Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here on this blog on Wednesdays.

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. hypnotic 

2. case 

3. promise 

4. wild 

5. ceiling fan 

6. burgers and shakes 

7. canvas 

8. garlic

Here is my story:

In the tiny town of Terraville, on the newly inhabited small planet TerraNova 16, a group of teenagers gathered at the Burgers and Shakes Shack to discuss the latest music, the latest dances and whether or not parents were old fuddy duddies. They completely ignored their homework, as always.

All were completely oblivious to the micro spray emanating from the airconditioner outlets and being further dispersed by the ceiling fans. As the minutes passed, it had the desired effect, silencing the children into a hypnotic trance.

As soon as the last child’s head drooped, scientists in hazmat suits quietly moved in and removed every single boy and girl. Loaded separately into the canvas covered trucks waiting outside, they were driven to the testing facility.

Collectively, the parents breathed a sigh of relief. This was the last group to be gathered and treated. There would be no more cases of insubordination, Dr Whitsek had made the promise personally to each one of them. Their children would be obedient, sweet natured and truthful as soon as the brain implants were activated.

 School would still be attended, teachers would be listened to, grades would go up. But only the approved lessons would be taught from now on. Once the program became successful enough, funding would be granted for the next set of families to arrive from Earth. Hopefully they would bring the desired new plantings of wild garlic that Dr Whitsek was trying to establish in the vegetable gardens.

He needed the extract from this to add to the serum he administered, unknowingly, to the parents at each weekly meeting, via their cups of tea.


  1. Dystopia in function. I woinder what the serum in the tea is doing. I hope for a continuation of this.

    1. Charlotte; the serum is keeping the parents compliant, they are all under behaviour modification experiments.

  2. Aaaargh. This is scary. Very scary. And well written. Dr Whitsek is a dangerous man.

    1. Elephant's Child; not only dangerous, but completely crazy.

  3. First I thought Oh Boy science fiction then I realized this had a dark turn. Scary.

    1. Arkansas Patti; thank you, but I think I wrote myself into a corner and don't know how to go on.

  4. Quite frightening, may it never come true.

    1. messymimi; I don't think it will really happen.

  5. Scary and already true! So many kids get medication to calm down and listen to the teachers. There was - I think - more than one The Simpsons-episode on this and a former colleague´s little Brother was on treatment.
    At some point... it all will come out, no? The real life, the suppressed feelings. And they likely will come back 200%!

    Sad, true, very well written story.
    Back in the day you "got an answer" for not behaving and "a reason" when you then cried.
    But medication sure is the easier way. For the moment....

    Or, like my Brother sadly handles it... repeat your instructions endlessly. It was a pain to see that.

    And this is why I have no kids. Who the heck knows what I would do wrong!

    1. Iris; I set this far into the future, when other planets have pockets of humans living and developing on them. on this particular one the "Doctor" is a crazy man doing experiments and trying to change DNA so people get born who are completely programmable like robots. 100% fiction and I hope it never ever happens in real life.

  6. The hypnotic grandfather clock chimed in its case, reminding me of the promise that I made to Grandpa on his deathbed. How wild his hair had looked under the ceiling fan of his hospital side ward.

    I drove to the "Burgers and Shakes" eatery on the edge of town and lifted his ashes from the canvas bag in which I had kept his urn. I scattered him over the fast food car park and then went inside to order a cheeseburger, a banana shake and a stick of garlic bread. It was exactly what Grandpa wanted.

    1. Hehe, crazy last wishes, but you'll have to comply. Well thought out.

    2. Yorkshire Pudding; I like this, you honoured your grandpa's wishes and got lunch :)

  7. One heck of a post. I was right there, ready to take on the evil forces.

  8. This is totally silly, I know.

    After the game, the hum of the ceiling fan dulled the football players, as they consumed massive amounts of burgers and shakes. They sank into a hypnotic sugar buzz. Slowly they stood up, drugged and staggering.

    The game had been a wild game, fulfilling a promise made to the late coach, who had died violently. It was still an ongoing murder case.
    The team found themselves at Coach’s grave. Spreading it with a ragged canvas taken from St. David’s, they threw bulbs of garlic across the image of the Crucifixion.
    Crossing themselves, they watch it all absorbed in the soil. They smiled. Next Friday’s game was now safe.

  9. Not such a far-fetched scenario for conspiracy theorists! Sorry you feel like you wrote yourself into a corner. I'd like to hear more about this planet and town.

    1. Val; maybe if I eat some cheese late at night a solution will come. I always have weird dreams after late night cheese.

  10. wonderfully written ,i really enjoyed this science fiction and i think it can be stretch so well by your amazing mind


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