Sunday Selections # 647

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

windswept clouds that greeted me

as I left the local supermarket last week

downward facing Lola

Can you guess what I was making?

Brownies, fresh from the oven

the all-important fresh-from-the-oven taste test. mmm, deliciously fudgy.

I tried a new brand of pasta last week, probably this has been available for a while but I haven't been buying ravioli since last winter, it's very nice. Dare I say better than the Latina brand? Yes I do. It's better.

I added an extra garlic clove to the sauce as I always do, look at the size of it next to my teaspoon.

While waiting for a bus to go and visit with the twins I watched this whatever it is, moving and spreading soil on that block across from my bus stop in preparation for new buildings. I was fascinated by the cab being able to turn 360 degrees.

getting off the bus at the twins end of town I saw these pretty flowers on a bush taller than me

this is what the leaves look like, anyone know what it might be?

much closer to home, right next door in fact, this is a small section of the neighbour's footpath garden

it has clumps of paperwhite jonquils throughout

as well as snowdrops, many other plants too, including rose bushes that have been pruned down to be almost invisible.

and a small spread of this pretty leafy plant which looks as if it is frosted. I'm hoping it will grow from a cutting because I took a tiny piece.

this is one of the many pictures I have blu-tacked to my wall, Yoda: Do or Do Not, There is No Try. 

a package arrived last week, tiny shoes and slipper boots I had ordered for the girls, who are both now walking.

here is Ana with a vegemite smeared chin, her hand is on the edge of the five inch step down into the sunroom/playroom, they learned to crawl up and down that very quickly.

and here is Gen with her vegemite smeared face, standing by the safety gate that closes off the kitchen.

this is their new favourite hiding place, under the dining table.

This is Genevieve wearing Daddy's hat.


  1. Oh my gosh, the twins under the table! So cute! Drape a blanket over it and make them a playhouse. Maybe they're too young for that now. My sister and I used to do that to a card table, put two chairs in front, call it our station wagon, and use a pot lid as a steering wheel, the round handle being the horn.

    1. Val; they are too young and they have have a whole sunroom/playroom anyway. I plan to buy them a small cubbyhouse for that area next Christmas.

  2. Baby shoes and boots are so sweet.

    1. jabblog; they are, I love buying baby things.

  3. Those wee girls must take your heart every time you leave them. They are so adventurous. Love the footwear! : That is a powerful message from Yoda.

    1. WWW; my heart is always with them and they certainly are adventurous crawling all over the house except the kitchen and laundry which are closed off with safety gates. That's my favourite Yoda quote.

  4. Those babies are so sweet! Love the Yoda hanging, and River your cooking reminds me of another Aussie I follow on YouTube, Greg's Kitchen.

    1. ApacheDug; thank you. I don't follow much on youtube, I'd be there far too long if I did. I'll have a look at Greg's Kitchen though.

  5. Lots and lots of beauty in today's post. Thank you. And of course the twins steal the show.

    1. PS: The leaves on that plant look like leucadendrons.

    2. EC; I'll google Leucadendrons and see if that's what they are. The twins do steal the show and my heart.

  6. When you mail me my brownies, pack them good. I don't want them to get all busted up. 😁

    1. Mike; sorry to disappoint, the brownies are all gone. I only made a small batch. When the kids were still home I had to make double batches!

  7. How do those diggers turn 360 degrees without something getting in a knot.
    The frosted leaves are very attractive. I hope you cutting will take.
    Vegemite girls will grow and be healthy, and a smear a day on their faces will ensure smooth and healthy skin.

    1. Andrew; only the cab turns on those diggers, the caterpillars stay in the same spot until the cab is facing the "go" direction again. I hope the frosted leaves cutting takes too, I'll put it in a wide pot because it is a spreader. The girls love their vegemite and have beautiful skin.

  8. Ahhh...the beautiful lovely Lady Lola...special cuddles to her from me.

    And the beautiful girls brighten up one's day. Take good care, River...I hope the coming week treats you well.

    1. Lee; Lola is avoiding cuddles lately but she'll come back when she's ready. You take care too.

  9. I like those windswept cloud patterns, and downward facing Lola.

    The brownies and pasts look delicious.

    Thank you for sharing the sights along your path, and those beautiful girls.

    1. messymimi; I found you in spam. The clouds were so pretty and completely gone by the time I got home. The brownies were very delicious, I make them with brown sugar so they are fudgy.

  10. Those shoes are sweet, bet you are pleased with them.
    The twins sure have grown, won't be long and they will be off to school seeing how times just flies so quickly.
    Those clouds are nice R. Take care.

    1. Margaret D; I hope the shoes fit, at least I know they won't be too small. They have grown so fast, both are walking now. Thank you.

  11. Nothing happier than a toddler with a vegemite smile.

    1. sparklingmerlot; welcome to drifting. That's so true and these girls smile a lot. A LOT! They are happy babies.

  12. Lola is so sweet. The brownies I´d skip, they look a bit like Tim Tams. Ravioli, yes, please!
    Hah, that moving thing! When Niece was to turn three I asked what she would like as Birthday pressie - "an ant".
    I got her a magnifier with a little box attached and explained she can catch an ant and have a real close look at it.
    And, I learned. Ants are such construction things! There was road work in front of their house. Duuuuhhh... The look she gave me...

    I gave up on my flowers. Nice to see yours. Yoda is right. Hehe, Vegemite, what else - true Aussies :-)
    Wow, the hat fits!
    To a great summer then. 17C here. I´m really sick of the weather here. Looking forward to your "winter"! :-)

    1. Iris; the brownies are like a dense cake, but soft and very sweet, definitley not for you.
      I knew about ants being very industrious, we learned in school I think. And from TV. Todays flowers are not from my yard, but there are plenty around at this time of year and the spring bulbs are all beginning to grow as well.
      All true Aussies eat vegemite. 16C here today, too cold for me.

    2. 17C here, "summer"... yes, I have some friends in Perth who are originally from Africa/South Africa and none of them likes Vegemite... Their children, who grew up there do...

    3. Iris; 16C here today and I have the heating turned on inside and wear a big jacket outside. I know a few true Australians who don't like vegemite, maybe they didn't have any when they were babies. It's packed with B vitamins that's why it is so good for you.

  13. Adorable babies, as always! That IS a beautiful sky, in the top photos. And I love your neighbor's footpath garden!

    1. Steve Reed; thank you, I will tell the babies. The skies here often look like that in our autumn and winter. The footpath garden is quite different from when I first moved here 12 years ago, things are more overgrown in there now.

  14. Loved all of your Sunday Selections today and especially Gen and Ana ;-)

  15. Wonderful clouds, enticing plants - I hav no idea what it is called - and adorable twins to finish it off. Thanks a lot!

    1. Charlotte; thank you. I found out that plant is one of the leucadendron family.

  16. Adorable photos. Love them all. Interesting post, thanks for sharing!

  17. Those Brownie look great.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  18. Dora; the brownies were delicious, thank you.

  19. Lovely photos, River. Your brownies look fantastic and I am now craving some. I also think Genevieve looks totally adorable in her dad's hat.

    1. Mr Shife; thank you. can you make your own brownies? I can't be sending any, I ate them all. Plus postage is way too high.


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