Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Charlotte and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. scarf 2. flower 3. shoes 4. pick 5. a bevy of quail 6. leaves 


1. branches 2. unlucky 3. wind 4. major 5. gnome 6. fingers

Also including Charlotte's colour of the month which is golden yellow for July

Here is my story:

I stood with my grandmother and watched as a bevy of quail crossed the yard to the feed tray. Gran pulled her golden yellow scarf tighter around her neck against the wind as we stopped momentarily in a patch of sunshine and discussed yesterday’s wedding. “I worried about it,” she said, “a wedding on Friday the 13th would be unlucky I thought, but it all turned out so well.”

“It was a beautiful wedding,” I said, keeping an eye on my shoes as we moved across the grass, Grandma’s ducks had been free ranging earlier and I didn’t want to step in anything yucky. “He seems like the perfect match for our Cheryl too, but who was that man standing at the back? I heard someone say he was the wedding planner but he had a funny name, something I’ve never heard before.”

“His name is Khoral Kai,” I said. “He has been living in Pete’s old lighthouse for several years now, you must have heard of him.” “Oh!” she said, “the alien! Now I remember. I’m afraid my mind might be slipping a bit, I am 93 now you know.” “I do know that Grandma and I hope to live as long as you, but it is getting chilly now, we need to get back inside before our fingers freeze!”

“You’re right, let’s just pick a few flowers first, and some mint leaves for a cup of tea too.” We turned towards the house as the wind picked up and tree branches began to sway more wildly. “There’s a major storm expected,” said Grandma, “we need to make sure all the shutters are securely locked and I’m glad your Dave got the generator ready to run. You know, I’ve never seen that alien before, I should get out more, I kind of expected him to look a bit like a gnome, like that ET in that film we saw when you were a child. He did a really good job, all the colours co-ordinated so beautifully and the cake was a work of art."


  1. I am so very glad that Charlotte (MotherOwl)'s words led to the return of Khoral Kai.

    1. Elephant's Child; I hadn't planned it that way but I'm glad he is in there.

  2. Wednesday Words are always a hit. Thank you, River, for keeping it going and sharing with us.

  3. Khoral Kai does it again. It sounds like he has excellent taste and the whole community enjoys his many talents.

    1. messymimi; Khoral Kai has many talents and party planning is one of them.

  4. I got married in July.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Dora; July is nice weather in your country, good for weddings.

  5. Friday 13th was my Mum´s lucky day :-)
    Oh, what a joy to meet Khorall Kai again! Hope he comes back for good, I missed him!
    To be that fit at age 93 must be great - a wonderful story again, thank you for the smile!

    Ack, next month my BIL gets married (again!) and we have to attend. So not looking forward to again take a mini-holiday for him as again it´ll be on a Friday.
    Wish us luck it won´t be as boring as his 50-years-"party"...

    1. Iris; I can't promise Khoral Kai is back for good, it depends on where the stories take me.
      I'm sure a wedding will be more fun.

    2. I try to think positive then, so Khoral Kai makes it to your heart again and that somehow ... a miracle happens and someone funny turns up at that wedding.

  6. Very nice work! (

    1. MedicatedMoo; thank you. Perhaps you could join us sometime?

  7. My scarf was the colour of a golden yellow flower. Wearing sensible shoes, I started to pick my way along the edge of the wood to where a bevy of quail were concealed amidst the leaves.
    I parted the branches of a small ash tree. while reflecting that I have never been unlucky when hunting those birds. A gentle wind buffeted the treetops. I was holding my favourite rifle by "Major". For some reason their company logo is a garden gnome and there is always one engraved on the stainless steel stock. I squeezed my first and second fingers on the trigger and in quick succession hit both of my targets. Bang! Bang! Dead!

    1. I laughed reading this. I hope your rifle shoots very tiny bullets, fir for a garden gnome, else the quail will just be pulverized :D

    2. Yorkshire Pudding; quail pie for dinner? Nicely done :)

    3. It takes a lot of quail to make a meal! My brother threw a rock at one, hit it dead on. It was about the size of his hand.

  8. Happy to meet Khoral Kai again. I too hope he stays. I just found out who he reminds me of, Anne of Green Gables' Captain Jim! Are they somehow related ... In the Commonwealth of Letters everything is possible. :D

    1. "Evertything"; should that be "anyhing"? What's best and why? Just wondering.

    2. Charlotte; I'm happy Khoral Kai turned up. I have never read Anne of Green Gables so I don't know Captain Jim.

    3. I think you have to read them. You would love the series, maybe the first books most!

  9. Khoral Kai has many talents! Even though looking like a gnome is not one of them.

    1. Val; Khoral Kai is talented in many ways, atristic, musical and able to get along well with all types of people.

  10. An interesting collection of words!

    Evelyn had selected her favorite scarf, one covered in golden yellow flowers. Her favorite shoes by the door, stepping out by her gnome. She named him “Jimmy" and he had lost the battle with an unlucky major windstorm last week. A sweet bevy of quail had been swept them away, covering them with a swirl of leaves and branches.

    She gazed at the wind damage, looking up to see another on its way. She picked roses, promptly sticking her fingers with thorns. She sighed and stepped back inside. “Another day, another wind…” Oh, well.

    1. Susan Kane; chosen by Charlotte this month, so please post there as well. One of my gnomes is named Jimmy.


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