Sunday Selections #644

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Going back to 2020:

this is Harley, my biggest garden gnome in a corner of my previous home around 2008 I think, after I moved here he was in the garden for a while and deteriorated further, so I brought him inside for a transformation.

I began by paintig his cap a bright red after brushing off as much loose flaky plaster as I could.

you can see even his boot caps here are eaten away by years of weather exposure

I added a coat of green to his vest

I made his pants blue and gave him a better skin tone

I made his eyes blue as well

here's a back view

a gold belt buckle, that gold leaf is oil based and it just ran everywhere, I had to retouch the black and blue bits after it dried

red buttons on the green vest and I even painted his cigar

and shiny black boots. Of course now he is much too pretty to sit outside, he'd be stolen in a heartbeat, so he lives inside.

an advertisement in the Saturday paper for a dozen "gold medal" wines at almost half price, so I ordered them for my sons.

looks like a party going on here

this tree seems to be a bit tired of standing upright so it's taking a rest lying down on the bark

a spiffy new building under construction in King William Street, taking the place of many smaller businesses including the City Cross arcade with it's many eateries and the downstairs "Cheap as Chips" store. That was my favourite arcade and I will always miss it. The pizza outlet had the best garlic bread and sold pizza by the slice as well as a range of pasta dishes.

I'm pleased they kept the old "Sands and McDougall" facade (printers and stationers) and cleaned it up.

I don't have any new photos of the twins but don't think I have shown these before, Gen on the left,  Ana on the right

I think this one is Genevieve.


  1. Harley is looking MUCH better now. Well done.
    And of course the twins are always lovely.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, I had fun choosing his new colours. The twins are always happy and smiling faces are always lovely.

  2. Let me try this again. That's an excellent job you did of refurbishing you gnome. And I love the look of that new building, even though I normally prefer the older architecture.

    1. Catalyst; thank you, I like repainting old things. The new building is very nice to look at, I worried that it would be just another shiny glass block, but the designers did well, it has great "street appeal".

  3. Make that "your" gnome. Can't blame spellcheck, just my old eyes.

    1. Catalyst I didn't even notice and I make enough typos myself.

  4. Thanks for the trip around, the new building looks like they were not listening re:climate change- or maybe they were...I know nothing. Anyway I like it!
    Of course a winner every time with the twins. Can't go wrong there!
    You did a fine job making old Harley in to young fresh Harley.Really a very good job and you are right, he would be stolen. in a heartbeat.

    1. Linda Sue; I'm not sure how well the building fits into climate change specifications, possibly it has excellent insulation and solar panels for less reliance on utilities. It does look much nicer than the too-tall too-square no-redeeming-features of most new builds.
      The twins win me over everytime.
      I like the way Harley looks now, I did this painting quite some time ago and did show him then, but thought a "before and after" plus midway would be nice.

  5. Love the new Harley. And, I think I can tell the twins apart!

    1. Joanne; the new Harley is great and there are a coupe of giveaways to determining which twin is which. what have you noticed?

  6. those babies are too sweet for words!

  7. I'm sure Harley loved, and still does, his new wardrobe, and loves being inside, as long as he sometimes has a view of outside.

    Have a good week ahead, cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola.

    1. Lee; Lola has been banished to the tv chair while I type here and she's not happy about it, but we'll make up for that later with cuddles.
      Harley hasn't seen the outside for a while, he's too big to stand on the windowsill and would be in the way if I stood him by the door. He's on the floor in the bedroom.

  8. Harley the gnome, how handsome he looks since you took him under your wing and brightened him up River, well done.

    1. Margaret D; I couldn't bear to see him just disintegrate.

  9. I agree with everyone else - Harley looks splendid in his new clothes. I'm sure he doesn't miss being outside.

  10. Wow, you went all out with Gnome. He looks a bit like an old member of Village People wearing a strange hat. Great job.

    1. Andrew; an old Village Gnome? I like making things colourful.

  11. Harley sure went through a beautiful transformation!
    I had to scroll back to first pic... He looks happy now! Like...really.
    Oh, wine. When does it turn to vinegar? We usually use it for making goulash...
    Which reminds me... I bought fancy beer, two bottles. Six months, huh? Likely over already, gah...
    We should have balloons every (second) day.
    Geralton, your country! 1995 - I took a pic of the leaning trees.
    Pizza by the slice... heaven. If you ever visit Tuscany... Sienna - best slice in the world!
    A miracle how the parents know who is who...
    Genes are... a crazy (lille) thing (called love)

    1. Iris; I think the blue eyes make Harley look happier. I don't know when wine turns to vinegar, but my sons will drink it and use left overs to cook with. I don't like wine at all, not even in my cooking. I don't think beer goes off at all as long as you haven't opened them they should be okay.
      I haven't been to Geraldton, possibly never will.
      Pizza by the slice was very popular at that shop, business people would go for their lunch and each have a different type, I went there mostly for garlic bread which they also sold by the slice and big slices too!
      There are little things that tell us which twin is which.

    2. I´ve heard beer loses taste after 6 months of production.
      Geralton was nothing special, apart from those trees (well that was 1995).
      Dangerous with the twins, LOL, expect trouble later on ;-)

    3. Iris; the twins will be fine, there are safety gates to keep them out of the kitchen.

  12. Harley looks like he has cleaned up his "tough biker" persona. It's an amazing transformation. That's a good deal on the wine. Your sons can put up their own balloons and have a party. In the double-twin picture, Gen looks like she's just heard a bit of spicy gossip!

    1. Val; or maybe someone was waving a piece of toast at her, she likes her food. Probably J was making faces at them. Harley has "softened" as he aged, no longer so tough.

  13. I really like Harley's makeover.

    Those girls make me smile every time i see them.

    1. messymimi; I'm happy with the new Harley too. The girls make me smile just thinking about them.

  14. I love the Gnome makeover! And your grandies are gorgeous! (

    1. MedicatedMoo; thank you. The gnome was fun and I painted a few other things too that were weathered and/or broken from being in the garden. The Grandies make my heart runneth over :)

  15. I love your tired tree. It reminds me of song we always sang as children. Something about the trees not being able to lie down and sleep - seems this one learned how.
    Both the gnome and the twins are adorable, in different ways ;)

    1. Charlotte; I've never seen a tree do this and I am wondering how it managed to grow like that, did someone bend it and tie it down when it was younger and more supple? I'll never know. I agree about the twins and the gnome.


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