Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by me and can be found right here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. donkey 2. battleground 3. spatula 4. outside 5. bridge 6. stars 7. rescue 8. scorching

and this image:

have fun


  1. I'm off to work on this, and i'll be back to link up, if my comment will post.

    1. Oh, yes, my first comment that didn't publish had a note about how i hope all went well today.

    2. messymimi; all went well, my eyes are healthy, no macular degeneration, retinas are good. Cataracts are still minimal, so no need to rush to surgery. Vision is still a bit blurry, my pupils are still huge even after a nap.

  2. I hope your appointment with the optometrist went well. Sorry, off to the vet again this morning and my mind is there not here. Quick and dirty is the best I can manage. I hope to be back to applaud other people’s contributions later.
    Rosie’s life was a battleground. She constantly reached for the stars. And failed. She seemed to be incapable of thinking outside the box. Faced with options she always seemed to take the donkey vote (with predictable results). Happiness seemed a bridge too far, and she longed for rescue. Rescue which didn’t come. Instead she grieved as yet again her hopes and dreams disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving only scorched remnants behind.

    1. Some people do almost seem to be under a "hard luck" cloud.

    2. If this is "quick and dirty" I feel outdone ... well done EC!

    3. Elephant's Child; your quick and dirty is speedy and excellent. Well done. I do hope Odie gets well, did he already have the virus when you picked them up?
      My test went well, eyes are healthy and cataracts still minimal. But those eye drop! Oh Boy! They STING!!!

    4. Well done EC you should do quick and dirties more often, this is a wonderful story. I feel so sad for her and I hope she does better.

    5. Now I am ashamed because you are pressed for time but still wrote a fun story. Good job!

    6. Elephant's Child: However quick this was, you used the prompts very well. This seems like a story though.

      Have a lovely day.

  3. Replies
    1. Charlotte; I'll read it tomorrow, still resting the eyes after the exam, which showed my eyes are healthy, thank goodness.

    2. Healthy eyes are the best news!!! The story will be there tomorrow - or the day after as well - the only 'danger' is me writing more of it for you to read :D

  4. Nice to see you´r all good and back! I have a (crazy) idea with these words - true stories, as usual, my mind just cannot make up stories...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. donkey 2. battleground 3. spatula 4. outside 5. bridge 6. stars 7. rescue 8. scorching

    After swallowing the mind-bending drugs that River had sold me, I lay down by a blazing log fire and hallucinated. I remember a donkey in full armour standing upon a bloody battleground holding a wooden spatula. Outside my body I saw a bridge covered in shooting stars that had bombarded The Earth all morning. Who would rescue me? The stars were scorching hot. Then Jesus appeared and as all Christians know, Jesus saves! Thank you Jesus!


    1. Yorkshire Pudding; rescued from spam jail:) This is good. I hope he doesn't have long term after effects from those drugs though.

    2. Excellent take YP. Terrifying hallucination!

    3. Yorkshire Pudding: I love it - but I am strongly reminded of Monty Python.

    4. Yorshire Pudding: If one to have hallucinations, there must be a donkey involved. This was a fun of the prompts.

      Have a lovely day.

    5. Have you been reading the book of the Revelation of St. John lately?

  7. Here's mine. All words used and photo used.
    She needed the break. It had been a rough and painful court case. Out in the wilds of Connemara on the west coast of Ireland in her tiny thatched cottage, she felt safe. No one knew where she was.

    She stared into the battleground of the roaring fire, summoning images of Gareth, her ex, raging in the court room. She took the wooden spatula and stirred the soup in the cast iron pot hanging over the fire. And the aroma blanketed the small room, restorative, nourishing.

    The little donkey brayed outside under the stars. He had done well, hauling in the woven panniers of turf and wood for the fire.

    He had become her friend, her only one in this outpost, this sanctuary. A peaceful bridge, her rescue, from the scorching hatred of Gareth.

    1. WWW; All alone and safe at last, with soup and a warming fire, it sounds lovely. Well done.

    2. Wisewebwoman: This is lovely. I am so glad that she is now safe.

    3. Love the use of the prompts including the warm fire.

    4. Wisewebwoman: That little donkey seems like a good companion, he'll probably bite Gareth's behind if necessary.

      Have a lovely day.

  8. I'm late as usual but here's my link, fiction as usual: Fiction: Deaths and Desserts

    I always find the word selections intriguing as most of the time, they have nothing to do with one another. Thanks for the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.


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