Sunday Selections # 656

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Taken throught the winscreen as we drove into Port Pirie where the streets are very wide and on the right in the distance you can see the silos.

we dropped in to see brother's old mate S and snack platters were served by mate's wife V, these little crackers were so very yummy.

Back in the gardens around here now:

a new solar light in the hen and chickens of a neighbour in another building

this cheeky gentleman frog on a porch near the solar light

a mushroom fairy in a pot of her own.

a cherub plays a violin

neat little arrangement

my camera wasn't tilted, the pedestal is and the tray on top holds a pot slightly off-centre to balance it all.

I like this twisted vines base

for this birdbath which holds a pretty head planted with greenery

another broken base repurposed to hold a different pot atop it.

the volunteer sunflower by my porch with folded petals

now half open but looking a bit wonky

thought you all might like to see my new shower curtain

nice and bright

what do you think? 

I love it. 

here are the girls looking quite different with their hair not tied up, Gen was having a quiet day wanting to be held and cuddled, Ana was buzzing all over the place. 


  1. Love the shower curtain! Just in time for Dia de los Muertos. My sunflowers also looked wonky when they first opened, but then they straightened out in a couple of days.

    1. Steve Reed; It's a great curtain isn't it! The sunflower is still a bit wonky.

  2. Mushroom fairy in a pot, and birdbath holding a head. Two things I never imagined seeing. I like your shower curtain, which looks cheerful despite the Day of the Dead theme. The girls are looking steady on their feet. So much exploration in their future.

    1. Val; there's a lot around here that I never thought I'd see and now I see broken garden things in a different light. I really like sugar skulls and when "no-one" showed me this design I just had to have it. The girls are very steady on their feet, Ana is almost running these days, good balance runs in the family.

  3. People have such interesting things in their gardens and porches.
    Your shower curtain is very colourful - Day of the Dead is rather a cheerful occasion, I think.
    The twins look older with their hair down, I think, but then, so do I and I can't get away with it like they can!

    1. jabblog; I thought that straight away when I saw the girls. Where have the babies gone? They are definitely toddlers now. I'm very happy with my shower curtain. There are some porches I haven't photographed in a while and there are new people living in the flats so maybe more nice things will appear.

  4. Love all the garden art, and your sunflower is a beauty. It would be hard not to be cheered and invigorated by that shower curtain. And of course the twins are charmers.

    1. Elephant's Vhild; I look at my own garden now and wonder what I can put in there to liven it up a bit. I was wary for so long after things were stolen but it seems to have been just that one time. the shower curtain really cheers up the bathroom. The twins are growing up too fast, they talk to each other in babbling baby talk.

  5. You might expect twins to share activities and moods, but of course they are independent, gorgeous individuals.

    1. hels; they do share a lot of things, but Gen was having a quiet day with new teeth coming through and I'm told she was back to normal on the Friday. They do have different likes and dislikes.

  6. That certainly is a colourful shower curtain....Halloween all year long! :)

    The gardens around your place are filled with so many fun, interesting bits and pieces.

    Have a good week cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I like my bathroom a whole lot more now and think I will look out for more colourful things to go in there, thought there isn't a lot of room. I like the gardens around here, they are much nicer than the highrise style of flats where people are crammed in like sardines with no yard space at all.
      Lady Lola is being very well behaved lately, I hope she isn't plotting mischief.

  7. I like your new shower curtain but I could never had bought it for myself.
    I've used that excuse about my photos than weren't straight. Just sayin'
    The grass in the centre of the road is nice and green. I guess it gets watered.

    1. Andrew; why not treat yourself to colourful things if you want? Unless you share a bathroom and R would object? That photo IS straight and the decoration is tilted. The grass was nice and green after the winter rains but it will dry and brown over the summer unless the council keeps up a watering system. That road is the main entrance to Port Pirie.

  8. "The volunteer sunflower by my porch with folded petals" looks like something from a Sci-Fi movie waiting to gobble something up.

    1. Mike; a refugee from The Little Shop of Horrors perhaps? I'll have to keep an eye on it.

  9. That's a loud and cheerful shower curtain. I quite liked your lights and flowers pictures.

    1. Joanne; It is loud and cheerful, just the way I like it. I'm in a rental so can't paint my walls and this is a good way to get some colour.

  10. Mr. Frog does look cheeky, the shower curtain most festive, the various pots look like they're being put to excellent use, especially the fun leaning ones and those girls are just precious all the way around.

    1. messymimi; I love Mr Frog, he has been there quite some time, several years, which makes me hopeful of putting more things back into my own garden. All the repurposed pots and pedestals make me see possibilities where once I wouldn't have. The girls are adorable aren't they!

  11. Certainly a colourful shower curtain. Love the birdbath with the twist, it's different.

    1. Margaret D; thank you, I like colourful things.

  12. To have palm trees just like that, awwww... And the crackers sound delicious!!! (I haven´t had brekkie yet).
    Beautiful plants, too. And the froggy :-)
    Our cherub says hi!
    Great things get a new purpose when broken (hi from my beloved frog).
    Just yesterday I took pics of the likely last sunflowers - funny ours go and yours come - maybe it´s a sign Ukraine will stay strong!
    Oh. Not that shower-curtain for me! The Taco-Guys had this as logo, I´d get hungry each and every time! They really closed down for good...
    Interesting the twins are so different in character.
    Have a nice rest-Sunday :-)

    1. Iris; those palm trees are in Port Pirie, but there are some in Adelaide too. sunflowers follow the seasons, we are in Spring heading towards summer, while you are the opposite.
      The twins are sometimes different sometimes not.

    2. I "found" a new colleague, she has 12-year old twins. She said when they were very little they sometimes changed characters! (Boy and girl so no mistakes happened) - Mother nature is awesome and mysterious!

  13. I'm sure the Owlets would appreciate your shower curtain. I like it too, but less that the wonly sunflower.

    1. Charlotte; not everyone would like my shower curtain, but differences are what makes the world go round, right?

  14. That was quite a selection: Port Pirie to gardener's gems, to grandchildren and deathly showercurtains! (https://tentativelytasmanianblog)

    1. MedicatedMoo; I'm glad you liked it. Maybe you could join the meme occasionally.


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