Sunday Selections #660

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look. Wisewebwoman had also been joining us recently.

We'll begin today with an image of a partly eaten "Cherry Ripe" an Australian treat made of coconut and cherries, coated in a thin layer of dark chocolate.

See that dark bit in the centre on the right? Actual piece of real cherry. They don't put in as many real cherry pieces as they used to and the chocolate was better quality years ago too, but back then it was made by MacRobertson's and now it is made by Cadbury. I bought this on my way home from>>

the beach where I took myself to breathe some salty air and feel the wind, it's tilted because I don't take good photos with my phone, that section in the distance is Largs Bay,

I was on the Semaphore Jetty, and here is one of the many clumps of seaweed washed up onto the sand. I think the water is still too cold for swimming, but there were plenty of people braver than me getting good and wet. The jetty was fairly crowded with fishermen hauling in nets and tossing them back into a different spot hoping for crabs.

Between the train and the beach I saw this beautiful bouganvillea.

Back in my own suburb now here are some roses I have shown you before, they are aging now,

and are mostly faded to white with a pretty 'pencil line' of crimson edging. 

from the twins house, S sent me this picture of a cubby house made from packing boxes

with the girls having fun in it, so I sent her this>>

the twins daddy J, also having fun crawling through packing boxes after we had just moved  to Melbourne in 1981.

here they are getting up to more mischief after pulling all the books off the shelf, I think Ana might climb Mt Everest one day

climbing all over the couch with their hair looking almost blonde in the sunlight from the windows

posing nicely on the couch with their hair freshly put up into pigtails

and this is what happens when the pigtails get undone

"electric shock" hair 😀


  1. Boxes are great fun for children. I love the 'shock' hair :-))

    1. jabblog; I remember alying out the boxes in a long "snake" and J crawling through them until one day it rained and they were mush after that. I'm glad the girls play inside with their "cubby". I love the "shock" hair too.

  2. The look on their faces with the pigtails says: WHY? And back to their regular cheery active selves once they've let their hair down (up?) with the pigtails removed.

    1. Val; I think you got that right with the WHY?

  3. A box house! They are breaking them in correctly.

    1. Mike; I hope they don't eventually have to live in "Box City" I'll do my best to make sure none of my family is ever homeless.

  4. It is way too long since I have seen/smelt/heard the sea.
    Home made toys are the best aren't they? The twins are growing up soooo fast. And super cute.

    1. Elephant's Child; I always found home made stuff the best, there is less stress when something gets broken at least. They are growing up too fast. I'll be going to the beach more often now the weather is warming.

  5. I love Cherry Ripes...always have...and I always have a supply of them in my fridge.

    It's ages since I've been beside the sea, too.

    The twins love life, and I love seeing pics of them enjoying it so! :)

    I hope the week ahead treats you well, River. Take good care. My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola.

    1. Lee; I try not to keep cherry ripes in the fridge too often, I'm supposed to be cutting down on my sugar consumption. The twins do love life, unless they have a cold. Lola enjoys all her cuddles and hasn't scratched me in almost a year.

  6. I didn't know there are real cherries in a Cherry Ripe. All the more reason to eat them.
    Our roses usually peak for the Melbourne Cup, over a week away yet.
    How wonderful that you have that old photo of the girls' dad in a box. Cats and kids love boxes.
    That certainly is shock hair.

    1. Andrew; far fewer cherries than in the past when a full sized cherry ripe had cherry halves not the tiny cherry bits we get now. Melbourne is colder and wetter than Adelaide usually, but that's good for the roses to be ready for Melbourne Cup time. I have many old photos of my kids, I scanned them all in years ago until the scanner broke down. I love the shock hair. None of my cats have ever loved boxes, but kids did and still do.

  7. I don't know why kids love play in boxes.
    Coffee is on.

    1. Dora; because a box can be anything you want it to be with a little imagination. A car, a boat, a cave, a cubby house, anything.

  8. My cat should love boxes like those girls do!

    1. Joanne; I'm pleased to hear of another cat who doesn't like boxes. Lola doesn't and Angel never did either. None of my childhood cats liked boxes either. I'm pleased the girls have fun with the packing boxes.

  9. Many candies are not made as well now and the ones which are get so expensive they are a luxury treat.

    I'm glad you went to the beach and showed us the flowers that cheer up the area where you live.

    Those babies can always make me smile, no matter what.

  10. messymimi; I remember better candies from years ago, these days they use cheaper ingredients and make them smaller, their focus is on company profits. I'm glad I went to the beach too and plan on going more often now the weather is warming up.
    The twins always make me smile too. I have a couple of new little videos that I can't stop watching.

  11. LOL, River, I sure can imagine how that treat tastes!
    A (sadly former) Perth friend presented us with dark and white Tim-Tams. Sugar overload! And friend Mark got us the cherry-version...
    1999 for Ingo´s Birthday I bought a diet-cake in hopes it will not... it was as sweet!
    At the Innotrans in Berlin was a team from Sydney, I said to Ingo, oh, look, Tim Tams. Had a hard time to convince them I really, really do not want one!
    It´s like Vegemite, grow up with it or you won´t like it!

    Awww, the ocean!
    Yes, I am chicken with cold water, too! As kid I didn´t mind...
    The roses are pretty in age (hope we will be, too ;-)...)

    Bet the house is a winner! Awww, and the Daddy :-)
    Aaaand the trouble is there, LOL - fun hair, too! Enjoy while it lasts...
    Thank you, too, for the Giants-Link!

    1. Iris; I knew you would like to see The Giants again. I don't like TimTams either, far too sweet even for me who likes sweet things. As a kid I was in and out of the water at the beach all the time even in the summer rain, but not winter. The girls love their cubby house.

    2. Yes, I hope you get to see The Giants for real, too, sometime! It is special.
      Crazy, kinda, is it? As kids we were but skin and bones and the cold did not harm us. Now... one would think... aw, well, forget it ;-)

  12. That bougainvillea is amazing! Love the old photo from 1981 -- the more things change, the more they stay the same, right? And that "shock hair" is hilarious!

    1. Steve Reed; the hair is hilarious isn't it? I love bouganvillea, but prefer the stronger colours over the pale shades. I tried to grow one once but I chose a variety that grew vicious thorns and had to rip it out .

    2. The bougainvillea are truly spectacular, but I would not let any excited twins near the flowers. Not in you like the bush intact :)

    3. hels; I was on my own when I went to the beach which is where I saw the bouganvillea and the bush is trimmed quite high so the twins couldn't reach it anyway. I won't be taking them to the beach until they are older.

  13. The twins look like they are having such a fun time with the boxes, River. When my kids were around that age, the boxes were always more fun than whatever was in it.

    1. Mr. Shife; boxes are always the best playthings, especially very large ones.

  14. Boxes are the best toyus ever. Thanks for these cute photos, and thanks for reminding me that sprng is around somewhere.


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