Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Charlotte and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. flames 2. morning 3. trip 4. a brood of chickens 5. pancakes 6. better 


1. rainbow 2. news 3. garden 4. bread 5. small 6. pudding

also Charlotte's colour of the month which is golden yellow for July.

Here is my very, very short story: 

The morning news on the TV was still focused on the flames decimating the forests up north, so Tony turned it off and came into the kitchen to find out about breakfast. 

“What’s on the menu this morning love?” “Josie has requested pancakes,” I replied, “she says I make them better than anyone else, but we used up the eggs last night with the bread pudding, so you’ll have to take a trip down to the bottom garden and get some. Take Josie with you, she would love to see the new brood of chickens that hatched yesterday.” 

“Great idea,” said Tony, “where is she?”  “Getting dressed,” I said, “Why don’t you help with her boots.” 

Off he went and I soon heard him asking if she’d like Gramps to help with the boots. “We’ll go down to the henhouse and get Gramma the eggs she needs for the pancakes and maybe there will be new baby chickens to see.” 

“I’ll carry the small basket,” said Josie. “Will the baby chickens be golden yellow like the ducklings that hatched last week?” "I think they might be speckled like their mama," said Tony.

for the missing word (r a i n b o w) I bring you this:

I hope it plays 🌈🌈


  1. Hope this is good:

    Her brood of chickens were chasing around the garden in a cackling fury. It was 5 am morning and Martha groaned at the noise, opening the window to behold a mild fowl stampede, slamming her head into the glass. It could have gone better, but rainbow colors swirled around her head.

    The news was bad. The poor golden yellow chicklets chirped around as they were chased around by a small cat who was crazy on a good day. The obnoxious rooster, named Flame for no reason, chased it about until the cat was gone.

    Martha wandered to the kitchen to whip up some pancakes, along with some bread pudding. It needed a boat load of eggs, but Lord knew that she had a lot from yesterday.

    1. Susan Kane; it is good, perhaps you could post it at Charlotte's blog also as she is providing the prompts this month?

  2. Great story again! Sweet and clever.
    And ohhhhh I LOVE Kermit (Miss Piggy I could have missed, though, LOL). Nice song.

    1. Iris; thank you. I thought the song was a great way to use "rainbow". I love Kermit too.

  3. I like these small vignettes from a peaceful, happy life so much. Thanks for the wonderful use of the Words and my colour.

    1. Charlotte; and thank you, for providing these words.

  4. The excitement of new life for young children never fails.
    I liked the rainbow song - I've never heard it before.

    1. jabblog; I love watching young children seeing baby animals. You've never heard The Rainbow Connection??

  5. Makes me wish we still had chickens. The Pony's job was to collect the eggs. Every day was like an Easter egg hunt, since they were free-range chickens. He actually used an Easter basket for the task! And some of the chickens were Ameraucana, the kind that lay pastel blue eggs.

    1. Val; I've never kept chickens myself, but my mum did, mostly for raising to sell for Christmas dinners and it was never my job to collect the eggs. I did help with the feather plucking though. I've heard of the pastel blue eggs.

  6. This is a lovely scene, and i really do like Kermit, he's my favorite.

    1. messymimi; thank you, Kermit is a big favourite here too.


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