Sunday Selections #645

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

I'll show one more gnome repair, this one didn't go so well:

most of you remember the biker gnomes that sit on the TV cabinet? They look sturdy don't they?

I accidentally knocked one off a while ago and found out just how thin and fragile their shells are, like bone china.

these were some of the larger pieces I managed to save, smaller pieces just fell apart as I tried to pick them up. These are from her boot, the toe cap broke off in two larger pieces so were easy enough to glue back on.

This is what I used, a "contact" glue which is applied to both surfaces, allowed to dry to "tacky", almost dry, then the pieces are pressed together and this is also where some of them shattered.

I squeezed small amounts of the glue onto a saucer and used a toothpick to spread it on the broken edges.

there is the boot with the toecap back in place and the heel sections

I placed her upside down in a plastic jug while I worked and left her to dry overnight.

I'm very glad it was just her boot and not the whole gnome in a million pieces.

this is what she has now, a broken boot, thankfully on the side that can't be seen, you can see a couple of the glue lines

I should go over them with a black texta but I don't think I will.

I might colour over the front repair though.


Meanwhile, out on the porch,

my volunteer sunflowers are showing signs of flower buds

down in the garden the "black" aeoniums have opened to dinner plate size again, (they are much darker when they are small)

and the green ones have also opened right up, again, dinner plate size,

and one has a flower spike, I showed it a couple of weeks ago, but now the flowers are opening.

here is Lola lying in front of the bar heater to get warm but shielding her face.

and the twins: "Look at us, we have little pigtails now!"

They're growing up so fast...


  1. Just when your post couldn't get sweeter, you end up with the twins! :-)

    1. Jenn Jilks; I usually end with the twins on Sundays, but I don't get as many photos these days.

  2. Oh my gosh! The pigtails on the twins! They DO look grown-up with their new hairstyle.

    1. Val; it is surprising how much a hairstyle can change a face. They are still only 13 months old but the pigtails make them look closer to two.

  3. The twins are honorary Girlettes, Orphans...

    1. Linda Sue; that's a high compliment, thank you.

  4. The twins are indeed growing so fast. And growing cuter by the day (if that is possible).
    Your garden is considerably more advanced than my jungle.
    Sigh at your biker gnome, but you did an excellent job considering the degree of difficulty.

    1. Elephant's Child; the twins do grow cuter and I can't wait until they begin talking. I think my garden gets a bit more sunshine this time of year, Canberra is in a hollow I believe? The Biker Gnome only lost her boot, and I was able to fix half of it.

  5. Nice repair job considering what you had to work with. Maybe inject some foam into the foot so you could repair the open area.

    1. Mike; thank you. I'm leaving the open area as a warning to myself to be more careful.

  6. Lovely photos.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  7. Replies
    1. Joanne; the pigtails were a huge surprise, I had no idea their hair was long enough.

  8. I think the repair was excellent work, especially since some of it shattered.

    Your flowers are beautiful, but the babies eclipse them all.

    1. messymimi; thank you. I was disappointed to find the gnomes so fragile and thin-shelled. I've been much more careful around them since the breakage. The babies do eclipse pretty much everything else don't they?

  9. The gnome repair looks fine.
    Now I properly know what an aeonium is, and I do like the black ones.
    Ready, girls.

    1. Andrew; thank you. I thought you'd remember the aeoniums from last year and earlier this year. The girls aren't running just yet.

  10. Oh the twins and their pigtails do look cute, my how time flies.
    The gnome, gosh you did well to piece that together, you wouldn't know anything happened from a a bit of distance.
    Lola looks relaxed there too.

    1. Margaret D; it's amazing how a new hair style makes so much difference. The gnome only had her boot shattered, I couldn't have put all of her back together so easily. Lola is relaxed wherever she lies.

  11. I like your aeoniums - they look quite spectacular.
    I felt sorry for your gnome - isn't that daft?
    The little girls, no longer quite babies with their pigtails, (though of course, they are) are so sweet and look so very happy.

    1. jabblog; the aeoniums do look pretty good now they've bushed out, in the beginning there was space between each pot, now I can't even see the pots and have to guess when I'm watering. I felt sorry when I had to piece her boot back together as much as I could anyway. thank goodness it wasn't the whole gnome.
      The girls look so different with their pigtails, I can almost imagine them in school.

  12. I am impressed! You really should´ve beamed over in an emergency when Ingo knocked my beloved frog over.
    Just last week I threw all the small pieces away (but reckon Ingo did a job too proper and you maybe would´ve said no anyways...)
    Yay on the bike-girl!!!
    Which is also weird.
    I had some thoughts on my Brother and me.
    Mum presented him with 3 weeks on Route 66. He never went as he thought his English is not good enough.
    At age 9 he was in America on my name, though (story too long).

    Yay to your sunflowers!!! My poppies do nothing, sadly.

    LOL on Lola, how cute!
    Cute hairdos on the wee ones, too.
    Only 21C, but hoping for 25...

    1. Iris; i thought only the crown was broken on your frog. I could have fixed that. I think your brother should have taken that 3 weeks, he could have had a great time and improved his English at the same time. The twins do look cute with the pigtails.
      We have 16C here today, I would be happy with 21C.

    2. The crown has not a scratch... the hole body is a mess, sadly...
      Yes, he should´ve braved up back then. That´s over 20 years ago now.... time runs.

  13. I bought some glue to repair a pair of trainers and it is that glue that makes you high. I hate the smell of it and it made me quite light-headed. I might just throw it away and get some superglue which is much better (but knowing me I would glue my fingers together).




    1. Plasman; did you get the same glue used in shoe factories? it needs to be used outside or in a well ventilated room, but it does the job. Super glue doesn't work for sneakers, it isn't flexible when dry.

  14. Your patience is incredible, amaze me with all the things you do...with all your wonderful little artifacts etc.

    I love the twins' cute they are.

    Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola...take care...have a good week.

    1. Lee; I have incredible patience, but only with things I WANT to do. Lola is getting plenty of cuddles, every afternoon she squeezes in between me and my laptop for about 40 minutes.

  15. Beautiful twins. Amazing to see all other things you managed.

    1. Authors with Advice; thank you, welcome to drifting.

  16. Now, where did my comment go? Trying again. Biker gnomes, This must sure be some newfangled tribe. But the repair is good, and a reminder for care. I just love those twins!

    1. Charlotte; modern day gnomes come in all guises it seems. Your comment wasn't in spam so maybe blogger just tossed it out altogether. Bad Blogger. I love the twins too.

  17. I think you did a wonderful job on the repair. Nicely done. And the twins are so stinkin' cute!

    1. Mr. Shife; thank you. I'm no expert and know when something is beyond me, but I like to try when I think I can do a reasonable job. The twins are the cutest!

  18. River, wonderful job on the biker gnomes! I need to visit your blog more, you have some good stuff here. 🙂

    1. ApacheDug; welcome to drifting and thank you. I only post a couple of times a week now unless I find something important to share.


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