Sunday Selections # 646

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Does anyone remember the "save the planet, make your own..." craze a couple of decades ago? People all over the internet were knitting their own dishcloths! I thought, "geez, I can do that" so off I went to the local yarn store, 

and bought a couple of balls of knitting cotton

using both yarns together I knitted myself a dishcloth, 

far too pretty to be washing greasy plates and pots with of course, 

so now it is a mat on the small (hand painted by me) chest of drawers in my bedroom.

next we have a selection of lovely fences and gates in my neighbourhood, some may have been shown before:

gate 1

gate 2

I like the ripple effect on this fence, but it doesn't show so well in a photo

this fence is surrounding the park/playground a couple of blocks away

one side of the corner section, see the tap and garden tools?

and the other half of the corner section with a spade, a glove and the dripping end of the hose.

and here we are back at my favourite part of Adelaide, the boardwalk along the Marino coastline

I know, I know, you've seen it before, but I love it so much

but I still haven't got back down there for another walk

one day,

before I get too old.

hello, my name is Genevieve

and my name is Anastasia

we love watching The Teletubbies.


  1. The gates and fences are great - someone has imagination! I like your dishcloth - I'm not surprised you didn't want to use it.
    I never could understand the fascination of the Teletubbies, but then I'm not a toddler! I love that last photo.

    1. jabblog; I tried watching the Teletubbies but after a few minutes I got sleepy. They are very colourful and there's a smiling baby face in the clouds now and again and I think thta's what the girls like.
      I like pretty fences and gates. And my dishcloth too, I can't imagine using it for its intended purpose.

  2. That walk looks challenging, but so rewarding. I hope you can get back there soon.
    Love the fences and gates, and the twins are a lovely note to finish on.

    1. Elephant's Child; I really want to get back down there, but first there was covid, then the summers got too hot and winters too cold and several times the trains have been not running for whatever reason. The prettier fences and gates are on older homes, newer places have dull fencing mostly. The twins are getting used to their new home now, they have successfully learned to crawl up and down the four/five inch step from dining room to sunroom, but they have put off walking for now.

  3. Replies
    1. Jen Jilks; me too! I wish I had a fenced yard.

  4. They are all good gates and fences and so much nicer than view blocking high brick fences.
    The girls are continuing to thrive and grow.

    1. Andrew; I like the idea of view blocking fences, so people don't see in, but then we can't see out, so I would never have one. I do like nicely made wrought iron fences and gates. The girls are growing for sure, I can barely lift them.

  5. That boardwalk looks quite the challenge. Go for it.

    1. Joanne; it's quite a long way from home, a bus trip then a long rain ride, but I will make the effort again. Not during winter though.

  6. Take a picture of the dish cloth framed with no border. It will make a cool colorful picture.

    1. Mike; I don't think it would look good as a picture.

  7. Nice fences and gates along with those knitted dish cloths, I did some a few years back but crocheted mine.
    Those steps, long gone past me climbing them I'm afraid but looks like a great view.
    The twin as beautiful as always.

    1. Margaret D; I remember a lot of people did crochet their dishcloths but I don't know how to crochet. The view down at Marino is spectacular.

  8. I knitted pullovers. Even with horses. Now I have no idea how to do that anymore...
    Love the colors of your drawer and your cloth suites it much better than dirty dishes!
    The themed fences are really fun and oh, the view.
    The stairs sure are... many! I think I would take a little camping chair along!

    1. Iris; I used to knit baby clothes, but I am a slow knitter so didn't get many things done. The drawers were the second thing I ever painted, the first was a miniature set of drawers done in the same colours.
      Those stairs go for miles and miles, when I walked a section I only did about three kilometres, about two miles I think, back then the whole thing was seven kilometres long, now it is much longer. And there are seats in some parts where you can take a rest or even just stop walking and rest like I did.

  9. I love your tours and those gates are incredible. I am a life long knitter and find it soothing and meditative and your girlies are gorgeous.

    1. Wisewebwoman; I try to knit now and again, but it hurts my arthritic thumbs and after about ten rows I get headachy from my crossed vision, so I have give up on that idea. The girls are developing personalities now.

  10. Those are beautiful gates and i do like your home made "dishcloth." Yes, it works better where you have it.

    You can never show me the beauty of the area too many times.

    I also never tire of seeing those sweet babies.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I like the dishcloth mat just where it is too. I love those ocean views so much I wish I could live there, but it is an extremely expensive area and so far away from the family. The babies are my favourite thing to look at.

  11. I agree that your knitted dishcloth is too pretty for washing dishes! I like the fences. Your boardwalk makes me uneasy, since I don't like high places. Hope you get another walk on it, and new pictures that will also make me uneasy! The girls know how to pose for the camera.

    1. Val; the girls don't pose for me, they just try to grab my spectacles, I get the photos from their mum. I will get back down there to that boardwalk again and take more photos, just not in this wintry weather. I'm not afraid of heights.


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