forward to your story! The latter I do!

    1. Iris; it's okay if you pass, this is not compulsory.

  3. River left her study to take some exercise. She met one of her old school friends - a gnome called Malcolm. He seemed cagier than usual. They walked to the fountain in Cresswell Gardens.
    Malcolm was super quiet. The guy was a real enigma and at school his nickname had been Sludge for some obscure reason. They took a taxi to Semaphore Beach where they they paid for a hot air balloon ride over the pier. Then they lived happily ever after.


    1. Great use of the prompts. Love the gnome named Sludge! LOL

    2. Wonderful, i do like a happy ending.

    3. Yorkshire Pudding; living happily with a gnome named sludge? Let's hope he's a nicer person than his nickname suggests.

    4. Hehe, your absurd stories are really entertaining. Thanks!

  4. UNUSUAL BRIDGE by Granny Annie

    There is no question that the floating bridge was an ENIGMA. My daily trip to the beach was to STUDY this floating bridge. I had to wonder what people had the nerve to drive across. It was my decision to try walking the length for EXERCISE. There was a GNOME statue with a FOUNTAIN at each end of the bridge for walkers to cool off. I wanted to try it but the water spray on the ground created a lot of SUPER SLUDGE. Finally I learned a trick from another walker who was CAGIER than I. This walker wore high rubber boots for the walk and was ready for the muck around the fountains.

    1. I like this, i'd want to see such an unusual bridge, too.

    2. Granny Annie; good story! I'd be inclined to wear rubber boots too where there is sludge.

    3. Good story, Now I wonder to where ths bridge led, only to a gnome fountain?

  5. I have continued my story of Birch Manor. It'll take some days for me to use all the words, as I used 0 for this first instalment ;)

  6. Most of the time I can look at the words and at least five or six of them will jump into a sentence for me. Not this time.


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