Triggered by Andrew's Post

 this, an 'explanation' of the "trickle down effect"

Andrew wrote about the tax cuts being given to the rich in the UK and the same happens here often enough to make me throw newspapers around the room in disgust.

What say you?


  1. Nicely illustrated.

    1. I've held on to this one for a long while just waiting for the right moment to use it.

  2. Replies
    1. Mike; it is and how is it the rich just can't see this?

    2. They can. But most of them ignore.

    3. Sean Jeating; that's probably true too.

  3. Completely true. And it isn't that the rich can't see this - it is that they refuse to.

  4. Hm. Different here.
    We live in a safe heaven - the supposedly "rich" have to pay, the others get.
    The super-rich aka politicians, who never worked... they get the tops. They can cheat (and do) and such and raise their hand for getting more.
    On paper I get more money than Ingo.
    Which is unfair.
    He is nearly 8 years older and has to have a car, which costs money, has to drive 40 km one way, which costs money. Etc, etc.
    I know of people who can smoke and drink and have the window open in winter to get fresh air cause us working peeps pay the taxes they live on.

    Is there a country that is "perfect"?

    I think there was. Take your early people back then, for example.
    They did care, they were clever and... not for me to go on...

    1. Iris; I think the super rich everywhere find loopholes in tax laws so they either don't pay or pay as little as possible. They can afford to pay lawyers to help them do this.

  5. That's pretty much it. Apparently Liz Truss has walked back her plan to offer tax cuts to the richest, rightfully facing a political backlash for even proposing it.

    1. Steve Reed; I heard about that walkback on the news last night.

  6. We have lived by that theory for too long. Now we are trying to apply a fair tax to the rich which is long overdue. Hope it passes.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I hope it passes too and the same happens everywhere.

  7. Trickle down economic don't work.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; for sure it doesn't work and the politicians need to fix that.

  8. The whole subject is deeply complicated, and we know it's not working the way we've been doing it. My heartache and anger are over the inability to figure out better ways and implement them, as well as those who don't want them implemented for their own selfish reasons.

    1. messymimi; I'm not exactly sure where to put my anger over this. Do I put all the blame on politicians? Banks? Mega-rich people? Do I put blame on the poor who "don't work hard enough?" Do I put blame on parents who never discuss money and don't teach their children? I agree it is deeply complicated, but it seems we pay enough in taxes that too often don't get used for the right things, instead being used to pay consultants and committees who spend much time examining and deciding while nothing gets done.

  9. Truss and her loping chancellor have had to backtrack on their ill-considered plans but they have shown their true cards and now the trickle down effect is happening on the legs of their trousers.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; that would be a very uncomfortable trickle down. I am glad they have had to backtrack though.

  10. If only. This print has been in my brain for decades. It is so meaningful. Trickle down, that has been on the "new ideas" chopping board. Advise, try, condemn, failure---that is what I see.


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