Sunday Selections # 658

Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

While in the city recently I noticed a few Christmassy things in Rundle Mall

it seems they are advertising the upcoming Christmas Pageant

this has never been done before (love that suit!), usually people know the pageant is coming soon  and Christmas decorations are put up in the Mall and other places after the Pageant day. 

there was a twirling Christmas Tree and a little band of singers dressed appropriately singing carols.
There was also a police band marchig along playing Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer and I videoed that but my computer tells me the file is too large to put here. Phooey!

Moving on...

waiting for a bus on a different day I noticed the pretty clouds

were moving along quite fast

though there was very little breeze at ground level

the driveway across from the bus stop is nicely planted

a t-shirt as a hat?

why not?

a disposable nappy (diaper) looks like an old-timey bonnet

here is me talking to Ana while holding Gen

and Genevieve playing hide and seek in a cabinet where the doors don't have locks so she was perfectly safe.


  1. I like the twirling Christmas tree and would have loved to see the police band.
    The twins look like you and I do like their different 'hats'.

    1. jabblog; I only videoed just over a minute on the police band, then people started walking in front of me to get their own photos, same with the twirling Christmas tree, only a few seconds before others walked in front of me. I see the resemblance in the twins to my own children as babies and they have their mother's chin. I think it's fun when they start trying to put on their own clothes.

  2. It's TOO SOON for Christmas decorations!

    1. Kathy G; yes it is and some stores here have easter items right next to halloween items.

  3. Christmas already! I haven't been anywhere but grocery stores, so I don't know if it's started here or not. Maybe the day after Halloween. The girls might start a new fashion trend for head coverings!

    1. Val; Christmas decprations haven't gone up yet as far as I know, what I saw was a taste of things to come, they were advertising the pageant which happens in November and I don't know why they need to. The whole of South Australia knows about it, it's a very long tradition. The girls aren't starting any trends, I've seen tshirts worn like that on beaches on hot days when the wearers forgot to bring hats. Usually young boys.

  4. I've always wondered why you can't post rude or vulgar pictures for Sunday Selections. (A Christmas suit in October IS a little rude, in my opinion!) But anyway, those are some nice clouds. :)

    1. Steve Reed; because this is a family friendly meme, no vulgarity for small kids to accidentally see. The Christmas suit was just part of the spruiking of the pageant. It won't be worn again until the pageant day I guess, or I hope.

    2. Well, yes, that makes sense. I was half joking -- not one to post anything too rude myself. :)

  5. Christmas Decorations have been up in our malls for quite a while now. Sigh. Love those clouds. Cute as the twins are (and they are very, very cute) they look like quite an armful now. I suspect you would struggle to hold them for very long.

    1. Elephant's Child; I don't recall seeing any decorations other then what was in the Mall that day, perhaps there are some now, but I don't go to the city often. Most stores wait until after the pageant in November. The clouds were very lovely to watch and I almost missed the bus. The twins are each about 12kg now and I can't hold them unless I am sitting down and then only one at a time. They spend most of their time just free-ranging throughout the areas that aren't closed off to them and only ask for cuddles when they get tired or if they bump their head or something. They are very much like my own children were, easy-going, good eaters and good sleepers.

  6. Replies
    1. Dora; hiding is good fun especially when your twin finds you and there are many giggles.

  7. A fun array of pics. A few days ago I pulled the car over on my drive home from the supermarket, just so I could look at some clouds for a while. They were quite outstanding.

    I hope you have a good week ahead, River...take cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; clouds are peaceful, you can just watch and they don't demand anything from you so you get a calming experience.

  8. Replies
    1. Jenn Jilks; yes they are and I don't see these two as often as I used to. But that just makes each visit sweeter.

  9. Nice clouds. It was really windy here today also.

    1. Mike; thank you, it was quite windy way up where they were but very still at ground level. that day.

  10. Those little girls are not so little any more.

    1. Joanne; no they are not, fast leaving the "baby" behind and being true toddlers.

  11. The twins have grown and looking lovely.
    That christmas tree is good to see going around and around...won't be long and it will be Christmas Day. Lovely selection of photos.

  12. Margaret D; thank you. The twins will be 18 months by Christmas, old enough to enjoy seeing a tree, but young enough to want to play with it. They're planning to set it up insde the old playpen like I used to do.

  13. Oh, boy, Christmas stuff already - don´t we wait for Halloween first? Not that it really is a hit in Germany...
    I am an "old-fashioned... you-know-what"! ;-)
    Interesting the clouds travel so fast when the ground is still.
    Nice to see you :-) And they sure got your eyes. Genes are wonderful, don´t you think?
    Have a happy Sunday. Only 8C here, so ... nice to see all the summer clothes!

    1. Iris; I am a little old-fashioned too, let the Christmas things appear closer to Christmas. Parents who need longer to pay for things can still buy early on the "lay-by" system, they don't need Christmas decorations in stores for that. Halloween is not a big thing here either, though some people do put up a few decorations on their houses and fences. Genes are a wonderful thing, the girls have my eye shape but not my colour, my eyes are light brown. The girls have grey. At first we thought they would be blue like their dad, their mum has black eyes, so they have grey.

  14. Replies
    1. Susan Kane; there are two of them, identical twins, Genevieve and Anastasia.

  15. It's nice to be planning for Christmas, so cheery. Not that I'm ready to celebrate quite yet, we still have a couple of fun days which need their own attention first.

    The clouds are beautiful and so is the neighbor's flowery driveway.

    Those girls always make me so happy when I see them!

    1. messymimi; planning for Christmas used to be fun when my kids were little, now I just give gift cards so the adult recipients can choose their own gifts and they keep the cards until the after Christmas sales so they get more for their money that way. For the babies I will still buy actual gifts that can be placed under the tree and unwrapped.


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