So I went to the doctor today, Wednesday,

 not because I am unwell, but I needed to hear the results of my recent blood test and bone scan.

You'll all be happy to know that I am in fine health. 

The blood test showed I am NOT diabetic Yay! my iron levels are excellent, D levels are excellent, kidney function is excellent. 

The urine test did show a bit too much sugar, but I expected that, I still consume far too much and have to try harder at cutting back.  It's easier to cut back in summer, there's less need for warming desserts and hot chocolate drinks. Also, I confess to a recent chocolate binge, I have neighbours who buy me chocolates when I help them out and of course I eat them. 

The bone scan is the one I am most happy about. There is no sign of any thinning or loss at all. No loss in height either. 

The doctor said whatever I've been doing, keep on doing it. I floated out of there on cloud nine. 



  1. That is wonderful news Elsie! No wonder you are bouncing along. Tell your grateful neighbours not to buy you chocolates in future but to give you rice cakes and dried fruit instead.

    1. Torkshire Pudding; Rice cakes are awful! but I will ask them not to buy chocolates anymore.

  2. Congratulations! It's so encouraging to be told that you are officially in fine good health. Keep doing whatever you're doing - it's working!

    1. jabblog; I knew I was well but it's nice to have it officially confirmed.

  3. Always nice to hear the doctor say 'Keep doing what you're doing!'

  4. Don't have sugar or sugar products in the house. Easy 😂

    1. hels; not so easy for one who was raised on sweet things, but I will definitely cut back and try harder.

  5. I will see my doctor on Friday and wishing for the same results. So happy for you!

    1. Granny Annie; I will cross my fingers for you.

  6. That's great news! Give yourself a little reward that is not chocolate!

    1. Val; what would such a reward look like? Maybe a banana in my yoghurt.

  7. Replies
    1. joeh; always. My goal of reaching 100 years seems attainable now.

  8. My wife just had a bone density test and she has osteopenia. That's half ass osteoporosis. So she gets another pill added to her collection.

    1. Mike; oh no, that's harsh. I hope the pills help.

  9. Replies
    1. Jenn Jilks; a big relief to have it confirmed.

  10. BIG YIPPEE to that!
    M colleague/friend K said doctors here in Germany get money for telling you you have too much sugar and might get diabetic (she is a bit chubby, but also very sportive!).
    Ingo was forced into a diabetes-program he soon quit. Dunno, he´s 1,83m tall and weighs ... under 80kg.
    Due to his nearly missing pancreas they put him in. He had to report on a regular basis (money coming in!).
    So... maybe just enjoy hot chocolate in the cold times!
    Bones, same here last time :-)
    I knock on wood for both of us, ack, for everybody!

    1. Iris; that seems so wrong to force Ingo into that program, though such low weight and a nearly missing pancreas would be cause for concern. How did that happen? It is true that if you have too much sugar you might get diabetic, especially if you are not active and just sit all day as I have been doing. I need to wait for pollen season to finish before I can go out walking again.

    2. Ingo´s Mum and his Dad´s Mum had pancreas problems, it runs in the family from both sides. I sadly had no idea. After a longer period of extreme stress (Ingo lost his apartment due to flooding etc etc) he bought a whole smoked eel and ate it up in three days. On Easter Monday on top we had one glass of sparkling wine to celebrate the stress is over. And kaboom. Bad hospital treating him wrong and that was about that.
      My big Niece - sportive and all - got diabetes I at age.... 8, I think. I think diabetes II is when you are very overweight, but actually I have no idea.
      The body is a tricky thing...
      A couple of years ago a young man in his 30s, very sporty, no alcohol etc... heart attack, boom, gone. How, why? No one knew.
      Every day is a pressie, I´d say....

  11. Replies
    1. Andrew; it really is, I'm still smiling about it.

  12. Awesome news that most of your results are good.

  13. Replies
    1. Joanne; thank you and I hope your bones cotinue to improve with your treatments


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